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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:31 pm
Akira was nearly nodding off as he browsed the hair products at the Camphoreon department store. His graveyard shifts at the convenience store and so much of Ray's training was beginning to take its toll. It had taken a little of his natural hair color to show in his roots before he remembered he needed to buy more hair dye.

So there he was...trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible as one of the only males in the hair care section. Normally he likely would have taken the time to dress up and make-up his face before he went out in order to take on his female alter ego as Clara and seem less suspicious. However, he had been far too exhausted lately to even think straight.

It was only when he got into the store and headed toward the hair dye that he realized how much he seemed to stand out. Not like he was in the women's underwear section or anything, but it still made him feel uneasy and he kept his head ducked behind the shelves to avoid eye-contact with others.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:08 pm
Dying her hair had never been an option for Aija. When she was younger, her father had strictly forbade it, thinking it a frivolous waste of money. He'd barely let her keep it as long as she did. Now that her father wasn't around to tell her no, Aija wanted to explore every part of every store in all of Camphoreon. Every single one. ...Okay, maybe just most of them.

The pink haired girl didn't have much in her basket, just a couple bottles of shampoo and conditioner(the little hotel bottles had lasted exactly half a shower). She had no interest in buying hair dye, but all the colours were fun to look at. Maybe someday she'd turn her hair something cool, like red! For now, she was wandering the isle, wondering how many boxes she'd need to actually dye all of her hair.

As she looked over a box of 'Light Natural Auburn', someone lurking around caught her eye. Were they... sneaking? Hiding? Maybe they were stealing something! Perhaps they were lost. Setting the box of dye back, Aija looked towards the person she'd seen. Tip toeing after him quickly, Aija paid no mind to other shoppers and found the sneaky brunette guy.

"Hello!" She greeted as she finally popped up to his side, head tilted. "You are looking, um, lost! Are you lost? I am new here, but am betting I could help you find something! Are you looking for new colour for hair?" She rattled quickly, barely suppressing a grin.  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:31 pm
"AHH!" With fatigue already having deprived him of most of his wits, the girl's sudden appearance startled him out of what few he had left. The box of brown hair dye he had been holding clattered to the floor as he jumped, his palms still up, open, and out as if in surrender.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just - N-no, I don't think I...actually yes, yes I am," he said quickly, trying to force his brain to keep up with his mouth. If she thought he was lost, maybe she wouldn't find him so suspicious in the hair dye section. Who dyed their hair brown, anyway, unless they were old people? It was such a dull color. His eyes searched for the box he'd dropped and he reached out a foot to kick it behind him and hopefully out of the way and the girl's line of sight.

"Y-yeah, my wi - I mean, boyfr- er, girlfriend - she has...terrible hair," he blabbed. "Well, I mean, not really, she just thinks she does. The color. He- sh-she doesn't like it," he added. "Wow..." For the first time, he noticed the young lady's own long tresses of pink. "Is that....all your real hair?"  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:47 pm
"Woah, woah!" Aija backed up, lifting her hands in a surrendering sort of motion. She laughed a little, lacing her fingers behind her back and tilting to the side more to see whatever the guy was trying to hide behind him. After a quick look she decided it was just a plain ol' box of dye. Strange... why was he acting so nervous? Maybe he was... scared of hair dye? "Do not be so, uh, uhh..." Failing to think of a word, Aija, waved her hands a little frantically, trying to mimic the guy's surprised behavior. She tried to listen to him carefully, but he didn't seem to know what to say himself, and he was talking rather fast. Aija looked a bit confused. She took a moment to reply, trying to piece together what he was trying to say.

"So, your girlfriend! Why does she not get her own dyes? Do you dye hair for her? Ah! So you are good, nice boyfriend. How kind of you!" Aija reached up and patted the man's shoulder, giving him an approving nod. Then she reached around and touched one of her braids, pulling it over her shoulder. Some of the length was wrapped around her head and pinned in place- kept her from it being stepped up or caught in doors. "This? Is real- it is not fake, like, um, um... wig. Not a wig. As real as yours! ...Unless your hair is fake?"  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:44 pm
"...'Flustered'?" Akira attempted, trying to help her think of the word as she waved her hands. He was having a hard time not smiling at her antics. He knew he acted flustered a lot, more so than was probably acceptable for a family heir, but that was just one of many reasons he left the position. "Sorry...I, um...I'm not good with...meeting new people," he managed to say. "Or...talking to people in general, really." Especially girls for whatever reason, which was odd, because he had always thought he understood them better than guys. Perhaps that was part of the problem, though - too many preconceived notions about them.

"Oh, uh...she...works," he said, managing to speak slower now that he could wrap his mind around the situation. "I work at late at night, but she works during the day, so I offered to get some for her." He blushed at her comment about him being a nice boyfriend. "Well, I mean...wouldn't any person do that for a friend? Or...roommate or what-have-you." Oops, there went his brain again. He was slowly losing his presence of mind as he ranted, beginning to forget what he was doing again. Akira shook his head to wake himself back up to the present. Goodness - at that rate, he thought he might fall asleep where he stood.

He gave a small start as she pat his shoulder, his half-asleep brain jolting awake once more. What were they talking about now...? Oh! Right, her hair. Those long, pink, braided locks like a princess from a fairy tale. Yes, his youngest sister Seshiru would have been envious indeed. "Wow...that's amazing," he murmured dreamily, perhaps due to being in a partially drowsy state. "Yeah...fake..." Wait, no! What was he saying?! "I mean, no! No, you're right, it's not! See? It's real, very real!" He tugged on his bangs in emphasis, though it was also an impulse since that was what he tended to do when he was upset or anxious. Like now.

