To my unborn child,

You have no father, nor am I pregnant. I only hope that someday you exist so that I may give you these letters and tell you the story of how I met your father. Child of mine if you are reading this now, you must know that you are special. You were born from I, the last ink bane until you came along (that is if you ever come along...) The ink bane possesses the power to take ink creations from their very pages and breathe life into our very world. There's something else you must know though dear. While it is possible for me to create the love of my life on the very pages I write on and bring him out, I will not. I believe in a true love, not one that was made up and ripped from its fake existence. I could not live knowing I was bearing the child of something that once lied on a page. I want real love just as any sensible woman and I do hope you will seek the same. Do not take in vain what I have written. I love you.

All my love, Olivia Grace Ingrid.

Story: Olivia seeks the love of a real man. She's a well known writer in the Victorian era under the pen name of a man. Her other secret? She's an ink bane, meaning she can pull out drawings or written creations from their pages into our very existence. Finding love is one thing and revealing her biggest secret is another. Once she finally finally meets her dearly beloved, things change beyond what she expected and she finds herself discovering the world for the first time when love opens her eyes. Classic and enthralling, the tale of a woman and her journey to find love and herself.

Setting: Britain, the Victorian era.

Rules: -must be literate. This is a literary love RP.

- You need to be dressed for the role. I am currently in my outfit for the RP as grace Ingrid. So please dress your avi to fit classy and Victorian manner.

- Describe your characters persona, likes, dislikes. Background. (I already gave background above.)

-who's starting first? Let me know.

- if you have read all of this type Lightwood at the end of your whole description and whatnot.

Your form should look like this:

Name: Olivia Grace Ingrid
Persona: stubborn, hot headed, polite, clumsy, independent, etiquette.
-Likes: children, books, reading, writing, manners, well-dressed gentlemen, tea, and cake.
-Dislike: anything tart, bratty kids, arrogant people, impoliteness, damaged books, and scones.

Background: (⬆️above ⬆️)