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Shirtless Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:32 pm
Hi there.
I'm Suelita_M, you can call me Sue if you'd like.
It's been a few years since I rped and I recently came back to gaia. I guess now would be a good time to introduce myself a little.
Please quote me here or pm me if you're interested.

I'm female and I've been rping since I was eleven. I like reading fantasy novels, mostly DnD, and occasionally I'll also read manga. I like listening to music, mostly rock and roll with some random stuff thrown in and some Weird Al sprinkled on top. In my free time I like to cook, bake, go on long walks or watch crime dramas. Or Supernatural (Dean, Castiel and Sam. Those three are just gorgeous, yeah? <3 ). Also I'm a sucker for pretty much anything with a Holiday theme to it. Atrociously festive Santa socks? You'll find them with the others in my sock drawer. Skull and crossbones cardigan? With the others hanging in my closet. I don't draw much anymore but sometimes I'll sketch my characters or the character(s) of my rp partner(s). I sew stuffed toys/dolls and I knit things like scarves, sweaters and more stuffed toys.

My last rp was a onexone and lasted a little over seven years. I wrote for nineteen characters, usually about seven at a time, each individually interacting with one or more of my partner's characters per post. I wrote for male characters as well as female characters and am comfortable writing for either. There were several romantic pairings, many friendships and plenty of angst. My villains were plenty petty and violent and any new ones will probably be something like that too. Between work, school and my dwindling social life I can be slow to post. I don't mind once monthly posts from my partner or long periods of time between posts either. I post at least once a week and I take my time double checking and adding to each post I write to make it as interesting to read and appealing as I can. I'm hoping to find an rp partner who is willing to do the same.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:45 pm
Here are my do's and don'ts.
With anything I prefer to have some romantic interest thrown in there somewhere but I'm uncomfortable with it being the sole focus of our rp. I like combining themes, these are just my basics. Feel free to make suggestions as what's listed below is all that I know.

- Historical (I've never really done this, but I'm willing to try something new if you can be patient with me.)
- Medieval Fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons, basic forest rps...)
- Horror (A dark DnD-like setting can be used for this, I've always wanted to try something set in Ravenloft.)
- Post-Apocalypse (Zombies or no zombies, surviving after the world as we know it has ended...)
- Sci/Fi (Futuristic, modern, human experimentation or people born with powers.)
- Fantasy/Supernatural (Anything using fictional creatures like vampires, werewolves, elves, orcs, ghosts, demons, angels and so on...)

- Yaoi or Yuri (Sorry, I prefer heterosexual pairings.)
- Twilight (Again, I'm sorry. I'm just not a fan.)
- Canon


Shirtless Bloodsucker


Shirtless Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:53 pm
Read as much or as little as you'd like. This's just to give you a basic idea of what my posts will be like.
- Faerun-like setting.
- Two of my OCs. Vercheil; moody, nomadic, surface-dwelling drow. Birkita; human-draconic hybrid who makes a living competing in fight-based competitions.

User ImageThe fingers of her left hand twitched over the leather hilt of her left scimitar. A voice of reason spoke to her, telling her to have a little feeling for him. As craven as he was, she knew that he had also faced much loss in short time. This had kept him tired, soft and even weaker than what was warned during the majority of the time they had known each other. If she could not bring herself to see past his many faults now she could not help him. If she did not help him she would be willingly betraying the trust of one of the few worthy people which she could truly count as a true friend and ally. She held back her immediately growing contempt for the moody vampire with this in mind. Although this is what she had decided to do, her white-lavender eyes still looked over his expression with swift and unhidden disgust from beneath the concealment of her dark hood.

User ImageHis thoughts and feelings were unpleasantly transparent. When they had first met she found this quality to be likeable, as it was her first time experiencing such a person, it was now nothing more than a liability. She could see how conflicted and afraid he was. She could see how her suggestion had upset him. She watched and then became depressed herself as he did not come to a decision. An agitated sigh began to form in her breath after he began to turn away, but she held it back before it could be fully released. She let her eyelids droop until she could only see a sliver of the world infront of her through her thick white lashes. Being near you is making me weak, She thought to herself, frustrated with her situation despite her promised loyalty to this lost young human-turned-vampire. Strength, She repeated the word to herself as she had so many times before.

