Darkness Dragons Revenge
Darkness Dragons Revenge
I don't know but I went through like 8-9 Flint and Steels just trying to deforest that area. x.x;
Sounds like you need lava
wahmbulance Not really easy to recollect after deploying though. xD;
True. But I'm a pyromaniac. I like fire
burning_eyes Or if you're my brother, burn down a village after robbing it of it's goods. Especially if the villagers only wait emeralds.
Never come across a village... aside from the one and only time I tried a superflat world. >>;
My main file is a jungle biome with a butt-ton of hills and extremely deep ravines. @.@
oooo I love jungle biomes so much!
My current house is in a glitched world, but the setting is soooo nice and there are so many gem deposits <3
My world has flatland with an AWESOME hill-mountain space next to the ocean with an island of jungle not to far from it, but that's it.
Everything else is ocean
emo My brother, a Minecraft maniac, is going to get me a new seed with what I want.
I really don't care about having to build a new house-- I wanted to add a floor but was too lazy to take out my roof-top terrace.
Plus I want to hide the library.
The only hard thing to let go will be my ship that I built-- it's huge and took forever to make. Lots of planning.
My brother thinks he'll be able to move it over with World Edit. I REALLY hope so.
What's your place like?