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[PRP] A Whole New World/Roommate

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Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:36 pm
Who wouldn't enjoy having a whole room to themself? Probably someone who hadn't spent two months cramped in a room with 7 other people. And Aija had indeed spent those two months with way too many smelly, incompetent(might be a bit harsh of a judgement, but...) losers. And here she was! Day... what was it? She'd stopped counting, but she'd gotten a few days to herself in her new room, waiting for the roommate that would eventually shatter her peaceful new world. As long as they weren't messy, smelly, or stupid, Aija would be okay with them. Maybe. Maybe she'd act really tough and scare them. Yes, that was the best idea, scare them into knowing of Aija's superiority.

Aija laid on her back in bed, her hair falling over the end of the bed and onto the floor, still wet from her shower. She should get to braiding it, but she was much more interested in writing in her journal. It wasn't exactly a diary, more like a place where she kept note on the people she met, who was important, names of higher ups, ways to intimidate new people, and the days that hot potatoes were served in the cafeteria. It was all scrawled in haphazard Latvian, some words in Russian, and might make an English-only speaker think her writing something sinister(like plans to rule the world, but that was only one page 12). Aija busied herself writing out her plans to teach everyone who'd ever worked in the kitchen to make piragi as her hair dried; at least waiting for hair to dry was a long, long time.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:50 pm
Her trip had been long, her company unbearably boring, and the whole ordeal had left her tired and vaguely annoyed. All of that vanished the moment she had entered headquarters - under a lake! How cool was that?! - after which her energy returned and she had to try very hard not to bounce on her toes when she wasn't walking. After an executive downloaded a base map to her rocket 'dex, she'd been given a quick tour, which culminated in her being led to the hall her new room would be in and, presumably, her new roommate.

So it was that Candice marched down the hall, held her 'dex out to be scanned while precariously holding her bags of stuff in her other arm, then threw open the door with absolutely no hesitation and shouted, "Hello new roommate!" Never mind that she didn't even know if anyone was in there or not.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:58 pm
"And they must make sure the bacon is cooked to-" Aija jumped at the loud noise of someone entering her room, quickly ceasing writing instructions on how to properly make bacon, and tilting her head to stare at the intruder.

Or, possibly not intruder. Staring at her upside down roommate, Aija was quiet for about five seconds before opening her mouth. "Hello, uh, new roommate also!" She yelled, tossing her journal down and rolling out of bed. She gathered up her hair as she stood, "I am Aija! Must we continue yelling?!"  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:22 pm
Aha! So her new roomie was here - and short, she couldn't help but notice, as the girl with long - holy s**t, really long - pink hair stood up. Candice moved and kicked the door closed with her foot, then unceremoniously dumped her bags onto the empty bed that she assumed - and had now claimed - was hers. Putting her now empty hands on her hips, she turned and beamed brightly at the other girl - Aija? Weird name - and replied loudly, "I've had to be quiet all day and I have been so sick of it!" She huffed then and lowered her volume to one more appropriate for being indoors and at a normal range for conversation, "Besides, being loud can be fun sometimes. Nice to meet you Ai-- Aija? Aija," she finished, once sort of certain she'd pronounced the name correctly. "My name's Candice."  

Vice Captain

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Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:46 pm
After gathering her hair so she didn't trip, step, or lean on it as she got up, Aija pulled it back behind her shoulders and trotted right up to the blue haired girl. She didn't smell bad, that was a plus. And she was loud, another plus. And... blue hair, that was cool. Another plus. Three pluses. Oh! And her name! It was cool, "I am very happy of making loud noises, we can be loud again sometime if you wish, Miss Candies!" Aija chirped, sticking out her hand. Candies! That was a cute name. "Have not seen you before, so you must have been transferred to here, yes? Did you see the lake? Big, scary, very cool lake?" She asked happily, grinning up at her(boo, slightly taller, which was a minus, but she still had two pluses) roommate.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:04 pm
Man, this girl talked kinda weird, didn't she? Definitely foreign, though Candice had no idea what sort of accent that was, and she wasn't about to embarrass herself trying to guess it. "Candies...?" Oh, oh, maybe that was just how she said it with her accent, so it just sounded like she was saying 'Candies' but really was saying 'Candice.' Or maybe she was just saying 'candies.' Whatever - it was close enough. "That'd be fun! Maybe not inside though," she said with a frown, "since people usually complain if you're loud inside. Outside is another story though!" Like outside around the ocean, like surfing or skydiving or parasailing. Those were appropriate instances in which to be loud, and it was always quite satisfying to be loud then. Oh! There was a hand there, whoops. Candice stuck her hand out to take Aija's and shake it with a wide grin. "Yeah, I transferred from Hoenn. Just got here today, actually," she said with a sigh, suddenly remembering her lengthy, exhausting, boring trip, and moved over to flop on her back onto her bed, her feet still on the floor. "I did! Man, I heard the base here was under a lake and I had to come here. Plus, the base out in Hoenn is so tiny and boring because it's just an extra thing, I guess. Not like here, where this is the headquarters! So much cooler here," Candice said somewhat in awe, stretching her arms out on either side of her and waving them across the mattress in snow angel-fashion, minus the snow.  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:11 pm
Aija fell back to her own bed once Candice had gone off to hers, first stopping to find her hairbrush then plop down onto her bed with crossed legs. She pulled her hair up and started brushing the ends, working her way up. "Hoenn! Have not been to this place, you will have to show me pictures!" She said, yanking a tangle out rather ungracefully. She grinned. This base was definitely cooler than a lot of things; she couldn't compare it to other bases, but she could definitely compare it to things. Things like houses. This was more like a super secret house for super duper dangerous criminals. Which is exactly what it was, more or less.