User ImageSaying or thinking it had never failed to give her the strength which she needed to rise above a challenge. Then came his request. Her eyes shot open part way and the fingers of both of her hands reached for her faithful blades. Instead of the strength and calmness she longed for her tension had been doubled. For the first time in years it took the use of all of her self-control to prevent herself from behaving rashly. As he continued to walk away she stayed in place for a while, needing a few seconds to cool down before she would be able to think clearly again. His continued uselessness and the ease with which he was now giving her orders did nothing to ease any of the burden that was him off her blades.

User ImageAfter around twenty seconds or so spent standing in silence she had calmed herself down sufficiently. Vercheil turned and ran in order to catch up with him. She knew how to get to the mansion’s massive library. She considered staying quiet, but decided that it would be less trouble to let him know. “The library is in the structure to the left and is on the side of the home where our beds are located.” She said this stoically and then started walking towards it. It took them nearly forty minutes and the two were left to walk through empty rooms and hallways in the dark until they had finally reached their destination. The library doors were large, made of very heavy wood and reached up to the ceiling. She had been unable to open them earlier without the use of her shadow summons and it was because of this that she left one of them open enough to enter through.

User ImageShe waited for Rikkan to enter the library ahead of her, not wanting to give the often emaciated vampire a chance to access her neck. She followed him at a distance, shifting her focus away from him only after she had found a side table along the wall. The moonlight that came in through the two large windows in the room allowed a little peek at the impressive space. To say that the library was large would be an understatement. Almost every inch of the walls in the room were covered with shelves which held hundreds of books. There were a few slender columns of stone with simple designs, five paintings of various subject and size, a number of comfy looking chairs, several modest tables, an innumerable amount of glass lanterns with stubby candlesticks, three animal skin rugs and two small fireplaces at either end of the massive room. The floor and walls made with cold, grey stone. Books were difficult enough to acquire and so the number of books in the room alone spoke of the great wealth available to this clan of vampires.

User ImageVercheil found some matches in one of the drawers and began by lighting the candles closest to her. After ending the flame of the first match, she started towards one of the fire places with the box of matches in hand. Her hood moved with her head as she took a moment took look around. She was sure that he would do the same so she tried to remain as unconcerned about him as she could. “There are more books than we can search in one night.” She commented this dryly. Reading was something she did occasionally, but mostly books written in drow. She was not too capable when it came to reading the written form of the common language. It didn’t take any time for her to decide that this was something Dasuke did not need to know about her. “We have much to do.” The drow reached with her free hand to check that her hood was drawn as low it could be.

User ImageAfter lighting the leftmost fireplace, she started to light other candles within the room. As she traveled around the room she moved with a natural grace common in elves. The heels of her dark boots clicked against the cold stone and a little plume of warm air could be seen coming from her hood when she exhaled. The room was cold, almost more so than the outside which was peculiar considering this climate this home was built in. It had taken a long time to remove all of the mirrors and as it was now very late in the morning the outside temperature had dropped considerably. Unless asked a question, Vercheil would continue to light most of the candles which she could reach as well as the other fireplace.


User ImageBirkita forced her facial muscles to relax as she watched him drink the potion. She didn’t realize it but with this behavior she was attempting to soothe away his worries the same way she would with her precious Danish. She waited for him to take in as much of the expensive potion as possible before she took it away. Then she closed her eyes for a moment in order to organize her thoughts. In the woods she had enacted very old magic. It was what she knew she was able to do to keep him alive while the first potion healed his body. Thirteen and four hundred years earlier was when she had been taught it. The form she had used was a much weaker version of the original spell; which required power that was far above the capabilities of any mortal. Like the original it established a connection, although much weaker, between the enactor and the receiver of the spell. The original had the power to blend the souls of both, allow full control to the caster and then separate them again.

User ImageThere was more to the original spell and she had it written down somewhere, but this was what she could remember of it. The one she had used was much weaker, but still strong enough to be useful. It could connect the souls of both enactor and receiver. It created a connection that was strong enough on its own and in addition allowed the caster to take or give energy. It required a large amount of her concentration to maintain the connection. Her abilities with magic were not weak despite her focus being more to the physical. But, it had been a long time since she had first learned and since she had last used any magic. She had unintentionally lost control of it for a split second and as a result had opened herself too much. So she had come close to losing that connection, the only thing she was certain was keeping this human alive.

