Our story begins long ago, on a distant world much like our own. Once this world was populated by people with incredible powers, capable of doing things most could only dream of. Those people were trained to use their powers, and then were left to find their own destinies. Some used their powers for good, while others used them for ill. Ages passed on this world, and times of light and darkness arose and fell with the efforts of these incredible people.

But eventually one of these people became too powerful, and was driven insane by his own magic. At his hand, the world was thrown into an era of darkness never before seen. Eventually, two heroes would be born and raised, their magic was able to bring the Dark One down, and a time of healing began. However, before his fall, the Dark One had badly damaged the balance of the world, and in response, magic slowly faded away in an effort to prevent such an event from happening again.

Our story continues now, in the modern day. Magic is a myth, and the legends of the heroes pasts are but stories for children. Unknown to the world, a great change is coming. A brilliant and wealthy man has become obsessed with the legends of old, and wants to restore magic to the world again. However, what he intends to do if he ever managed to achieve his goals is unknown.

One night, two homeless children are stolen from the orphanage they have lived in for years. They are brought to this wealthy and crazy man, and it is discovered that these two children are the catalysts for the change the man wants to achieve. And so, he shoots the two friends, intending to kill them and release the latent power they hold in their blood back into the world.

His plan works, and the magic is restored to the world once again. But, the children are not dead. They are secretly taken away and hidden in separate locations. As time passes, the children heal and grow, learning of their powers. Years pass and the man whom shot the children is now leader of the most powerful empire in the world. Darkness covers the planet, and evil lurks everywhere.

The children, now young adults, will have to find each other once again, and together they will have to bring down dark empire they helped to create. Or they will die trying.