well atleast i think i am...
trying to catch up as much as possible with everyones lives... but I fail...

I'm at my friends house stealing internet...
I need to clean my office and set up my lappy in there so I might actually start using it more since i got 10GB of internet now!!! (family plan though phone) lol yay country living with crappy netage


let me know what is up!!!!

heres my info...

think last real time i was on was when i shot my Deer during Archery season (Nov)... (btw - he tastes awesome!!!!)
didn't get any shots off during rifle season... I had a buck that kept on sneaking up on me but i started coughin and would scare him off... and because my dad didn't want me shooting the does or any other yearlings

(Dec) i turned 26!!!! i feel old while reading some of ya'lls high school prom stuff...
I am now on my second anniversary working with my girl (Client) at Developmental Disabilities

(Jan) ummmmm i think it snowed alot... so i got good checks that month???

(Feb) snowed alot so got good checks that month also.... ?

(march) got a snow day at the beginning.... LOL
2 yr anniversary of being lead staff and its the same day as my grams bday
grams went to hospital earlier this week... she's doing good again just a short episode of not responding

over the past few months she's been having trouble with UTI's... OMG those make the old people loose their minds and see, apparently, animals being loose (nurse said her grams had animals running loose also) lol

but all in all ... health is doing well so no complaints... (minus dog getting sick earlier this week also.... )