Please read the underlined text before skipping to the plot line; it is very important!!!! Lovely, now that I have your attention there are some things you must know: 1) I live in the eastern time zone so I may not be on all the time when you're on. 2) I have a life outside of gaia so don't think I abandoned you if it takes me a little bit to respond. 3) I am in high school so i'll try to be on as much as possible. Now that those things were taken care of, onto the fun stuff!

A young demon male decided it was time he was old enough to see the human realm; alone. Many warned him about the hunters, telling him that he'd get killed on sight. But that was just folklore, things other demons would tell their children at night to keep them in check ir give them a good scare..... Right? Finally after all the demons are asleep Zei travels to the realm of the humans. What will be in store for him? Would the folklore stay as a folklore or will it be true?

• If interested in doing this roleplay, just know that you will be playing a seme•
I usually prefer at least two paragraphs for a reply, more than two is great ^_^ As for a paragraph or one liners I can accept every now and then, I know that cursed writer's block comes creeping around every now and then~
Please quote me if interested or pm me if you'd prefer that and we shall discuss any questions you have. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon (^ - ^)/