Seceia Kobei - (an alias) pronounced Sess-Say-Ah Koh-bay

Sis, Koko, Sissy (Hates that last one.)

302 (Her apparent age has been guessed as anywhere between 16 and 27. Her height makes it especially deceptive.)



To many who know her Seceia Kobei comes across as a quite domineering character. She is a perfectionist to a fault and can often be overbearing. She is somewhat egotistical and narcissistic and often reacts poorly to criticism. Past experiences have given her a less than savoury opinion of men and made her slow to trust people. Though all of this is only the exterior to a rather insecure personality. Seceia fears failure and public embarrassment above all else. Years of building a reputation and powerful persona have resulted in her burying her sensitive side behind a wall of sarcasm and cynicism. Her sharp wit and intimidating intelligence have earned her respect among her peers. When nobody is looking she loves kittens, trashy fiction, comfy pillows and chocolate truffles.

Looks like:
Seceia is quite sensitive about her appearance. Mostly because she's only four feet tall. Such is the fate of being born a pixie. In truth, she is rather tall for her species; abnormally so in fact. Thus Seceia's height can best be described as 'awkward'. Otherwise she has a slender build with a slight pudge to her tummy which nobody with any common sense ever mentions. Her catlike eyes are emerald green with flecks of gold. She has pointed ears, pale grey skin and long, lavish jet black hair. Her snubby nose and occasional childish grin has caused some to describe her as 'cute'. Those same people learn not to make the same mistake twice.

Seceia Kobei is a pixie. This is something that she has always resented. Born in the west of Ireland (despite the deceptive name) Seceia was the daughter of a powerful lord who reigned before the end of the Age of the Fey. When the homes of her kind were desecrated the Fey worked their way into the human world using their magic to gain influence and remain hidden to all but the those they trusted or held power over.

Seceia fled Ireland without much to her trade. Disconnected from her family she made ends meet as a travelling fortune teller. She finally ended up falling in with organised crime where her magical talents were deemed valuable. Though hardly anyone in her line of business has seen her face she has created a web of contacts and allies and has outlasted many of her now dying kind. Seceia's actions have led her to move around the globe rather frequently. She has learned that her kind rarely last while staying in the same place for long and that not all aware of the existence of the Fey are friendly to them. Presently Seceia wishes for a way to leave her organisation behind as the net of enemies she has acquired over the years has started to close around her.

Seceia is a skilled negotiator and a sharp intellect. Her grasp of magic is rather poor for her kind but useful. She can make people forget entire days, put people to sleep with an enchanted lullaby and cause people to conveniently 'look the other way' which allows her to move through even crowded areas unnoticed. Despite her ties to crime, Seceia is no monster and has the occasional flare of morality. Her Fey heritage has left her with something of a code of honour.

Pixies are incredibly obsessive creatures and Seceia is no exception. Her love of chocolate can only be accurately described as addiction. She is rarely ever far from a box of truffles and when made to go without any her cravings tend to make her anxious. In her free time she can often be found sprawled across a chair with candy in one hand and a trashy novel in the other. Seceia is also somewhat vain though her appearance is actually a major insecurity of hers.

Seme, Uke, or Seke:
Seme. Very much so. Though seke occasionally in the rare occasion that she lowers her guard.