Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:28 am
Darkness Dragons Revenge Spazzy, I'd love to see it! Omg I totally wanna see! Velvet, Yah totally! I'm going to wear a Sherlock scarf or coat, carry a sonic screwdriver, and a wand IRL. Okay, I'll see what I can do, since you're awesome and all. c; If I leave the house, I'll probably wear my Loki shirt and my nyan cat scarf. (I loveses my nyan cat scarf. Even though it took forever to make it, SO WORTH IT. I eventually intend to make King and Queen of all Cosmos hats for me and my beau, and when I do, I WILL SHOW YOU. And while I'm on the fandom binge, I should finish up the nearly-done TARDIS plushie in my room...)
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:22 pm
Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge Spazzy, I'd love to see it! Omg I totally wanna see! Velvet, Yah totally! I'm going to wear a Sherlock scarf or coat, carry a sonic screwdriver, and a wand IRL. Okay, I'll see what I can do, since you're awesome and all. c; If I leave the house, I'll probably wear my Loki shirt and my nyan cat scarf. (I loveses my nyan cat scarf. Even though it took forever to make it, SO WORTH IT. I eventually intend to make King and Queen of all Cosmos hats for me and my beau, and when I do, I WILL SHOW YOU. And while I'm on the fandom binge, I should finish up the nearly-done TARDIS plushie in my room...) Omg a TARDIS plush? I SO wanna see that! I had planned on making one too (and I eventually will) but school is just taking up so much of my time! stressed
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:41 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge Spazzy, I'd love to see it! Omg I totally wanna see! Velvet, Yah totally! I'm going to wear a Sherlock scarf or coat, carry a sonic screwdriver, and a wand IRL. Okay, I'll see what I can do, since you're awesome and all. c; If I leave the house, I'll probably wear my Loki shirt and my nyan cat scarf. (I loveses my nyan cat scarf. Even though it took forever to make it, SO WORTH IT. I eventually intend to make King and Queen of all Cosmos hats for me and my beau, and when I do, I WILL SHOW YOU. And while I'm on the fandom binge, I should finish up the nearly-done TARDIS plushie in my room...) Omg a TARDIS plush? I SO wanna see that! I had planned on making one too (and I eventually will) but school is just taking up so much of my time! stressed I'll snap some pictures of it when it's done before I send it off! My beau has one I made him a couple years back for Christmas, and while it's the same pattern, it's not as detailed as this one (hopefully) will be. Which is why it has taken me forever to finish, embroidering amigurumi pieces is a right pain, especially trying to embroider recognizable letters. (I have never wanted to burn the words "police box" so badly in my life as when I'm trying to sew them on this plush... )
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:13 pm
Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge Spazzy, I'd love to see it! Omg I totally wanna see! Velvet, Yah totally! I'm going to wear a Sherlock scarf or coat, carry a sonic screwdriver, and a wand IRL. Okay, I'll see what I can do, since you're awesome and all. c; If I leave the house, I'll probably wear my Loki shirt and my nyan cat scarf. (I loveses my nyan cat scarf. Even though it took forever to make it, SO WORTH IT. I eventually intend to make King and Queen of all Cosmos hats for me and my beau, and when I do, I WILL SHOW YOU. And while I'm on the fandom binge, I should finish up the nearly-done TARDIS plushie in my room...) Omg a TARDIS plush? I SO wanna see that! I had planned on making one too (and I eventually will) but school is just taking up so much of my time! stressed I'll snap some pictures of it when it's done before I send it off! My beau has one I made him a couple years back for Christmas, and while it's the same pattern, it's not as detailed as this one (hopefully) will be. Which is why it has taken me forever to finish, embroidering amigurumi pieces is a right pain, especially trying to embroider recognizable letters. (I have never wanted to burn the words "police box" so badly in my life as when I'm trying to sew them on this plush... ) I want to see everyyyythiiinnngggg eek And sewing words is a bit of a pain. Love the gif xD
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:29 pm
So, since it's past midnight here. And, thus, officially FANDOMPOCALYPSE DAY... My avi will now be cosplaying Oerba Yun Fang of FFXIII. SHE IS SO SEXY AND BADASS AND *totally fangirls over* That, uh, that is all I have to say for now, really. >>;
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:18 am
And I am WhoLocked for the day!
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew