3 sightings of 3 attempt murders, solved and rescued by the man known as Sherlock Holmes, accompanied by Mr. John Watson a military man and a doctor. This story was one of my favorites when I was a young lad. Now all grown up I've decided to follow in Holmes shoes and become a world known consulted Detective. With no ties to the outside world all I have is myself. Studying abroad in London. I've visited 221 b where legends of stories began to emerge from the sightings of Holmes apartment I was indeed fascinated and became excited as I looked around, but the most thing that caught my mind was the stories, books, hardcovers of Conan Doyle's handy work. Detailed to the very last bit of leftovers. I couldn't help myself as I grabbed and seating myself as I emerged into the world of Sherlock Holmes. The stories felt so real I was truly a fan. Thinking about it as I read a few pages I noticed a page missing? Now this truly bothered me. I couldn't continue I was really hoping to fine if Sherlock found the culprit or found who the culprit was. I couldn't skip the page either. Ah the torture was swelling up. I had to find the missing page, I was dying to know! But as I was out of solitude I stopped, started to calm myself and asked myself what would Holmes do in this situation. He would play the violin it was his thing where he would play to figure out problems, missing pieces. But the truth was I had no knowledge of playing the violin. Basically I never thought about it until now? Gah I'm so stupid! But wait a minute just because I couldn't play the violin I had a talent, other then an instrument I had a cube block. I never leave home without it. Slowly taking it out of my suitcase I took the contraption in my hand and started to think, my hands started to move in different paces as I assorted the colors in there respected place. I started to think, where could the missing page be. It was very frustrating but as the colors were organized the cube was finished and the mind became one big picture. Someone other then me had access to the apartment someone who had strong connections, now I know that the pages can be found in the internet but they can't completely understand how valuable a master piece can be. Even for a novel it's still a limited edition.