Name: Zillian Vidae
Nicknames: Zil (preferred name)
Gender: M
Age: 25

Faction: Monster
Race: Peryton

Natural Ability: Shadow Walking

Zil has the ability to possess shadows, aka, torment people by appearing to be a
normal shadow, but little be known to them, he scares the living daylights out of them when
they notice their shadows start to act a bit peculiarly.
As according to peryton lore, a peryton casts a shadow of a person, a human figure, until the fateful
day they happen to take the life of a human. Once this occurs, a peryton's shadow then is cast naturally,
like that of the peryton's natural figure.
They take the life of a human only to relieve the turmoil within their soul, and however, are only granted to
take the life of only one human and granted pardon for that one.

If you take a peek at Zil's shadow, you will happen to notice that his takes on his own form...
...and he feels little remorse for it.

Zil thinks he is tough as can be, and that nothing can take him down.
Even if he sees that he is out-matched, he will make excuses why
he bowed out, never admitting to his own weakness.

Whatever benefits Zil goes. He will help others when needed, but
if it helps him out and makes him look good, why not? What does
he have to lose from this?

Zil has a hard time developing relationships with others, especially
romantic ones. He just doesn't comprehend why people put themselves
out there and make themselves so vulnerable and weak.

If it needs to be said, despite the situation or hurt it could inflict, Zil
will be the one to say it. He does not care, and wants everything to
be in the open and the party to move forward.

Despite being an arrogant a*****e, Zil is highly intelligent. His
quickness and prowess can take many off guard, even though
a lot of the time he uses it to save his own skin or make a
sarcastic remark.

None of this, "let's split up and see what we can find!". No, Zil
and everyone knows what happens when people do this. He
simply uses common sense and observations to determine
his further actions.

As mentioned before, Zil scopes out the area to observe
every detail around him and evaluate what is going on
before he makes a move as to not do something
detrimental to his own health.

Because of how he views himself, and he sees no equal
so far in intelligence or calculations, he dubs others as
insubordinate, and not really much of value to him. They
are simply other living beings. Nothing much of a gain or
loss for him.

Zil likes to play mind games, it entertains him. When things
get pretty hot and rowdy, he tends to stop and disappear as
to not be the place of blame. It is fun for him when he is bored.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Why does your character want to come to Amityville as a student?

FEAR Ability:

The Mind -
Zil makes sure to protect himself by creating an alteration of the wind pattern to deflect whatever may come at him.
I plan and hope that this wind will become stronger and deflect more and possibly block more people as he advances in years?

Physical Description:

bird type: shrike (these things are scary mofo's)
deer type: chinese water deer (seriously, vampire deer, perfect)

This section is self-explanatory, for the most part: what does your character look like? Remember, you are designing your character's student form. Within Amityville Academy's walls, all students are magically forced into a humanoid form.

This means, for example, that if your student is a mermaid, she will have legs as a student, rather than a tail. If your student is a direwolf, he will have a human shape as a student, rather than a pure wolf or even anthro form. Special features like a tail, wings, ears, claws, etc. are completely okay and encouraged, but they should look like a human version of whatever creature they truly are.

((will add color palette refs))
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour/Style: Light brown/dark blonde
Skin Colour: Darker tone/tan

Clothing Style/Colours:
Remember, everything should be Halloween-inspired! Creepy is good!


This is where you tell us about your character's special features: wings, tail, pointy ears, fangs, whatever else that isn't covered above.
References: If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!

-herp derp wings and the peryton form, yo