There was once a poor girl raised by her evil step-mother and rotten step-sisters. She was forced to work all day long under their firm rules, treating her like a slave and never giving her any respect.

Now, most people know the story that is being told. The tale of a poor girl transformed into a beautiful maiden by her fairy godmother and being whisked away to a royal ball, leaving behind a glass slipper at midnight. The prince that fell in love with her has every young woman in the land try on the shoe till he finally finds the poor maiden again. Of course, they live happily ever after in the end.

But this version of the tale has been filtered and changed from its original story. For you see, the poor maiden was not as innocent or pitiful as she was in the story. And the prince wasn't a completely perfect human being without flaws or sins weighing on his shoulders. The original story of Cinderella is a tale of lust, hatred, revenge, lies, love, and murder.

In this tale, our characters live in the Kingdom of the Northern Isles, a large trading village in Europe. There the King rules the great city with a kind heart and iron fist, watching over his citizens as country with great care. But the King has grown weak and tired as time has taken it's tole on his body. If he was to die, then the King's son, the prince would need to take control of the kingdom and become the new King. But his son was known to be quite the troublemaker, being rather cold to most of his citizens and wants to rule by himself. Fearing that the city may turn for the worst if his son does rule in such a harsh manner, he insists that a royal ball be held in order for the prince to find a possible wife. He hoped that maybe, by finding love, his son would change for the better. And so, a ball was scheduled to take place the night of the King's birthday.

Elsewhere in the city, a conspiracy against the kingdom was being planned. A group of trained mercenaries from the neighboring kingdom, known as City Rats, were ordered by their Queen to kill the prince of the Northern Isles so that their kingdom would have no successor and fall easily.
Members of City Rats were mainly orphaned children raised to become the assassins for the Queen of the Southern Isles in case of a national emergency. Of course, the children were raised by several adults in the Queen's army. All gaining nicknames as "the step siblings" and such. City Rats also referred to the Queen as "Their Fairy God-mother" for taking care of them. By killing assigned targets for the Queen, the orphans are granted food and shelter for as long as they serve her.

Their mission to kill the prince was to be handled by a hand-picked group of City Rats who would easily blend in. Under fake names, they would enter the ball and one specially picked City Rat would have to gain the trust of the prince and kill him. The girl they chose for the job was a young girl named Colette, who was to go under the alias "Cinderella". The only restriction to this operation was that they needed the prince to be dead by midnight or the guards might suspect them and realize that they were not guests invited to the ball.

On the night of the ball, everything is set to go. Colette and her group entered the party and were ready to take their plan into action. But what if Colette accidentally falls in love with the prince she's supposed to kill?

My Character:

Name: Colette Albarn

Age: 18

Gender: Female


While Colette appears rather delicate and harmless in appearance, she is actually a very dangerous person to be around. She is completely loyal to her Queen and is grateful for being saved from her life on the streets. She is rather pessimistic towards the world but she does find that some things can still be beautiful if you look hard enough. Her stealth and advanced skills in sword fighting makes her a skilled opponent that is not to be trifled with. She also has a knack for faking the "innocent girl" act and fooling people easily.

She takes her loyalty to people, especially her Queen, very seriously and will always act instinctively to protect the ones she loves. Though, she has a hard time showing affection to people she likes. Colette tends to casually insult the people she likes. She has a fascination with the stars and will constantly be up late at night to watch the stars as try to figure out what they are exactly.
She is hardly educated in anything besides fighting and a small bit of writing and reading. Anything to do with studying or learning bothers her and sometimes frustrated her because she is a visual learner. She would rather take action and do something than sit around and read a book.

Colette may seem rather harsh, she has a sense if humor. Granted, it is a rather cynical and sarcastic kind of humor but she does enjoy herself from time to time. But from time I time, people can see her honest and kind side. She holds a fondness towards children and old fairy tales.

Colette grew up in a rich home with her father. When she was born, her mother died in the process and her father was widowed. For a long time, her life was rather pleasant. She was treated like a little princess by her father and he loved Colette dearly. But her father always held that void in his heart because of the loss of his beloved wife.
But one day, he met a rich woman as quickly fell in love with her. They were soon wed and Colette, along with her step-mother's two daughters, became a family.
Unfortunately, the whole marriage was a trap to steal all of her father's money. One night, Colette witnessed the murder of her father at her step-mother's hands. Ever since then, she was treated as a slave to her step-mother and step-sisters. They made her work 24/7 every day and she rarely rested. She cooked, cleaned, and managed everything for her evil family. By the time Colette was 12 she was about to crack. She had been slaving away since she was 9 years old and was tortured and abused for disobedience or messing up.
One day, Colette picked up a knife and murdered her step-sisters and step-mother and fled the house, finally free of her slavery.
Colette continued to live the rest of her childhood on the streets, scarred by her own actions and barely living. She was eventually taken in by the City Rat program and was taught to use her abilities as a killer to serve the Queen properly. Ever since then she has evolved into a killer bred for royalty and plans to serve her Queen till her dying breath.

Fun Facts: she has a fondness towards dogs and even takes care of a stray dog named Bluto. She doesn't like cats on the account that her step-family owned a devil cat named Lucifer.