Hey all! I'm looking for some 1x1 rps. Down below are some of my ideas. But I'm open to any ideas you may want to bring to the table. Please PM me if you're interested and the number in brackets next to the title, is how many of those rps I have running.

What you should know about me first:
~I'm female but I can play male roles
~My restriction level is next to none. I'm open to just about anything
~I am a mirror writer (I will try to make my posts at least as long as yours or longer)
~I don't do one liners
~I do both PM and forums
~I am between semi and full literate
~I check gaia just about every day and I post back usually within 48 hours
~I do Yuri and Yaoi
~I will inform you of extended absences
~I can double up roles
~I love to hear your ideas as well, and I'm not appalled to by being invited to group rps

Reaper x Normal person (Two options)
What is a reaper? Well, think of the grim reaper, they take souls to the afterlife right? Well...Reaping isn't as easy as it seems in the movies. It's more of a business rather than some hocus pocus deal...I'm getting ahead of the story now aren't I? Well here's how it starts:
___ Is a normal young adult, she goes to work, lives on her own, has a family and friends. ___ is a reaper. He's been doing this for years and as per usual, he has come around to help the 'to be dead' have the best day of their life before dying. He's perfect. He thinks of everything to make the most wonderful day imaginable. At the end of the day, he's to drop her off at home where a 'gas leak' is supposed to blow up her apartment and kill her. But something distracts her and the explosion doesn't work. ___ Is enraged that the plan didn't work. He's now missed his deadline. In his enraged state he informs ___ that she should be dead, and how he's supposed to be taking her soul and he could end up in deep trouble. While he's about to kill her she decides to threaten him, trying to call out to whoever the boss he mentioned is and get him in trouble. They butt heads a bit but finally come up with a deal. She gets a month to live. Only because it'll then be her birthday, the first birthday in years where her entire family will be there. And that's how she wants to spend the last one.

Now here's the hard part. ___ has to keep ___ being alive, a secret, his boss can't find out. So to make sure she doesn't get into trouble, he must now constantly watch her for this month. This makes things interesting as she now has to live with him and he needs to be with her almost every moment of the day. The two bicker all the time with tons of threats. But as the month goes on, they get gradually closer...and closer. They're falling for each other. But what will happen as the month comes to an end? Will ___ really kill her? Will he go against his own company to try to be with her? Or will he try to keep her hidden even longer?

2) [1]
___ Is a normal young adult, she goes to work, lives on her own, has a family and friends. ___ is a reaper. He's been doing this for years and as per usual, he has come around to help the 'to be dead' have the best day of their life before dying. He's perfect. He thinks of everything to make the most wonderful day imaginable. The end of the day brings them to a rooftop, one where ___ Is supposed to slip on a rainwater patch and fall to her death. But something saves her, she falls onto a window-washer's cart instead. ___ doesn't know what to do. This is only his 3rd or 4th job, he's quite new to it and this has never happened before, nobody's escaped their fate. In his panic he rambles to himself and lets out that he's a reaper and she was supposed to die. ___ hears this and immediately begins pleading for her life. ___ being new and sympathetic for the 'to be dead' caves and gives her a month. Why a month? Because her sister's baby is supposed to be born in a month. She wants to see her niece before she dies.

Now ___ must move in with ___, he has to keep an eye on her as he's breaking a very important rule here. ___ quickly realizes that for a reaper ___ is very kind, very...human. She starts trying to seduce him, trying to get more time. It does start to work...until she actually starts falling for him, and him for her. But what happens when ___'s sister has the baby early? That is what she was fighting to stay alive for. Will her time have to be cut short? Will ___ let her live out the rest of the month? Will he even be able to take her soul after falling for her? Or will he be forced to taste the wraith of his company...and take her place?

StudentxStudent (Double up rp)
A new male student moves into the city. He's always been used to small towns, and isn't sure how a new school would be. This boy is very kind and charismatic so when the first person he meets is a sweet, yet fairly shy girl he reaches out to her. This girl doesn't have many friends at all, she's either ignored or picked on at school but her and the new student become very close as he tries to open her up a bit. But both of these two have secrets with their families. The boy's family is very dysfunctional. His mom and dad are never home, he has an older brother but the two never get along. It seems like the older brother just tries to ruin everything good the boy has. The girl's secret. She never really had a family. She lives with her foster father as the only child left when they went out of business. He doesn't care about her at all, only ever being kind to her when putting on a show for the public.

