Da Rules

ﻬ Follow the Gaia ToS (given)

ﻬ No God Moding. This includes, but is not limited to: Instant kills/victories, 100% hits on targets, 100% dodging, and inability to comply with mission requirements.

ﻬ No Cybering. I don't want the guild to get flagged--please take it to PMs

ﻬ No harassing of members or characters uncalled for. I understand that some might like playing the bad-guy character, but please mind the wishes and respect of your fellow members.

ﻬ No arguing/fighting with members inside the guild. Please keep in mind that anyone new coming through gets an impression of the guild by browsing the threads.

ﻬ Any member can only have 1 lost magic (if available) at any time. This is to prevent magic hoarding and give other members a chance at lost magic using characters.
ﻬ A bi-annual activity check will be done for every member with a character who uses celestial or lost magic. If a player is inactive without leave notice during the check, their magic/keys are forfeited and becomes available to anyone who wants it.

ﻬ Custom spells and magic cannot be used before being approved by a crew member.
ﻬ This rule also applies to magical weapons/armor
ﻬ Approved custom spells does not mean the character instantly masters it. The spell must still undergo the training limit to be learned and used.

ﻬ Members may begin with a maximum of 2 characters. To gain more characters, the first characters must reach S-rank.

ﻬ Do not create personal threads outside of profile storage, unless given permission by a crew member.

ﻬ Three[3] Warnings and you're out.