"Ugh...I'm sorry, those late night shifts have really done a number on me," he apologized, continuing to absently tug on his bangs. "I'm not usually this...loopy. I think I'd better get some coffee or something...should have got some on the way here..." He paused. "Oh, right...I'm sorry, my name is Akira. You didn't mention yours, did you? I'd hate to have missed it."  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:06 pm
"Flustered! That is good word. I will remember this," Aija nodded, watching Akira with an amused smile. He seemed... off. Of course, she didn't know him and so there was the chance he was always this way!

"Is this so? Huh, I do not know! Have not had a roommate before, would not know. I think maybe you are just being nice!" She probably wouldn't do something like that for somebody, why bother? It was too much effort to do for another person. This guy must just be one of those considerate people. ...A very tired people. Very. Aija listened to him and tilted her head again, wondering just how long he'd been awake. Coffee seemed to be exactly the thing he needed.

When he finished, Aija stuck her hand out to shake, "My name is Aija, how great to meet you Mr. Akira! Oh-" She pulled her hand away before shaking his and bent down, scooping up the hair dye box he'd dropped earlier. Offering the box to him, Aija glanced around, "You did mention coffee, yes? I think it would be great for you and your very not fake hair." She teased.  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:40 pm
"Heh...I'm not really all that nice," Akira answered bashfully, tugging harder on his bangs. "There are a lot nicer people around here. Speaking of which...are you...new to this..." What to say? City? Region? Her way of speaking seemed somewhat foreign, but he couldn't recognize it. "...place?"

As he spoke, he began walking a few steps toward the stairs, knowing there was a small cafe on the first floor. He stepped gradually, however, watching the girl to see if she felt inclined to follow. She must have had some business on that particular floor to have been there on the first place, after all, and he wouldn't have wanted her to go out of her way just for him.

"Aija...what a pretty name," he remarked. "I've never heard anything like it. Oh, but 'Akira' will do just fine, thanks. 'Mr.' makes me feel so much older than I am." Not to mention he was still trying to break his habit of using formalities. It took all his willpower just to force his clouded mind to remember not to call the girl 'Miss Aija' in turn.

Shoot! Damn, damn it! "O-oh! Thank you," he said, accepting the box. Well, at least now he had a cover story for why he'd been caught with it. "Hehe...yeah. There's some just downstairs, actually. Would you care to join me?" He gestured toward the stairs with his free hand. "If you don't drink coffee, I can get you something else, but I don't want you to have to go out of your way. Especially if you have other errands to run up here."  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:05 pm
"Bah! Whatever you are saying," Aija said with a roll of her eyes. Geez, she called him nice, she thought he should accept the compliment! Maybe he was just nervous; she noted him tugging at his bangs. Well, she was a very intimidating and marvelous person, of course he would be nervous around her! It couldn't be helped! "I am new to here! Have only been around for a few days, came from Latvia. Lets see... is small country, near to Russia, perhaps you have heard of it! Perhaps also you have not heard of it?"

Aija grinned and puffed out her chest proudly, "Hm! Thank you! It is good name, yes. Akira, that is a name I have not heard also. Are you from this place? This place being, ah, Kodo?"

She was glad there was a cafe nearby and took a few steps towards the stairs after Akira. She gave the box one last glance before he took it, "That would be great! Oh, you do not have to pay for me..." But she wouldn't object too much, "I am finished with shopping here, no worrying. Is having hot chocolate alright?" she asked, looking up at him. ...Huh. His hair seemed the same shade as the box. Him and his girlfriend must like to match, she thought.  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:54 pm
"Lativa? I see," he answered. "I'm afraid I haven't heard of too many other countries than the one I was born in," Akira told her apologetically. "I know someone from Russia, though. Perhaps he might know Lativa." He thought Dith and Aija would have gotten along well. But then again, was there anyone Dith didn't get along with?

"Uh, no, actually. I'm from a region called Sinnoh," he explained. "I moved here a few months ago myself. Might be a year now," the brunet murmured thoughtfully. "I'm still adapting, but it's really not so bad a place, Kodo. Especially Camphoreon City; there's plenty going on all the time. I hope you'll like it here."

"Wonderful. Please, I insist! It's my treat," Akira told her cheerfully. "Hot chocolate sounds perfect." He was so pleased as they headed toward the cafe that he didn't notice her regarding his hair. "Anything else with that? Cinnamon? Marshmallows?"  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:02 pm
"It is okay, have found many people who do not know my home place. Would be easier to say I am from Russia! Ah, you know such person? Wow, did not know there would be Russian people here too, I hope to perhaps meet him!" As much as Aija liked being in a new place, it was hard not to feel a little bit homesick. Talking to someone in a native language would be nice.

"Sinnoh? I believe I have heard of this, I think... perhaps! When I was deciding what place to go to, I saw the name. Have not been to place, though. I think I will like it here, there is much to do here! There are many nice people!" She said with a laugh.

"Ah! Marshmallows- those, those yes, I like those! Thank you very much, Mi- er, Akira!" She could get used to the hospitality here, it was great. Free hot chocolate? This was great! No one ever got her free hot chocolate back home(unless you counted hot chocolate from parents free, but...). The prospect of marshmallows distracted her from being curious about Akira's hair dye situation for a moment. "Is being so nice a Kodo thing, or a Sinnoh thing?" She asked playfully.  

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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