
Alexzot heard a noise and looked over to the corner, he noticed a fish and smiled towards nadder "Hey look nadder Diner!" he smiled he tail curling happily

Nadder liked the fact that Alexzot was happy.He nuzzled Alexzot and wondered who left the fish

Aroara wrestled a young boar to the ground, it's tusks slashing a wound on her cheek. It wasn't deep, but it was painful..
The dragon let out a grunt as she grabbed the carcass in her jaws, feeling a sharp pain from her injury. She shouldered the pain and carried it back to the cave mostly on foot, as it unbalanced her in flight.
When she finished her trek, she lay down, exhaustion taking over.

He sniffed the and could tell something was wrong,quickly he flew out finding the other and bringing her back to the cave licking at her wound to clean it