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PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:26 pm
She couldnt help but be amused. "You're Welcome." But that was before the blind panic of finding out she was severely stepping out of line. She looked back to her soup and just nodded a bit. "Well its a good idea."

She flushed brigther. "Oh...um... Yes sir... I mean... Im so sorry... Im not... all that great with names... And so... I didnt... " She gently covered her face with her hand. She had tried to dump soup on an Elite agent... She talked to him like he was just another random human and his pokemon was still elbow deep in her hair. "Im just so sorry."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:41 pm
Alphard stopped waving Kailee's curls like pom-poms and looked down at her, puzzled.

Hayes stared at her blankly for a second. Then: "Oh," said the blond, as if he'd suddenly remembered. "Oh, the rank thing? Don't worry about it; I'm off duty, s'no big deal." He took a sip of his drink and swallowed before adding another half-laughed reassurance. "You're fine."

"Here." The elite slid his tablet halfway across the table. "You wanted a look at this, right?"


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:09 pm
She smiled up to Al and gently tickled his side with a finger. Elite pokemon or not he was still adorable.

She nodded and then ducked her head mindful of Al. "If... youre sure..." She had a whole thing with Aulus about that. Apparently some people were strict about it others... not so much. She smiled to him. Well he was so sweet. So different from anyone else she had met. Well... Tambrey was sweet... in her own way. And Aulus... he could be sweet... she was sure of it... he just had to put his mind to it.

As he pushed the tablet she lifted her hands. "Oh! I repel Technology... Ive broken more pieces of technology then i can count... You dont want me touching it... Somehow it will break." She laughed a soft flush on her cheeks. "Will you run it for me Alphard?" She smiled up to the cute little pokemon. She glanced back to Hayes. "If that's ok with you."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:04 pm
'Tickles!' Alphard complained, though it didn't sound particularly cross.

"Mm." Hayes waved a hand in dismissal as he finished his current mouthful of food. "I mean, yeah, on duty it's different and if I tell you to do something - or not do something - you should 'cause I've got a good reason, but it's hard to have a conversation when someone's saying 'yes, sir' every two minutes, y'know?"

Despite his casual manner, he did pull the tablet back towards himself when Kailee issued her warning. "Miiight not want to break this one, yeah. And, uh-" He laughed. "Most of the stuff on here Al doesn't touch." 'Don't touch,' the Jirachi agreed, nodding seriously. "He can show you a couple of things though."

The elite unlocked the device and tipped it up so Kailee could see the screen, which was much larger than the standard Rocket 'dex's and displayed a paused video of Tambrey delivering a presentation to a group of tech and science Rockets. "It works pretty much like a 'dex but it's a bit more powerful and has a big screen, so it's good for taking notes and stuff. Lot of us downstairs use them that way." He swiped the video away, revealing a desktop of neatly spaced icons.


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:20 pm
She smiled. That was of course the point. Well that and try to make the pokemon laugh. She could only imagine it would sound like tiny bells ringing.

She smiled. She was eating with an elite agent. How weird was that... She didnt think that Elites had time to eat. "Well of course...And yes,sir... i do know..."She smiled joking gently." I just... Aulu- uh... I mean... "She crossed her eyes at herself a moment." Agent Aulus... Insists on the title on or off duty... I slipped up once... and so I try very hard to make sure im respectful... I just... It gets very confusing... people introduce themselves and then say dont call me that though." She shrugged. He was the ranking officer... she had to respect that and she did... Thus why she put the effort in to remember. She took a bite of soup. This one not ending up in her lap.

She grinned as he pulled it back. It was for the best... She liked technology... but her camera.... her radio... her kindle... all were in the technology graveyard under her bed. She grinned to Al. "And see... he really doesnt want to trust me to touch... Dont touch for Kailee too." She laughed and looked back. "Well what can he show me?" She looked to him and nodded. "Oh cool... im still finding new things that my dex can do... i bet you had it all figured out first day huh... " Well there were two types of people in this world and seeing Hayes desktop proved they were in different groups. She bet he smoothed the wrinkles out of his bed covers too. She smiled at that..."Its really cool."
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:03 pm
"Oh, Aulus." The blond's eyes lit up with recognition and he laughed. "Yeah. He give you a scare?" Hayes asked, with a half-smile that suggested he already knew the answer. "Just stick with titles 'til you get a sense of who cares and who doesn't." His shrug put him squarely in the latter camp. "If 'sir's easier for you than 'Hayes', I don't care."

