I have recently started becoming interested in RP's once again and am looking to do a few.
It would be nice to have a one on one roleplay, but small group roleplays are just as nice.

Most of my interests involve things that would be in the category of sci-fi or fantasy, but if you have a nice idea that you want to do outside of that I am more than willing to listen to them ^.^
Here are a few of my ideas:
Forbidden Romance ( Kind of like a romeo and Juliet situation, can be with any creatures or things of the sort, I just like the idea)

Captives ( trapped in an attic together, held against their will)

Beauty and the beast ( well the idea, person runs into another castle in the forest and then is held captive, can be romantic or sadistically.)

War( nurse and solider?)

Always open to more, this is all I can think of at the moment, there are more down below that can be 1x1

Alien school- species from across the galaxy come to the most elite school to learn and get the highest of education. It is a place of peace and equality, but soon is threatened when an elitist species tries to take over the planet.( needs 4+ people including me.)

Science experiment- A scientist gathers a small group of people to run social experiments on them, however they were not volunteers, they were just scooped up off the street. ( This one I picture is kind of dark and would need 1 scientist, 1 assistant, and at least 3 people off the street)

War is here- in a mythical world ( or perhaps just a different world, maybe an alien planet) there is a war breaking out between species. Some people don't believe in fighting but will do what it takes for their species to survive while others will only want to destroy everything that is not theirs ( this one can be 1x1 for a romance RP, or multiple people. 3+ for mult.)

Distopia- The future is here and it is not what everyone thought it would be. A terrible plague has swept over and killed half the population, there has been a cute for aging so no one grows old anymore, radiation has been running ranpid, deforming people, resources are low, the struggle to survive is real, there are only so few you can trust. ( this is a combination of many things I've read and ideas I've heard. This can also be 1x1 or a 3+ RP)

If you are interested send me a PM!

Things I am interested in:
Mythical creatures
Weird, just plain weird things
Tribal things