CasϨandra ʅaruzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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The mention of meat pies and Kaine's desire to eat them for lunch caused her to laugh a bit. "They are good." She agreed with a nod in his direction. Although it had only been a few days since the two had eaten the meat pies Kaine had swiped, it felt like it had been a while since she had one. A bit of her wondered what her mother would say if she were to catch her eating such a thing. To her, meat pies were peasant food and 'too messy and simple for a princess to indulge herself with.' Cassie shook her head at the thought. Thinking of her mother brought another realization to life: She hadn't seen her mother while she'd been home.

Realizing she had been lost in her own thoughts, Cassie stood up from the bench and adjusted her skirts, brushing off whatever dirt on them as she did. She would just have to find and see her mother later. It seemed a bit selfish to think, but Cassie wanted to spend as much time with Kaine as she was able to. After all, who knew how much time they would actually have together before he left for the forest again and she was back to her role of being a princess.
"Well we should get going then. I want to try and get there early so they're still fresh and hot. Do you know how to get there from here?"
