Name: Amaya Sato
Nickname: Aya
Age: 19
Race: Human
Personality: Shy, not very outspoken, dislikes mean people, has a bad temper at times and can lash out unexpectedly as she is a ticking time bomb for keeping things locked up inside.
Looks like:
Bio: Amaya comes from a family of murderers, the police either killed or locked everyone up in her family, thus resulting in her going to an orphanage, and not knowing her real family. She's heard stories, but what good are stories when most of them aren't the truth? She was bullied in the orphanage and now that she's 19 and on her own, she finally can be free of all that, she can create a new beginning for herself.
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Uke
(the picture from the link wouldn't show up)