User ImageHer eyes opened, unhindered by the intensity of the potion she’d taken however red the whites of her eyes remained. The potion she had used to strengthen her concentration was working. She could both feel and see that the second healing potion she had given him was working. The more his strength returned to him, the likelier it would be that he would become aware of what was happening to him. She placed one gloved hand over his forehead and looked tiredly down at him for a quick moment. Then she began to move. With surprising speed and swiftness, her gloved hands worked over his body. His deepest injuries extended from his should blades over his shoulders and to his collar bone. She had taken care of them in the woods before moving him. Otherwise she had only treated a few of his numerous injuries. Of those the one which bothered her the most was the hole through which an arrow had pierced his shoulder completely.

User ImageShe didn’t take any more time to examine it, as she had already done so earlier before moving him. Instead she began to clean it as she had the others. She knew it would hurt him and she knew that she would be able to feel it to. But she didn’t hesitate in ducking her head low over the arrow wound through his shoulder. She began to drool heavily, as she had earlier. She looped one of her arms behind his torso to keep him still and positioned the other infront of him. She licked one side of his open wound and then the other. She mentally checked it off as she could feel a little of the sting he felt as a result. She continued to move over his bare arms, disinfecting the wounds. She pulled away after she was finished and retrieved from another pocket a small cloth and a square black container, decorated to the rim with small gems and gold. Opening it revealed that it contained a very thick red paste-like substance.

User ImageWith as much gentility as she had handled Talon with before, she plunged the little cloth into the foreign substance and then proceeded to rub it against the wounds on his arms. The mixture would feel cool wherever it touched on his skin or in his open wounds and seconds later the areas would start to feel a little numb. Then she gathered more and started to stuff the ointment into his arrow wound. She could feel some of the pain it caused him, but she didn’t stop until she’d gotten as much of the stuff inside as she could. Thurirl zexenuma.” She grumbled to him, uncomfortable with the sensation which she could feel through their connection. She meant the words and her voice to be soothing. But, she wasn’t aware that she had spoken in dragonic to him. Depending on how quickly he was healing he may be able to feel the emotion behind her words through their connection even if he didn’t understand the language.

User ImageShe wrapped the wound as she had the others and then turned her attention towards his legs. Birkita saved him the embarrassment of having the cuts on his legs licked, though it wouldn’t have bothered her. She had her reasons for saving him and she had already done so much. She licked her own wounds whenever she had cuts and so it also wasn’t something that she considered to be humiliating. Still, she understood and so instead used a different cloth to apply her sanitizing saliva. As she had before, she applied the thick red ointment and then finished with wrapping up the wounds. She stood by the side of the table, knowing that she had taken care of everything and all he needed now was time to rest. The connection stayed, she knew that the wounds on his back were still too deep. Her metallic bronze colored irises returned to his face and she closed her eyes slowly. She motioned her head upwards a little, almost like a nudge and another of her soothing sounds announced from deep within her chest. Her eyes opened immediately and very slowly after the affectionate gesture.

User ImageShe was tired and it showed in an unnatural way. There were bags under her eyes and her posture which had been so strong before was slumped. Her eyes started to close again and Birkita realized that something was wrong. She began to reorganize her thoughts again. She knew that she must keep the connection strong. The potion she had taken before was wearing off. She placed one of her gloved hands against the edge of the table and straightened her back. Then suddenly she felt a sharp pain ignite in her back. A sharp shrieking sound erupted from her mouth and she sharply curved into herself. The shriek was an awkwardly high pitch for someone with a deep voice like hers and it sounded both pained and startled. She curled so recklessly that she nearly hit her head on the edge of the table. Her concentration waned in that moment and she nearly lost it. Her pupils dilated, losing focus and for a few quick seconds her mind was racing to find the cause. It had been over a century since she had ever been injured like this. Then she realized what had happened. Their connection went from being nearly broken to full strength again.

User ImageShe didn’t understand the how and her great grandfather certainly never revealed the possibility. The spell had transferred—been transferring the damage from his body into hers instead. Her hands released the edge of the table and she straightened her posture again. If she focused she’d be able to feel as a little more of the damage done to his back, the wounds that had nearly ended his life, was transferred to her. It was internal so far, the reason for this she didn’t know. But this was a much faster way to heal him. Her eyes regained their focus and she smoothly angled her face down so she could look at him. “Talon.” She called softly, her oddly colored eyes staring into his as intensely as they had before. “Rest go bed?”

(("Thurirl zexenuma." = "Friend stay."

Another sample.
- Setting is The Elder Scrolls (Oblivion).
- Two of my OCs. Wael; Khajiit recently freed from illegal slavery by my partner's character. Tanna; a Dunmer infected with Porphyric Hemophilia (meaning she's a vampire), working with other members of the cult of the Mythic Dawn.

