[ T I M E L I N E ]

As Orias's words gained a gradually sharper edge, Hana visibly winced more frequently. As his words reached their most poisonous point, Hana could be seen shrinking away from him, but the eyes that steadily looked at Orias and the hands that tightly clenched the countertop told another story. For all the guilt and fear that Orias's words made Hana feel, there was also the belief that there must be some sort of misunderstanding and the courage to be ready to argue such a belief.

Those thoughts, however, took backstage when Orias's body suddenly reacted violently to the blood he drunk. Fear changed into concern and an analytic gaze that quickly set to diagnosing the problem. Her mind calmly combined the comments about packaged blood as "compost" and Orias's own body language to come to the conclusion that there really must be a problem with drinking packaged blood for Vladians and that it wasn't as Hana had assumed it was: the same thing as eating packaged meat. Hana clambered over the counter, not bother to walk around it, and narrowly dodged the chalice that flew at her right after she made contact with the side of the room Orias was on. In the same motion she had dodged with, the simultaneously emotional and calm medic was besides Orias, who was now just a patient to her. Despite all the emotions that flashed through her face, creating a chaotic dance of confusion, embarrassment, concern, thought, relief, and concentration, Hana was very clearly dictating and analyzing the situation and Orias's condition. She deemed that it was best not to touch him while his body reacted so violently to the substance and that it was likely akin to a benign gag reflex, a very bad gag reflex but ultimately a knee jerk reaction to something that really posed no actual harm to the body. The wild eyes he looked around with after overcoming his symptoms only supported Hana's decision. He might have accidentally swiped at her if she had touched him while he felt vulnerable.

Hana stepped back as Orias recovered. She had seen many people like him, men and women alike, among both people that called themselves barbarians and people that called themselves ninjas. Yes, she wouldn't deny that she had lived a stable life before joining Amegakure… for her time that is. Civilian or not, no one was from a battle, especially not doctors. Many a fighter had come and gone in Hana's mother's practice. Just because she avoided the front lines didn't mean the consequences of it didn't pass through her hands.

It didn't matter who one was, there was always the looming threat of violence from one faction or another. In this lawless age where protection of the innocent was scarce, civilians lived just as short lives as those who went out to fight. 16? Well, yeah, a lot of people did live longer than that, but with how impossible it was to predict when the next raid will come and claim lives indiscriminately, the young were expected to mature quickly. Hana was only 15 and here she was risking her life on the battlefield. She knew people who were even younger than her who had already married or had become the heads of their families. To her, 16 was young, but not that young.

With a thoughtful expression that clearly showed there was something Hana was thinking about, she revealed her original reason for asking Orias his age, "I see. Then I should call you Oreos-oppa." As she decided on her next course of action, Hana's face settled into a stern but neutral emotion, "It's not just where you originate from. I'm only 15 myself. In my experience, most places can't afford the luxury of denying adulthood to teens. Not when days like today happen with no foreseeable way to prevent them." She didn't say her last thought out loud, but her eyes made clear the words she kept silent, A part of Hana realized her own readability, and it didn't take long for her to turn her back on Orias so that he wouldn't be able to read too deeply.

With back turned to Orias, Hana's voice suddenly sounded very tired as she realized that she had done all the work she had wanted to, I'm… actually done with the bookwork. There should be people coming in here who can do the rest. Actually, they're also supposed to do what I just did, but that doesn't matter. Urgh… so… If you could just clean the mess over there…." The mess, of course, referred to Orias's goblet.

There was a pause as Hana's doctor side took over. She knew that now, when sleep deprivation and a little bit of guilt for thinking so harshly of Orias fogged her thinking, was not the best time to be making a decision like this. However, she also felt like she couldn't just ignore Orias's very obvious health issues. In the end, Hana sided with reason and held off offering her blood, "Oreos-oppa, after I get some rest, I would like to speak with you again," she turned to offer him the best smile she could muster, "I would like to learn more about Vladians and see if there's anything I can do to help you adapt to life in this village. Until then, please lock up after cleaning up the mess. You can lock the door from the inside and just close it. Also, you should be able to find cleaning supplies in the room in the back. I'm trusting you, okay? Don't do anything weird in this room, got it?" Then she made her exit.