At the same time. Two long time students have taken an interest in these two. The girl is a rich, spoiled brat who always gets what she wants. She's immediately drawn to the attractive new kid. But when he doesn't throw himself at her like the other boys do, and doesn't bow to her money and power she starts to get frustrated. She becomes obsessed with him, he's the first thing she's wanted that she hasn't gotten. She tries seducing him, tricking him, eventually even threatening. He has to keep dealing with her. The other student is a boy who has had his eye on the shy girl for a while. He's the tough guy rebel of the school. He does what he wants when he wants and doesn't care who he hurts to get it. He has a bit of a criminal record as well and has slept with a multitude of girls. He sets his eye on her because he's figured she'd be the perfect girlfriend, attractive enough to show off as a trophy and shy enough that he could make her do anything and still keep up with his other girls without her doing anything. But she obviously doesn't like him, making him continuously angrier and more violent towards both her and the new student.

ExperimentxExperiment [1]
Two young teens, both taken at very young ages. Have been used as lab rats by a secret cell of the government. The two have never met each other but one day are moved into the same cell. Surprisingly enough, as time goes by. The two become very close. The experiments however don't get any less brutal. One is used for both fighting and biotic experiments. The other is used for gene altering as well as mind expanding experiments.

The experiments have started to become more frequent, as if the scientists are excited about something. But then one day. The one tested on for gene altering...is given a different serum. This doesn't do anything to their genes or mine. It's an aggrivator, it takes the poor teen out of their right mind. They place them against an opponent. Sadly, the opponent is the other teen, they're still in their right mind and refuse to fight. Evidently the one almost kills the other before they are both placed in separate cells. This completely tears up their relationship with each other. Until the one that had attacked the other can't stand it. They break out of their cell and go to release the other. Dead set on breaking out. Can they do it? Will they succeed?

Gang memberxOpposing gang member [1]
All the "scum" have been cut off from all "Civilized" People, walled into their own city. Gangs and drug lords rule everything inside these walls. Even if you are one of the very few not part of a gang, violence, murder and theft are part of your every day life. Well the two biggest gangs have a huge rivalry but also receive an offer for the same deal from an arms dealer. The two gangs clash at the meeting place. Two members in particular end up at a face off. They fight but just as it seems one's about to win. The cops show up. The whole thing was a set up to try and take down both gangs. The two are arrested along with other members but one comes up with an idea of how to brake out on the way over. The plan succeeds but kills most of the other gang members. Leaving the two that fought earlier. This leaves the two of them extremely hurt. They don't have energy to fight and are arrested. But on their way to the station they manage to break out of the car.

They find a place to get patched up and now want to find their gangs. When they eventually reach familiar territory they reluctantly part ways, having become kind've close on their journey back. problem is, only one is accepted back into the gang, the other is thought to be a spy and against them, not only kicked out but has a target on their back from most gangs. The rival gang that the other member has been accepted back into wants the satisfaction of getting paid to kill the 'rouge'. The other member hears about this and runs off to try and warn them but is too late. They're already being attacked by other gangs. The two end up working together, both being ample fighters. Now both rival gangs are working together to get them but they have plans of their own...to take down the gangs before they're taken out themselves

AssassinxThug [2]
There's an agency, hidden by the government that's meant to bring up assassins. They do missions for the government, no questions asked, missions that no regular military could ever hope to accomplish. At the top of these assassin's ranks is a boy. He's well known and incredibly feared as well as good enough to work alone instead of a two person team like the rest. One day he's sent on a mission, to go get a new recruit. He's outraged as this is a minor mission that should be given to a newbee. He's needed because the recruit has refused to join them. They've been able to avoid the company and managed to kill the last member sent after them.