User ImageWael sat on the floor with his back to the wall, facing the bed. He hadn’t gotten any sleep, or even been able to let his eyes close for too long. The stresses of the morning’s events had worn him down and his weary mind was quick to go from fear to worry. A silvery white shirt, a pair of pants hewn from a dark grey material that he knew must belong to the tall man, as well as his savior’s coat he’d piled on top of himself and one clawed hand grasped at the large bracer on his opposing arm. He didn’t know what to do or think anymore. Freedom was not something he could remember experiencing, though he had been trying. The only clothing he’d actually put on himself in addition to his slave garb was a pair of the pointy-ear’s socks, to warm his cold, formerly bare, feet.

User ImageWael sat still as stone, his developing features locked in an hour-long strain. What would he do now? Again, he looked at his surroundings and tried to think. He first thought about Master. What would happen if he were to find Wael here? What would happen to Wael? What would happen to the blessed woman who had rescued Wael, should Master find her? Even with how much he distrusted the pointy-ears, Wael also worried about the safety of her companion. The Master had so many ways to punish. The guards had taken Wael from Master, Lady Rynn had saved Wael from the guards.. With the hand that he used to hold onto his slave bracer, Wael reached up to touch the fur over his forehead where Rynn had blessed him with a kiss.

User ImageSome of his fears went away then, as he recalled visions of the radiant Lady Rynn and memories of the kindness she’d shown him. He’d been alone since the two had left him here, for hours, and as a result he felt as if he truly were all alone now. No cruel Master, but also no warm-hearted people to keep him company. Ever had he known such a simple, small space to be his 'home' or rather, his cage. He didn’t understand the words of the people in the rooms around his, nor the sounds they made. Even with his shortcomings, the kind and beautiful Lady Rynn had smiled at him. She had given him her precious coat, to keep him warm in the rain. And she had even given him her bed to rest in. He was alone, had been alone and it was something he didn’t know how to handle. Delusions of being abandoned, or somehow tricked by the couple, waned a little but still stayed with him.

User ImageThat Lady Rynn would return for him, his fear was nearly equal to his hope that he would not be abandoned. That Master would find him was a thought that was much more real, a shudder running through the young Khajiit’s body at yet another recollection of some previous pain the snob Vurner Khiaelln had forced upon him. His hands began to scratch, the clawed fingertips at his forehead starting to pick at the blessed spot that was further causing his caged mind conflict. His other hand found his bracer and with both hands he began to struggle at it. The fabric the blue-man had made him keep over it to disguise the bad, it started to tear as he tried to unlock his bracer.

User ImageFor several painfully long seconds there was only the bracer, terrifying to him. He pushed at one end of bracer when he could not force the lock to break with his hands, and when this new attempt failed he pushed and scratched at the other end. His eyes grew hazy with his frustration. He tried the lock again, and again it did not give. Wael let out a whimper pitiful enough to be matched with a child. He then raised his arm and, unable to see what he was doing, threw it down upon the wood of the floor. A series of sounds issued then, and the surprised cat scrambled backwards. As his vision de-fuzzed he realized that he’d disturbed a pile of items they’d left behind. Prize? A shiny bit of metal instantly caught his attention.

User ImageIt was thin, obviously low-quality and as he continued to eye it up he realized that it wasn’t as shiny as he first believed it to be. Disinterest washed over him, accompanied by a rather moody-looking little frown and his two very large ears, flattened and swiveled to round points behind his tufted head. By eye the Khajiit was able to judge the worthlessness of the twisty thing. And then an idea came to him. He compared the size of the wire to the size of his bracer’s keyhole and with great and sudden joy he realized that the two were a match. “It will work..?” His large, brown eyes darted between the two and his thick tail started to flick and sway from side to side. “It will work!” A large, toothy smile sprang out upon his fluffy face and with great zeal he started to work on the lock. Seconds flew by, and blissfully the young cat didn’t notice. He could only see the task before him, a vision of his new life. The large, warm bed, soft pillows, lots of blankets--all his own! He could see them again.

User ImageThe mechanisms within the bracer shifted in time, with the amateur’s fussy movements, and then finally clicked into place. His bracer split apart, and air rushed to the fur now exposed. Wael held on to the lock-pick in disbelief at first. The cat unclenched his left fist, and watched his sweat-slick fur part with the action. Again, he looked down upon the open bracer, and again to his arm. His disbelief was quickly replaced with supreme bliss! Wael howled with glee and threw his arm into the air.

