I had an interesting dream that I thought would make a good story.

The dream began with a dark figure looking for a girl. She had to be in her mid teens. She feared for her life, but I think that was because she didn't know what the guy wanted from her. He merely strolled out looking for her.

She was scared, but the only reason she had gotten this far away from him was because she cast an invisibility spell on herself. She knew he could use a spell to sense where others were, so she had to try to use magic to conceal her presence. She did so in the niche of time, because when he cast his locator spell, he couldn't find her. He then instructed his guards to go looking for her outside of the area they were currently in. After he left the scene, she was able to get away.

Years went past, and she grew increasingly homesick of her world. She learned that the only way she could return was by confronting this dark figure.

The girl had become a young woman, but when she finally does confront him, the dynamic has changed, she doesn't fear him anymore. In fact, now that she can take a look at him she realizes he is quite the looker. This time when she is recaptured, she isn't treated as a prisoner, but instead a guest.

Post a reply if you'd be interested in developing this into some story line.

I prefer to RP in the forums ^.^