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'Wish upon the stars for one day we could meet again.'


Two boys were taken into an orphanage. Life wasn't fair to them, they had their own story and ended up there. It wasn't a nice place, kids their age bullied them and treated them badly. They depended on each other and valued their friendship dearly. Blood has nothing to do with true bonds, they weren't brothers yet acted like one. They promised under the stars to always be together, but that promise couldn't be kept for long. Soon they were separated;each one got adopted into a different family. One that day, they wished upon the stars to meet again.
After ten years they were reunited. How? They accidentally stumbled against the other and immediately recognised their friend. They met a couple times after and began hanging out often, but something was off. Whenever (your character) asked his friend about his parents, work place or any inquiry, the other changes the topic and avoid telling. Although his behaviours were the same, he had somewhat changed. He acted strange sometimes. (your character), too, has his secrets and worries of the other finding them out. As their secrets unfold their friendship take another form.


Where's that smile:
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What's your name: Haruka Ryuusouke

You're a pretty girl: Actually, I'm a boy.

But you look so young: Well, I'm nineteen so of course I'm young. Age has nothing to do with gender.

Aren't you tall: You should put your glasses on, please. Five feet and four inch of height is not tall for a guy.

And so scrawny: Like a girl, huh. I weight hundred and twenty-eight pounds. Guess I am scrawny.

Tell me about your personality:
My personality? Let's see, I love making friends regardless of our age differences, so long as we get on well with each other I would be more than happy to be her/his friend. I daydream a lot and tend to doze off whenever there is the opportunity. It can't be helped I feel sleepy all the time. I hate being mean or rude to other people, there no excuse for being one. Forgiving and supporting has always been my joy. It feels nice seeing your close ones trusting and relying on you, knowing you would smile and help them when they need you. I can be oblivious and idle at times, it's not that bad, really. Despite all I'm very negative when it comes to myself and my choices, always seem to find a reason to get depressed....Just admitting it made me regret mentioning it.

You must have a girlfriend: No, I don't, and it wouldn't be bad to have a boyfriend. Whoever I'll fall in love with will be, hopefully, my partner for life.

Top or bottom: If you must know...Bottom.

School: I dropped out.

Tell me a secret:
If you're going to keep it a secret then I'll tell you one. My father owns a brothel and has me work there. They call me Momo-chan and I usually dress up as a different person so they wouldn't recognise outside work. Don't tell anyone.

Everyone has a childhood:
Mine was least until my parents passed away. I was born in a loving family. We used to travel a lot. It was beautiful seeing clouds from different parts of the world and having the chance to live in a foreign countries. Everyone was kind to me except for few who called me spoiled because I was one and still am. I guess I used to go to a private school. I think. We used to have a back garden which was huge! It'd hide there if there was veggies in my lunch. I still hate veggies. Yuck. What else do I remember, hmm. Yeah, our house used to be enormous and I used to get lost a lot. Now that I think about it, it wasn't a house it was a manor. People at the orphanage used to say my dad was from a big family. Something like that. At the age of six they died of a plane accident and I was left alone without anyone to look after me. Apparently they had no relatives, otherwise I wouldn't have been taken to the orphanage. It was a horrible place. They were really mean. Kids used throw my clothes from the window and hide my toys. But I met my friend there. We spent most of our time together and used to watch the stars a lot. But then I got adopted, and so did he. We haven't seen each other for ten years.

Your voice is so beautiful: Kuze Hibiki--Hiroshi Kamiya

I'll take that baby picture:
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✷Proper English. We all make mistakes and that's understandable, but try as much I will to make my writing easy to read and comprehend.
✷ No one-liners
✷ Most importantly have fun.