"I have heard the lake has people eating fish inside it. Have not seen these for myself... but I wish to. Have not figured out how to get into lake without being eated by mean fish, though. Are you fish trainer, perhaps? Stop big fish from eating us so we can swim in lake?"  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:02 pm
"Oh I got tons of pictures, if you wanna see sometime," Candice replied amicably; she had no problem sharing pictures with someone who was still, in essence, a total stranger. Though, it probably helped that this total stranger was her new roomie that she'd be with indefinitely, and she kind of wanted to stay on her good side. Having a roomie who hated you was not a fun time. "Most of them are of Slateport, where I lived, which is a big port city by the ocean. I didn't really go anywhere else."

Mention of man-eating fish in the lake above them made her raise her head - just her head - so she could barely see Aija. "Seriously? Augh," she groaned and flopped her head backwards. "And here I wanted to swim in it... That's still pretty cool, though. Did Team Rocket put them there, or were they there already? And no, I don't... train fish," she added with a confused frown. Train fish to do what, tricks? Swim through a hoop for some food, perhaps? What good would that do?

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:48 pm
"Yes! I like pictures very much!" Aija said,nodding as she worked her way through her hair. She never did travel a lot, so she'd always liked looking at pictures of other places. Besides, pictures could tell you a lot! "Slateport... weird name! How interesting! So that is where you are from? Wow, far from home, Hoenn and Slateport! Is it only big lake that brought you here?"

Oh, darn. She wasn't a fish trainer. "Is okay though, because this is island, and this means there is many ocean around us. I mean, ocean is all around us, on every direction, so! A lot of beaches! We are not very close to beaches... we can go on vacation to beaches, one day, probably! I bet they are very warm here, my beaches back home, they are not so warm most of the year."  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:13 pm
Well, sounded like she'd have to dig out her pictures sometime, but not right now. Right now was for resting. "Yeah, I dunno why they called it that. Well obviously the 'port' part is because it's a port, but I dunno about the 'slate' part. And yep, born and raised," she affirmed, repositioning her arms so she could rest her head on them. "So yeah, it's pretty far from here. Uhh... The fact that the headquarters is under a lake was one reason, but it's also because there's only one base out in Hoenn and it's small. A hell of a lot smaller than this, and they don't really do a whole lot. I wanted to be where all the action is, which is here," she explained with a wide grin. "It's no fun joining an organization like this if you never really get to do anything."

'Many ocean'? Pfff. It took all her restraint not to laugh at 'many ocean' but she merely nodded a bit instead. "Yeah, that's good. I'm glad we're on an island, so we can go to the beach pretty easily. I'd be kinda pissed if we didn't live anywhere near the ocean, since I grew up in it in Slateport." She paused briefly, then tilted her head up a little so she could watch Aija. "Where're you from?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:40 pm
"Maybe they call it slate because there is... slate, in ground, in water, or something. Is it very grey place? Is slate grey? ...What is slate?" Aija paused, going quiet as she got lost in thought for a moment. She'd need to look that word up later to make sure it was right. Aija blinked back to attention, "Oh! Oh, yes. Small base, very unbig I would imagine. I have not gotten to do much actions here, but maybe soon there will be action!" She prayed there was something soon, she was getting restless. Not having something interesting to do meant she was more and more tempted to start snooping around to find something interesting. And that got you in trouble.

"You seem like beach person," Aija observed, nodding. "Me? I am from Latvia! ...If you do not know this place, it is very near to Russia. I am also Russian. Latvian, Russian, both!" She said, and looked over at her new roommate to get a better look. She did like her hair. Blue. "Your hair is nice. Is blue, like my eyeballs. I like it! I think we will be good roommates!"  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:05 pm
"Uhhh..." Candice trailed off, frowning in thought. "Well, some of the buildings are? And yeah, I think slate is a kind of grayish rock," she said with a half-shrug. Unbig, much actions... This girl was something else. "Yeah, well you've probably gotten to do more than me, at any rate. Unless you count transferring to another base, but I wouldn't. It was actually a really boring trip." Long and so, so boring.

"Latvia?" She repeated as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, though she leaned back a little with her hands behind her on the bed to support her posture. Well, that would explain the foreign accent and phrasing. "I never woulda guessed Latvia," she admitted with a wry grin. Not that she'd ever guess Russia, either - she wasn't good at guessing accents. Not that she would admit such a thing; she didn't get to even consider it though, as what the short girl said next threw her for a loop. Blue like her eyeballs? She couldn't help a hearty, amused laugh at that. "Thanks. Y'know, I like you - I think we'll be good roomies, too."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Venti Mico

Ruthless Fairy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:58 pm
"Weird. Slate is weird." Aija shrugged. "Maybe perhaps soon you will get chance to do something, then. With explosions and guns. I like explosions and guns. ...But maybe not explosions just yet, and only guns if we are the ones shooting them, yes?" She'd never been shot, but it didn't seem like something she wanted to try. And she liked trying a lot of weird things.

Aija grinned. "Not many people would guess Latvia. I say 'Latvia', they say 'What?'!" She laughed, moving through her hair with her brush and finally moving on to braiding it at the speed of light. Or... speed of someone who was very good at braiding. She beamed over at Candice. "Do you have department yet? I have only been recently promoted, but I was thinking about going into...in-full-treatment. Spy work! That is what I want to be in!"  

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