Crew Areas and Responsibilities

So had a few Crew and such saying they didn't know what to do or didn't want to take up a job because it could have been an area assigned to someone else. This is here just to clarify a few general things and lay down areas of responsibility.


      ❖ Weapons - All Crew
      ❖ Jutsu - All Crew
      ❖ Puppets - All Crew
      ❖ Pets - All Crew
      ❖ Bloodlines - Shane or another VC
      ❖ Summons - Kashensu, Panthers7, Reiko
      ❖ Awakenings for Abyssals - Shane


      ❖ Profile Approval Thread - All Crew
      ❖ BL/CL Application - All Crew


      This one is a little different. From time to time, members get mad at each other or refuse to follow the rules. If this happens, politely step in and attempt to correct/rectify/negate the situation. If the issue persists, try to get another Crew of VC to help you with the issue. We're all big kids here and play by big kid rules.