User Image“’Ello? You still in there, lad?” A voice shouted from the other side of the room’s door, followed with a fast and hard knocking.

User ImageWael froze, ears and head snapping in the direction of the voice. Tentatively, Wael’s hands touched the floor and the cat began to back away from the noises. His ears pressed against his head, all happy thoughts gone as some new presence was trying to make contact with him. 'Still' was about the only word he really understood, and from memory he knew that it was not a good word. Recollections of past beatings, complaints, shouting voices and the strange and wicked things Master could make appear were attached to that word. The tone of the speaker, gentle and cautious as would be obvious to any normal person, had little meaning to him. Past experiences had taught him that one could sound gentle or kind and still be as violent and unforgiving as a Daedra.

User Image“Boy?” The innkeeper asked before he knocked on the door once more. “Are you in there?”

User ImageWael backed into the bed, and jumped another series of noises issued behind him. The sound of metal sliding against metal, painfully slow moving to the cat-on-edge, followed quickly by a loud bang as whatever the object was fell to the floor. A quick glance awarded Wael the answer to his question of what he’d knocked loose. He didn’t have time to think about what he’d (accidentally) done, though. The noise had made the inn keeper on the other side to become a little more persistent.

User Image“Boy? Are you alright?!” The man banged on the door with his one free hand, heavily. When again there was no answer, he reached down to his belt to find a copy of the room’s key.

User ImageWael’s ears strained to hear what was going on behind the door. A different kind of metal had jingled against itself, Wael knew the sound to be that of many keys. However the noise has stopped, a new voice had appeared. It was very low, very quiet, and it took some discipline for him to concentrate on the voices over the loud pounding of his frightened heart.

User Image“..is my dear…asked…bring a special…for his..” Wael did not understand much of what the new, quiet, voice said but he was able to identify it as belonging to a woman. Wael’s fears started to overcome him once more as it became increasingly obvious to him that the woman that threatened to enter his sanctuary was not Lady Rynn. Hide! Wael’s head whipped around as he searched for a good place to hide himself. He first considered hiding in the bathroom, guessing that the woman wouldn’t need or want to check there. He quickly realized the flaw in that idea and instead pulled a blanket from the bed. He slid underneath the bed and pulled the blanket over himself completely, just in time to hear a key slide into the lock of the door.

User ImageHe heard the workings of the lock click, the scraping of the doorknob as it turned, and the squeaking the floorboards made to being walked upon. Wael pressed his face against the floor and raised one edge slightly to look out upon the room. He could see one pair of feet walking into the room first. They were dressed in white slipper-shoes with fine beading detailed along the length from heel to toe. The legs that extended out of them were pale blue, Wael did not know what to think about them. He’d never seen blue flesh before, he could only come to the conclusion that the color came from some kind of stocking or maybe even a special dye. He heard the woman speak again, and saw the feet walk closer to the bed.

User Image“That’s a mystery, if I ever did see one meself.” The man’s voice spoke out, Wael could make no sense of his words.

User Image“What meaning is there in a mystery..” The woman’s feet turned from facing the bed, towards the door as she responded to the man. “I can see that my friends are not here.. at the moment.” She grew quiet for a while, before walking up to the door to prevent the man’s from advancing any further.

User Image“That’s the durndest thing, I couldda sworn that I heard somethin’ in here.” The man spoke, Wael could see his feet shift as if he were trying to stand on the tips of his toes to see around something.

User Image“You’re a nice guy, I’m sure you won’t mind if I stayed here to wait for them. Your business is full downstairs and after all, you own the place.” The female voice then laughed. Wael rejoiced a little bit, he could understand laughter, but then quickly chastised himself for letting his guard down. “I won’t disturb anything, mage’s honor.” Wael heard the sound of more metal, small objects… He watched the woman’s feet carefully and observed her shifting her weight forward. The objects were transferred to the man, and Wael realized that these new metal objects were coins.

User Image“Ah.. alright.” The pair of feet belonging to the male turned and he started to walk away. Wael heard a few of the things he said before the voice became too far away for him to hear. “You be lettin’ me know if you come across any trouble, Ma’am.” But, again, he couldn’t understand much of it. Wael strained to understand what that meant, growing increasingly worried as he saw that the female remained even as the door was shut. Suddenly, the female began to move. Wael tensed and lowered the edge of the blanket a little. He could see the outline of her feet as she moved, and he started to panic a little as she walked towards the bed.