The boy grudgingly takes on the mission and ends up being surprised when it is actually a girl. She's stronger than he would've expected. But being the top assassin, of course he wins by eventually knocking her unconscious. Bringing her back to the compound he thinks his work is done when his boss decides to assign her as his partner. The boy is outraged, never needing a partner before and he sure as hell doesn't want some girl assigned to work with him (not that the girl is happy about it either). He is told he has to train her in the ways of an assassin. The two argue constantly and don't get along at first but they start to warm up to each other. That is until a mission goes horribly wrong, the company ends up blaming the girl for this blunder and plan to kill her by sending her on a suicide mission by herself. The boy has a decision to make...let them send her off on her own to certain death, or go against the company, everything he's ever known and been a part of, to save her..

OrphanxNormal person
Walking home alone one night as per usual, a young girl gets attacked by a small group of guys. She tries to defend herself but it's useless, she yells for help, seemingly nobody around. When she thinks that it's no use that's when somebody comes to her rescue. A boy comes around, interfering with the boys, there's a huge fight and the boy just barley beats them all but is fairly hurt. The girl, being in his debt, takes him home to try and help him.

Turns out this boy has been living on the streets for quite a while, the orphanage where he'd been living had long since shut down. The girl offers for him to stay with her, not wanting to kick him out on the street. The boy reluctantly agrees. The girl helps him get enrolled into a school where he quickly becomes popular amongst the other students, girls and guys alike. The girl, though jealous of his popularity, is always supportive of him. But the kids that the boy had beaten didn't intend to leave her alone, now they're just pissed. But the boy's growing popularity distracts him from this...how will they sort this out?

ExperimentxNormal human [2]
A normal boy is walking peacefully down the sidewalk. Its a clear day and almost everybody is at work, he takes the scenic route as usual, near the forest. But today is different. As he walks a young girl comes running through the forest, looking tired and injured. Not long after a man dressed in army attire comes crashing out after her, tackling her and trying to pull her back to the forest. She actually manages to fight off this man as he is called back to the forest by somebody else. She gets up and tries to walk but passes out. The boy, curious and good natured. Takes her to his home. It turns out this girl was a lab rat for a secret sector of the government. Problem is, she hasn't lost them. Agents break into the boys home, trying to take the girl back. They bring a new, experimental weapon that they aren't even sure what it does. During the fight the weapon is fired at the girl and the boy being who he is, jumps in the way. It hits him instead. The girl takes this chance to escape with him as he goes through excruciating pain. But this weapon wasn't a normal weapon. It gave the boy abilities as well. The sector finds out and he's added to their bounty list. Now considered a greater asset than the girl. They come after them both. Will the two escape? Will they be caught? Will they be able to take the sector down?

Normal humanxSupernatural [1]
After answering a bulletin board add searching for a new roommate. The answeree goes to meet said person. They seem normal enough, in fact, fairly nice and eager for a roommate. Naturally they decide to move in. But not long after, does this new roommate of theirs start acting...strange. They become a bit more controlling, hostile even. They disappear for long periods of time and will come back spent, sometimes with bruises or even blood that doesn't even seem to be theirs. The roommate is getting scared, suspicious of what this person could be doing. So one night, they follow them. This was a poor decision. They find their roommate meeting with some BEYOND odd people...if they can even be called that. They talk about plans, about killing, about humans as well as strange mythical beings. The person thinks they all must be crazy until they witness something incredible from a meeting member, something no human could ever do.

In their surprise, they make their presence known and are almost killed. If it wasn't for their roommate who sticks up for them. Now this human is being dragged into a secret sort of war between supernaturals and humans. They're being put into danger, seeing unbelievable things every day and are having to learn to adapt and survive. They're protected and taught by their roommate who's weirded down a lot since they found out their secret. But how is this human supposed to choose a side? Go against the one person who's seemed to protect them in these fights? Or go against their own race? What will happen when given the choice? How will they adapt in this world they didn't even know existed?

ExperimentxScientist [2]
Being a scientist meant you were supposed to help people didn't it? When an aspiring new scientist is offered a top secret job by the government. They think it's a dream come true. They expect to be curing diseases, discovering new elements, working with tools they've never been able to before. Well...at least the last one is true...This place...is an experimental facility for animals...and humans. They're locked up and used as lab rats in place of more expendable animals. The tests are inhumane, the staff treat the test subjects terribly, even the human ones. The new scientist can't believe all of this. But they aren't aloud to leave, once you're in, you're in. At first, the scientist only has to work on the animals, they don't love it but it's manageable. But when one of the few scientists working on the human subjects dies...they're bumped up to fill their place.