'It's important!' Alphard threw short arms up for emphasis. 'Hayes lose data, say 'frak!' Stay up night.' The summary got a chuckle as Hayes tapped at the tablet. "Pretty much. He's allowed to use his Scratch app - s'a kids' programming language - but my stuff's off-limits." He folded the tablet stand back and passed the device, now showing a loading screen in primary colors, to Alphard, who blipped from Kailee's shoulder to sit on the table. "And no - it always takes a while to get familiar with a new system. You'll get there. How long've you been in?"


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:23 pm
She nodded and smiled at how he lit up a bit. She got the feeling they knew each other well. "Terrified... I thought he was gonna get me kicked out of rocket before my first month as grunt was over..." She grinned. "If its all the same to you... Id rather call you Hayes... "She smiled.

And then the little pokemon made an exclimation and she nodded. "I expect that it is." She grinned. "Ooooh Swearing Hayes? And in front of your pokemon?" She wrinkled her nose softly looking back to him. "Oh well thats cool. The fact you let him use it at all." She still marveled at people who didnt just treat their pokemon as something of a right...but as a friend and partner.

She looked back up as he said no. "Oh that makes me feel better." Though as he ask she flushed a bit. "Well... two months as a trainee... and then ive been a grunt about two months... Three... maybe... " She counted. "Lets say two and a half." So she was getting there... and fairly new still but she was figuring it out... plus they allowed her to work main lab stuff... so she couldnt complain... Recruited for her science knowledge and what not it was almost an advanced placement of sorts into that lab.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:03 pm
"Alright." Hayes leaned back, drink in hand. "I wouldn't take it personally. He's a good guy though. Knows Pokemon."

Kailee's ribbing just got an easy smile and a shrug. "Eh, Al's a legendary clone - I'm supposed to be monitoring his growth. He's at least as smart as a kid, so I thought 'Why not try teaching him some simple programming?'" The blond grinned. "And he's doing better than most undergrads, so that's working out." He regarded the Jirachi tapping at the tablet with a sort of casual fondness.

"Anyway. So you're not even at a year. You're gonna be shaky," the elite told her matter-of-factly, "and you're probably gonna screw up. Most newbies do, and people know that, so that's why you get the small stuff at first. And then one day it's just gonna click and you'll go 'Hey, I can do this.'" He smiled and pushed his glasses back up. "Nobody's amazing right off."


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:31 pm
She nodded. She preferred names... Sir was just so formal... although... she guessed in some cases formal was what was needed. "No? It seemed pretty personal... But he meant well im sure... And he wasnt wrong... I shouldnt have said it... " She shrugged and nodded. She could say he knew pokemon... thats definitely one thing she didnt doubt.

She smiled back at the shrug. "Oh and his he growing?" She glanced to the pokemon tipping her head to look at what he was doing. "Way better then me..." She grinned and looked back to Hayes.

"Im trying not to be... I mean in the labs... Ive never been told im wrong... well aside from when the slides break.." She flushed. She broke beakers and slides all the time. "But the point is i know what im talking about... But this... " She gestured around. "Pokemon... training... caring for them... Thats the hard part... "Although... she did have the types strengths and weaknesses memorized. She grinned. "No one? When did you have your Ah-ha moment?"
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:58 pm
"Nah," the elite agreed. "Don't tie yourself in knots about it - you're not the only grunt he's yelled at. And uh.. mentally, yeah. Although you could probably learn programming if you wanted to." He glanced over at the Jirachi.

