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Name: Shiro Yoru

Age: 18

Species: Vampire

When Shiro was tiny, just a baby, there was nothing strange about him. He was normal, one would say. It wasn't until he turned three did his mother, who worked as a journalist, realize there was something wrong with his eyes. They turned a very bright color red, and thinking nothing of it she let it be, keeping it from his father. She shouldn't have let it be...for when Shiro turned ten it wasn't just his red eyes that gave him trouble, it was the constant feeling of need for something, but he didn't know what. He needed a substance, something to keep him cool, but his hot head got the better of him and he began fighting with other students at his school. Fearlessly ganging up on the stronger ones who teased him constantly.

After a short while of this, an extension of 8 years had passed, his mother finally dropped the question to his father who then proceeded to...well...kill her. His response to what she said being "What is wrong with our son?" turned into a murder that didn't need to be. Upon returning
home from school that evening a horrid scene await. He walked through the door to find his mother left cold on the floor, and a father who sat in the chair across from her smiling. He hollered and screamed at the man, but all his father answered with was a wide smile and two fangs peering out from said movement. "You are...a vampire my son. You will feed, and have no choice..." It was too much for the teen to take as he fled the house in hopes this was all a dream.


Shiro is very outgoing, and a strong character. He tries to comfort himself with snacks and other sweet foods, but really...he just wants to be noticed. He's really tries to strain himself from drinking blood, though he knows he needs it to survive. It pains him to see those suffer as he drinks. Shiro has an attitude at times, but overall he remains emotionless. On full moons he becomes deranged, insane. He can't control himself. It's a natural instinct.

The after story:
We know Shiro left...but what came for him afterwords? He finished school and graduated. He even bought an apartment after spending a full month out on the streets in search of a place to live. A young woman offered him a room for a reasonable price. Upon further investigation into this extreme case he had found that bearing a child would suit him best if he was to release the power within him...but he was male...Yes, he found a serum that could be taken before having intercourse, giving him the overall ability to bear a child.