User ImageThen, she stopped. Wael blinked once and then a second time. Were his eyes playing tricks on him? He hoped so. The woman was still, and she was turned in his direction. Seconds ticked by, the woman did not move. Wael struggled to keep himself still, he was so frightened by this new presence that he wanted to flee! To squirm out of his hiding place, throw the blanket at the woman and make his escape out of the door. But, he knew that such attempts had failed him in the past. He stayed under the concealing protection of his blanket.

User Image“You there… Boy.” The woman spoke as if she were looking directly at him.

User ImageWael curled his fingers into his palms, large brown eyes darting from the woman to the door. Something in him still wanted to run.

User Image“I can see you.. There’s no use hiding.” The woman spoke slowly, with a cool air to her voice that she must’ve meant to be soothing. It only stirred the cat up a little more. When the Khajiit, so poorly hidden beneath the bed, remained quiet and did not move.. “Come.”

User ImageThe command was directed at him and Wael understood the meaning of that word very well. Still, Wael decided to stay under the bed. Maybe she was talking to someone else? The room had a window, after all. The window is shut and locked, Wael did not hear it open. “Khajiit.” The woman’s tone had changed, it was obvious that she was very upset with him. “I told you to come, why do you hide from me?”

User Image“…” Wael closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears. Please leave Wael alone! The cat didn’t notice how loud his breathing was becoming or that the blanket was no longer covering his head. Seconds ticked by before Wael had gathered enough courage to open one of his eyes. He could see much more of the woman now. She was wearing a long-sleeved white dress with a wispy pattern around the collar that matched the design on her shoes. Wael recognized the wealth it took to have such a costume, and just as quickly knew that the woman must be evil. As he looked up, he saw the bed hovering near the ceiling above him. One of her arms was stretched out infront of her, and Wael could see a mana mist surrounding what he could see of her hand.

User Image“Move.” She commanded and very quickly Wael scurried over to cower below the window. She lowered her arm, and with it the bed slowly fell until it touched the floor again. With the threat of a floating object being used to hit him gone, Wael looked up at the woman’s face and then found himself very confused. Her face was the same pale blue color as he legs, and so too were her hands. Her hair was pale blonde, her slanted eyes and smiling lips as red as blood. Lady Rynn. Wael thought, realizing that both Rynn and this woman had eyes of the same color.

User Image“I now know who you are, Khajiit.” The woman spoke with a cruel, unpleasant tone that Wael was very familiar with. He didn’t have to understand her words to know what she wanted from him. “You will come with me now..” A smile to match the malice in her voice painted itself upon her dark lips and she held out a hand as if to help him stand up.

User ImageWael stared back at her, ears back, tail wrapped around one of his legs, his terrible fear of the woman very clear in his eyes. When he did nothing, immediately the smile turned into a frown. Her offered hand turned palm-up and started to smoke. Flames ignited and licked along the length of her hand and wrist. She moved closer, so that her hand would be just close enough to his face to singe the ends of his whiskers.

User ImageThen, the flames vanished and her smile returned. She offered to him her hand once more, and Wael quickly grabbed onto it with both of his. She squinted at him, her smile widened, and she pulled him to his feet. Wael then tried to pull his hands away, and the woman reacted by tugging him forward by them. Her other hand went below his large, fluffy chin, touching it gently at first. Then her fingers dug into his fur and she pulled his face to be just infront of hers. “Do not think for a moment of running.” Wael was horrified, he knew that he shouldn’t be able to but somehow he was able to understand her.

User ImageHer white-blonde eyebrows arched wickedly and she made her arm tremble to give the impression of great rage. “Obey me...” She commanded, shaking the cat’s head by his chin as he tried to look away. “…Follow me...” Wael was now helpless to do anything but stare unblinkingly back into her venomous blood-colored eyes. “…And you will live.” She smirked and let free his hands and face. She danced back a few steps, never turning her back to him, and then tossed a bundle into his face. “We’re going. Get ready.”
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:26 pm
Finished! Hopefully I didn't miss anything. *sits and waits*  


Shirtless Bloodsucker


Shirtless Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:00 pm
Wonder if I should post some ideas here or maybe try Barton Town... Haven't been there in years.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:27 pm

Hey there~
I'm possibly interested in role playing with you.

Did you have any ideas you wanted to try out and make role plays out of?  


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