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xxxxxThis is a list of exceptionally important rules that come into play during combat in NUR. These rules exist in other places in the guild, but we decided it would be best to detail them in a more accessible place.

Ranks: Ranks are possibly the most important factor in NUR. When two ninjutsu come into direct contact with each other, there is a whole volley of things that will come into play to determine which one is destroyed and which one remains. Sometimes both will be destroyed. In rare cases, sometimes neither. Rank is the absolute most important factor that determines this. This is explained by means of chakra tenacity, sheer power and density. If a more "powerful" chakra impacts a less powerful one, it will completely destroy it and move on. Two attacks of equal rank will destroy each other.

If an A rank fire technique hits a B rank earth technique, it will destroy it. It is really as simple as that.

1. You can obtain boosts to jutsu rank ("power") by means of classes, clans, bloodlines, and sometimes other factors.

2. These rank boosters may never exceed +1 save for rare occasions.

Counters: As shown in the picture, some elements dominate over each other. Fire dominates wind, wind dominates lightning, lightning dominates earth, earth dominates water, and water dominates fire. So how exactly does this come into effect in NUR?

"When two ninjutsu come into direct contact with each other, there is a whole volley of things that will come into play to determine which one is destroyed and which one remains. Sometimes both will be destroyed. In rare cases, sometimes neither." One of the important systems in deciding how this will occur is the elemental countering.

When two attacks of equal rank but different elements collide, generally they will just destroy each other. However in the case of a dominant element, upon impact, the dominated element will receive a rank-down penalty. If they are both S-ranked, it will be decreased to A-rank, which will in turn cause it to be destroyed. There are some nuances for this as well.

1. This does not effect asset restrictions; for example you cannot negate this weakness by means of a +2 rank boost on that element that would fill in the -1. Your +1 to the element is still being considered, which means there cannot be an additional +1 rank boost, regardless of anything.

2. More may be added with time and remembrance.

Science! Science is an important factor in NUR. It is important in deciding elemental counters, as well as other things. It cannot be put on the same level in determining a technique's victory as rank, but it greatly effects the sway of the battle, the aftermath of techniques, etc. Here are some examples as to how science comes to play:

1. Water cooling lava into stone

2. Lightning conducting off of water (and a whole slew of other things)

3. Wind removing the oxygen for fire to work with

4. Fire igniting the oxygen in wind to expand and spread

5. Earth absorbing water

Science can often determine who lives and who dies in a fight. For example, we can indeed say that one might die from bloodloss or a certain combination of their wounds reacting violently to each other and killing them. This is however a limitless system so it cannot really be fully detailed here.

THIS STILL TAKES RANK INTO EFFECT. An E-ranked water bomb isn't going to cool S-rank lava. And this isn't an elemental counter either. It is something to consider and works better the closer the attacks are in rank.

Perception: Perception is important in determining whether one can react to an attack. It directly plays with reaction time; in order to be able to react to their attack, you have to perceive that it is coming. It does not have ranks or levels, but generally perception boosts are detailed enough for clarity.

If an attack is perceived in any way, the shinobi can react to it. Some forms of perception generally work better on different types of abilities. Some are more well-rounded.
Major forms of perception:

1. Chakra/Natural Energy Sensing: Generally can feel disturbances in chakra; best for countering techniques, not as good at countering high speed/melee

2. Sight Perception: This is obvious; perceive what you can see, react as soon as possible.

3. Dojutsu Perception: This is varied. The Byakugan is well-rounded, the Sharingan can react well to obvious offensive attacks, the Rinnegan is also well-rounded.

4. Vibration Detection: This sort of plays in with your sense of touch. It is often done in conjunction with elemental techniques. You perceive what you feel and your body can react to it.

5. Other Senses: Hearing, smelling, feeling, seeing and sometimes even tasting all come into play.

More advanced strategies will be added as time goes on!