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Name: Valtiel
Nicknames: Val
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 18-ish

Faction/Race (Ghost)

Personality: To know Valtiel, one would have to know his past. Chosen by a mad doctor who dabbled in the arcane arts, Valtiel was to be his deceased daughter’s companion in the afterlife. Dressed up like some dark carousel horse (the Doctor lacked the imagination to add colours), Valtiel was murdered sacrificed. Sadly, in his excitement (and Valtiel’s panic attack), the good Doctor had failed to mention his child’s name and Valtiel was left wandering the earth (at least until he stumbled into Halloween Town) to searh for his rider.

Of course all that happened in the distant past and only thing remaining in his memory was the need to ‘find and serve his rider’ and the fear of occult symbols; especially those involving sharp objects, multiple candles, lots of ropes and blood.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Valtiel’s only drive would be to find his ‘rider’ and the Academy seemed like a good place as any to start searching.

Natural Ability:As a ghost, Valtiel’s natural ability would be to phase through solid objects.


Swift Strike –Valtiel is able to charge at an opponent with incredible speed and precision. During his charge, Valtiel remains incorporeal thus rendering all physical attacks useless. However, at the point of attack, Valtiel will shift to a more corporeal form to deliver the blow. Setbacks to this skill would be confusion on Valtiel’s part from having to keep shifting from one phase to another.

Physical Description:
Eye Colour: Deep brown in human form
Hair Colour/Style: Refer ref. image
Skin Colour: Refer ref. image
Clothing Style/Colours: The reason for his death is to serve so it isn’t a surprise that Valtiel finds himself comfortable in a butler’s uniform. It just seems…appropriate (feel free to do changes to the costume to fit the shop’s theme)
Extra: He has a fading fiery blue tail

Dr. Hyde bit into his sandwich enthusiastically, unconcerned about the...fluids dripping onto the application before him. It was all "ghost horse...blahblah...tragedy blah..." anyways. He'd accept it of course, there'd been a recent demand among students for "Epic Mounts"...but that didn't mean he'd have to actually read about the student did it?

He paused and stared in front of him, looking a little troubled, "...needs more blood."

Dr. Hyde: a man with priorities.