So I havn't rp'd in a few years but I am literate and know all the unsaid rules. Ive noticed a lot of people today rp in text speak and have no respect for other rpers, that's one of the reason I came here.

Anywho~ I was looking for some one or some people to rp with. I have a few story plots and settings. If you wish to discuss them with me I'm totally open. Though my main fun in rping is character development and relationships I really like to work out a good setting and some plot.

I have two character sup in the profiles if ya wanna look.

Pm me or chat here if interested in a future rp- the plot and setting i had in mind can have MANY people at one time.

or if you want one on one I'm cool with that too.

thanks smile

ps ill be on my phone cause travel a lot in a day so pms are the fastest way to reach me.