Alphard was dragging colored blocks and clipart around the screen and humming to itself. 'Hmm hmm.. hm?' Kailee was looking! The little legendary blipped away, reappearing behind Hayes, who chuckled, then reached up and scratched at the back of his head, leaving his sandy blond hair fluffed out.

"My 'aha' moment. Uh. Maybe a year? Year'n a half?" Shrug. "I'm still learning stuff, and I know what I know compared to everything out there is like-" he pressed two fingers together, with an ironic half-smile, "-this much. I just know by this point that whatever comes up, if I can learn it, I can probably handle it - and if I can't, my team as a whole can. Computers, anyway."


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:48 pm
She smiled to him. It was too late. She had figured that Aulus didnt like her... and she was striving to figure out why... and how to fix it. So knots... lots of knots. And then they moved on. "Awesome! Thats really cool. " She shook her head. "I think its the interest in it thats needed." She wasnt sure that she wanted to be a programmer but learning something new was never bad right?

She jumped slightly as the Jirachi blipped. "Oh! Im sorry!" She turned slightly red and patted the table infront of the tablet for him to come back.

"Well look at you a big veteran in the Aha department." Her eyes glittered playfully. She grinned. "Are you gonna learn everything out there?" It was a goal at the very least. She nibbled her food. "Thats really cool... To be that confident in something." She nodded. "So what made you get into Programming?"
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:27 pm
"Thaaat's kind of important," the elite agreed, taking that headshake as a refusal.

Alphard looked up from the tablet long enough for a serious-faced (or as serious as a Jirachi's face could look), 'Wait. I'm making stuff.' It waved a hand in front of its face in a gesture very similar to the one Hayes had used to push his glasses up, and returned to tapping the screen.

Another little smile acknowledged Kailee's joke. "Oh, that's impossible," was the blond's cheerful reply, "but I'd like to. All the interesting stuff anyway - and I dunno. I liked robots as a kid, and I was good at math. Best of both worlds." Behind him, the tablet made an explosion sound without actually blowing up, and Alphard nodded to itself in satisfaction. Putting an arm over the back of his chair, Hayes looked behind him. "How's it going?"

'Ok.' Tap, tap.

"Any bugs?"

Tap, drag. 'No.'

"Can we see?"


With a shrug, Hayes left the Jirachi to it and turned back to Kailee. "He's making something," he explained. "Probably for you."


Spacey Spark


PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:04 am
It was the softest refusal she could make. She really didnt have a head for technology. Unless of course it was push a button and the machine did it for you... She really did like calculators. They made her work sooooooo much easier.

She smiled at his serious face and she couldnt help but think it was the most adorable thing she had seen. And then she laughed very softly as he moved to push up glasses he didnt have. Holding up her hands she nodded. "Ok ok Sorry."

She looked to hayes and frowned gently shaking her head. "Nothing is impossible... With enough hard work and determination... " She shrugged. This was Kailee's view on life. Its why she loved genetics... She had used the mechanism that turned clown fish from male to female to change a goldeen from male to female when she was in school. Some would say thats impossible... for a goldeen to start out male and be a female, but she had done it.

She grinned. "Robots are pretty cool... " She wrinkled her nose. "Not me... Math and I are not friends... to this day we still get into arguments... Math says 1.4 grams of buffer... i say 1.5... Experiment doesnt work... And then i growl at my math problem... it insists on being 1.4... So i try it... of course it works..." She rolled her eyes laughing. "Other times... i make a mistake and Math gives me the wrong answer... those are really fun arguments...." Kailee jumped slightly at the explosive sound looking for what she blew up this time.

She smiled as they talked back and forth and she took the chance to take another bite of food. She smiled at Hayes' explination. "Oh... thats so very sweet of him." She took another bite. "So did you build robots when you were a kid?" She grinned. "I had one... it didnt do anything... but i called him the flapjack flipper 5000..." She pulled her arms up, her fingers together like paddles. "He was an upside down trashcan and had spatula arms... Just never could figure out electronics enough to make him work, i now know its because trashcans arent electronic and spatulas krazy glued to it wont move..." She smiled innocently.

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