They're told they need to do tests on a human, which honestly scares them, especially upon actually seeing this human. They're scared yet aggressive, covered in scars and have animalistic like qualities. But wouldn't you if you'd been imprisoned that long? The scientist can't stand to see how the person is treated. Chained up, tortured and mentally abused by guards and other employees. They attempt to befriend the experiment but it's not easy, especially when they still need to follow orders.

Yet, after a few incidents and many trials to win trust. The experiment becomes less hostile towards them...they become closer, making the scientist question their role even more. Finally, the scientist can't stand it. They plan an escape for the experiment. It's a valient effort but it fails. Both the experiment and scientist are punished. The experiment is severely beaten and tortured and the scientist....the scientist is caged...they're to become an experiment themself. What are the two to do? Are they destined to die here? Will this new scenario stir up the other scientists? Can they escape? Will the scientist live through the upcoming trials?

WarriorxHighschool Student
the great war raged on for years annihilating nature, destroying homes, tearing families apart. Evidently the war moves into a neutral territory. This territory becomes a prize for both sides to fight over. The ill prepared townsfolk have no way of defending themselves against both sides who come into conflict with one another while taking over. During a particular raid, a high school is seized, the teens and teachers are being rounded up and taken. One particular student, a female senior, is able to run, but not without a couple soldiers on her tail.

A young soldier for the opposing side is on boarder control, protecting claimed lands when he spots the girl and her assailants on his watch. Even though it's not his duty, and his enemies aren't picking a fight with him or breaking any rules, he can't just sit by as she's taken. He engages the other soldiers, they fight until his superiors come, having heard of trouble. After seeing what has happened, his superiors decide they should kill the girl as she would be more of a burden than an asset.

Again this soldier can't just let them kill an innocent civilian, he sticks his neck out for her. Despite grumbling from his superiors, he persuades them to let her live, by saying she'll be his responsibility. Now he must try to keep his job in the war while watching her, he doesn't know how well this will work out...until she becomes an asset for him. She helps him with his training as best she can and is bright enough to pick up on some things herself. He teaches her how to live the life of a soldier and how to take care of herself as they continue on with this giant grudge match between the two territories.

Childhood friendxCrazy childhood friend [1]
As children, the two were inseparable, closer than close. They were practically siblings. That is, until one's family moved, breaking their friendship apart as they disappeared without so much as a goodbye.Years later, the friend left behind still remembers their bestie, though they've got many new friends, nobody can replace them. They have a life, a fairly good one at that. So imagine their surprise when they run into this...honestly...insane...person on the street that then claims to know them.

This person turns out to be their childhood friend. But what happened to them? They seemed to have snapped, gone nuts. They have no proper social skills and seem to be bipolar. They keep skipping off topic and seem hostile towards everybody but their one friend. The crazy friend keeps seeming to pop up...everywhere. Until one night there's a knock at the normal friend's door. It's the police, with their old friend who said they lived there. With no way of arguing with the police, the friend is forced to let their old bestie stay with them, seeing as to how they won't tell them where they live.

But now the friend becomes curious. What could've caused their...practically a sibling of a friend...to snap like this? Why did they come back? Why did they even remember them? The more time they spend together, the more sober the crazy friend becomes, the less jumbled their stories about what happened become, and the more horrified their friend becomes about the reasoning behind their friend's insanity. Will the past come to haunt them both? Will their friend ever be cured of their insanity? Or will it drive them into madness as well?

Smitten friendxOblivious friend
Best friends since childhood. ____ and ____ have been inseparable. They look out for each other, know each other better than anybody else, and now that they’re in college, they’re even roommates. But one has been keeping a secret from the other, they’ve had a crush on them for years. They’re too shy to say anything and fear tearing their relationship apart. Besides, their best friend is oblivious anyway. What’s worse, their crush/best friend. Has been in a relationship with someone since they arrived at college. But this is a quickly deteriorating relationship. Their gf/bf treats them like dirt, has cheated on them repeatedly and constantly blows things out of proportion. It seems they just get more and more abusive with time. They create one sided fights and just use ___. Now ___ can’t stand this, they are constantly egging their friend on to end the relationship but they refuse. ___ thinks they’re in love and constantly forgive their bf/gf and all ____’s egging does is put stress on their relationship. All ____ want’s to do is help their friend but they’re being driven away by the jealous bf/gf. Will they be able to save their friend? Will they make their feelings known? Or will they abandon their friend? Will they leave them?

