Star gate is about an artifact found in the Giza Plateau as of 1928 that acts like a gateway between worlds in the universe using a series of hieroglyphics for an address.

This technology in the REAL Renaissance Galaxy is used on some worlds in the east to travel. It is also common on a popular game called the World of Warcraft where, like the Stargate show, your character on warcraft can be transported places.

One Stargate in Duskwood on the World of Warcraft is broken and it doesn't take you anywhere, but its cool to look at.

Anyway, this thread is to discuss the movie, the show series, and perhaps the idea of this being a more realistic way to travel through space without the usage of rockets etc and to populate other worlds.

For example, the closest planet to Earth is Mars, right?

What if we took a man-made Star Gate, traveled to a world man has already been to, like the moon, make a second star gate and try and connect them based on what is known?

We know that there'd have to be some sort of vortex created between the worlds and they'd have to allow for safe passage for others.

In theory, what do you guys think of this, and do you have anything to discuss regarding Star Gate?