The story of the arc is pretty simple. In NUR's history, about a thousand years ago there was a massive conflict between the Sage of Six Paths, the ten-tailed beast, and the ten-winged angel. This conflict between these three god-like powerhouses was so intense that it wiped nations off the map and killed off the majority of the world's population. People, afraid, would pray to any god they could think of that the three 'monsters' wouldn't migrate their fight to their own home. Of course, most people weren't so lucky.

There were other players in this big battle between the three, however. One shinobi presented himself as the great ally of humanity, and he was therefore known as the Protector. He was an extremely talented ninja with three bloodlines, making him on par with Rikudo Sennin, who basically contained the Rinnegan, Sharingan and Senju inside of himself. He would sit on the side-lines of the huge battles between these three, and ensure that they did not leak out into human cities. Sometimes, he even engaged in the battles himself, if one of the entities seemed near-death enough to where he could finish them off. He remained as an enemy of Rikudo Sennin even after the Jyuuha and Jyuubi both died, as he believed the man was trying to take over the world, which he was.

Another player at this time was the Divine Light, the younger sister of the Sage of Six Paths. She was the first sealer, and an amazing medic. Considering Rikudo was just a human, he was often injured beyond repair. There were even times where he would've died without medical assistance. Sometimes there were attacks she knew he couldn't dodge, so she took it upon herself to change that. She, like the Protector, often sat at the side-lines to support her brother, ensuring his continued survival in this endless battle. However, during the last fight of the Jyuubi's life, she joined in the action full-throttle and sealed him into the moon. It was a surprisingly short and easy battle, showing the legendary power of the Divine Light. She was eventually killed in her sleep by an unknown assailant, her bloodline dying out forever.

The third extra figure was the Thief. She was a legendary rogue of strange charm. Even though they knew she'd only steal from their palaces and uncover their secrets, Kings and Queens, Daimyo, all invited her to their homes to see her in person. She was beautiful, cunning, a great singer and general entertainer. She was like a living book story hero, and everyone treated her with great respect due to her knack of giving the riches belongings to the poor. She eventually met the Jyuuha himself, and there she began to steal from him in a different way. She sapped his power dry, making him incapable of battling the Sage of Six Paths when he arrived.

And now we have one new figure, who has never lived before. He/she is known as the Wild Card, a person of unknown strength.


#1. During the duration of this arc, characters cannot die. They will come back to life the next day, although in a completely random country. Randomly generate a number 1-8;
1. Konoha
2. Kirigakure
3. Kumogakure
4. Sunagakure
5. Kusagakure
6. Otogakure
7. Iwagakure
8. Amegakure

If one of the seven arc players dies, they will come back, but they'll lose their arc power, and therefore lose their role in the plot.

If you're killed by the Thief/Wild Card, you'll know that someone killed you, but you won't be able to remember their name, face, skillset, or anything leading to their identity at all.

#2. If you're one of the seven, you cannot use your arc power to abuse characters out of the seven. The only exception is if you're battling several members of a coalition, in which case they are accepting to fight you at full strength

#3. If you're a member who isn't a part of the seven, there is still a huge role for you to play:

People not a part of the seven can form things known as coalitions. They can either join one of the factions (for example; join the Divine Light's group) or create their own group. These coalitions are meant to be sort of like headhunters. They will target one of the seven figures at a time, and hunt them down endlessly. While you're a part of a coalition, your character's rank is boosted to Sannin, and you can auto-learn pretty much everything, including bloodline stages. This makes you extremely formidable hunters.

Joining a coalition will automatically grant your character 25,000 Ryo. When the arc ends, active and fruitful members of the coalitions will be given huge rewards, even beyond that of the main arc players. These can include auto-ranks, arc-specializations, highly powerful custom techniques, arc weapons and potentially more.

The six starting coalitions are:

Sage of Six Paths coalition
Divine Light coalition
Protector of Humanity coalition
Ten-Tailed Demon coalition
Ten-Winged Angel coalition
The Thief coalition

The sign-up sheet for the coalition:

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Seeking to join...[/b] (Title of character you're supporting: for example, "Sage of Six Paths")
[b]Character Rank and Bloodline:[/b]
[b]How active are you in NUR? Do you think this arc will increase your activity?[/b]

Happy hunting!


Divine Light coalition:
Leader: Christian Uzumaki
#1. Kaiza Akimichi
#2. Ryohei Uzumaki
#3. Vincente Valtieri

Sage of Six Paths coalition:
Leader: Katsu Naikiri
#1. Zephyr Mito
#2. Almira Ross
#3. Hisaki Uchiha
#4. Airi Daiji
#5. Solace Yamanaka

Protector of Humanity coalition:
Leader: Akira Nara
#1. Ahri Sherudon
#2. Reiko Aburame
#3. ????????????
#4. Dantai Emper
#5. Voldo Hiabara

The Thief coalition:
Leader: Unknown
#1. Rei Raijin
#2. Kouki Raiken
#3. Michael Clover
#4. Rhys Kiran
#5. Yuri

The Jyuubi coalition:
Leader: Lars Heiland
#1. Shota Kyushu
#2. Lydia Valtieri
#3. Tatsuo Hyuuga
#4. Sunso Takehashi Joukai
#5. Rip von Jaeger/Wolf von Jaeger
#6. Shikyo Kokushibyou Mortis

The Jyuuha coalition:
Leader: Lucifer Heiland
#1. Ansho Raiken
#2. Andriel Valtieri
#3. Jun Matsumoto
#4. Leo Bastion

I plan on doing a lot of arcs from this point on. Characters/players with great activity and writing skills will be chosen as the new arc heroes/villains.