Pirate captainxCrewmate
What happens when a woman disguises herself as a man and joins a pirate crew? Well...a lot actually. This woman is hard headed and stronger than most, she manages to keep her identity secret from most of the crew. But the perceptive captain, sees something off about his newest crew member. They are a bit petite, and not as well worked as the others. But at the same time, it could be passed off as this 'man' just being a simple business man that had joined their ranks for the hell of it. The captain can't have that, he doesn't have time for goofing around. Upon confronting him, the captain finds out he's...a she. The captain could have her executed or kicked off the ship. But instead, she begs to stay. It takes much convincing. But he agrees to let her. She isn't a bad crew mate after all. But she has to keep up her disguise (Can't have the superstitious men on the ship knowing there's a woman among them)

This woman proves her loyalty again and again in raids as well as bad situations. Yet...one particularly explosive situation, allows the crew to find out she is a woman. They start doubting both her, and their captain, whom won't get rid of her. His reasoning is the deeds she's done for the crew and ship. But honestly, he's taking a liking to her. But how will the crew react to all of this. Being a pirate isn't easy, and it's a hell of a lot harder when you don't know if you can trust your own crew.

Witch HunterxWitch's Daughter
When ____, a very well respected and highly ranked witch hunter. Is given a job to kill a powerful witch at a handsome price. He happily takes it. The catch? This witch has been in hiding for years on end. Nobody knows where she is...except for her daughter. A young witch herself. She's been spotted several times as well as caught by other hunters. But she's a slippery one, just like her mother. She's always managed to escape, secret in tact.

____ decides to take a different approach at getting the information out of her than usual. The usual method of capture, threaten, torture and kill doesn't seem to work. He finds out where she was spotted and heads there. But he doesn't go in weapons swinging, no. He doesn't even attack. He simply bumps into the girl by 'accident' and makes her acquaintance. He plans to get close to her, close enough that she slips up and he'll get the whereabouts of her mother. But during this...he slowly starts falling for her as she is for him. What will he do? Will he continue with his job? Or turn it down and betray the rest of the bounty hunters?

Vampires have been hunted ever since they were publicly found out. They've been extinct for years...or at least that's what the humans thought. There's still...well about one now. There was a small group but they were found, this vampire escaped. They're injured and has been traveling for days, their injuries keeping them from going their real speed. This vampire happens to come across a group of hunters, simply looking to catch dear and are camping for the night. The mal-nourished, injured vampire couldn't help themselves if they wanted to, they slaughter all of the hunters.

Now this vampire needs rest to let it's new meal sink in and heal it. They head towards the town the hunters came from, feigning being an injured human. Just on the outskirts somebody spots them and immediately offers their assistance, inviting the vampire inside. The vampire plans on staying a while, using the person as a meal before traveling again, and leaving the next day.

But before the vampire can kill them and leave, authorities come, saying the group of hunters have gone missing and immediately suspecting the newcomer vampire. The vampire is surprised when even after such a short time together whilst they've been conning the human, they defend them without question. The town though, has a lock down, nobody is allowed to leave until they find the men. The vampire has to stay with this person for a few more days, and is surprised to find them growing on them.

What seems like a nice set up turns to bile when the bodies are found...the vampire finds out...one of those hunters...happened to be the very human they're staying with's brother. They've been staying in that brother's bed while being taken care of. The vampire starts to feel incredibly guilty, having formed a bond with the human who still doesn't know what they are. What's worse, they haven't drunken blood besides maybe a small animal in a few days, their blood lust is growing and the investigation has turned to that of murder, they still can't leave. How will they get out of this mess? Will they be able to escape the town without being found out? Will they never live up to the deed they've done? Or will they hurt their only companion physically and/or mentally? Will they be caught?