Name: Alice Garnett
Nicknames: Lis
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Faction: Ghost
Race: Barghest

Natural Ability:
Chill of the Hunt: Once Alice have a scent, she can track down whoever the scent belongs to no matter faction and race.


Independent - after she turned 6, parents sent her away to live alone, so she became used to being alone and not having to rely on anyone. Excessive amount of control from somebody will most likely result in agression.

Aloof - due to not particulary warm relationship in the family and lonely life she led after she was sent away, Alice got a habit to always keep to herself. The fact that she is also introverted by nature helped with that.

Bloodthirsty - bloodlust is family trait that Alice doesn't like very much but learned to accept. While it is nearly not as strong as her parents' it still is noticable.

Not very sociable - Alice tries to overcome her bloodthirst so as not to be expelled from the Academy if she eats some poor student which would result in losing access to the library but this task is quite hard as it is with the amount of students around and additional socialisation doesn't help. She does make an effort when she has to though.

Rational and calculating - Alice prefer to think before acting; despite bloodthirst never rushing in battle; knows her strengths and try assessing the opponent according them. Not above making tactical retreats to have time to rest and heal.

Stubborn - if having problem with studies, pounce at the problem untill it's gone or ask somebody to tutor her; doesn't like to leave her prey alone if she escaped from the battle and often track them down later to continue the fight untill victory. Or their death.

Bookworm - Alice is very hungry for information no matter of the subject. Books that she managed to nick from her parent's library were lasted only a couple of months and then she had to find ways to sate her desire for knowledge. The paradox is that despite that she doesn't like to making effort in her studies.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Since both of her parents were enrolled, she decided to follow the tradition mostly because it will grant her access to the library. Besides Academy can help her to get better control over her nature and abilities.

FEAR Ability:
(The Chill) Recuperation: In order to heal quickly Alice falls in a deep coma-like slumber. She wakes up when she is perfectly healthy.

Physical Description:
Alice in her human form is a slim girl with an expressionless face who a bit on the sort side (5'3"). Such build is the result of her not very big form as a Barghest.

Eye Colour: Honey-coloured, despite them being red in her original form
Hair Colour/Style: Like her fur Alice's shoulder-lengh hair are black and straight. No matter how much she tries to flatten them, they always look a bit ruffled.
Skin Colour: Paper-white
Clothing Style/Colours: Alice prefers comfortable male shirt-trousers-jacket combinations in blacks and dark purples with near heelless shoes that don't constrain movements. The only feminine accessories in her wardrobe are 3 similar sriped scarves (dark purple-purple, dark purple-crimson and dark purple-orange) that Garnett loves wearing all the time.
Extra: Sharp long fangs and not so long but not less shap claws where nails should be. Hair-colored tail with long fur.