The concepts of light and dark flickering... the stomach-jerking sensation of lifting off the ground, head light and floating... wind rushing over my back... I wonder if I will ever reach the ground again... cool mist and fog (clouds?)... I break through the layer into a cold that I think should burn and does not... I am protected somehow... All is dark now, save for a slew of pinpoints of light above me that sing the most beautiful song... It seems to be building to some wonderful moment...

      I wait...

                  Bright light pierces the darkness and arcs around a curve.

                        I am not blinded, but stunned, as the rising sun shows a thing I can barely comprehend; a massive ball of blues, greens, and browns begins to be revealed and I am rocked by how large everything is. I feel small, so small that it is almost crushing, and yet I know I am loved by something bigger than all this.

                                  I float amid the song and the new light, the swiftly tilting planet below me spinning in infinity, a concept I comprehend for a single, glorious moment before I flicker back to darkness, and am left bereft of the knowledge I have just experienced.