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The cackling of dark colored scavenger birds made up the non-existent leaves of a barren, wind-twisted tree out on the cliff side of a low mountain.

The chatter echoed and bothered the ears of a few temporary residents who were traveling along the northern paths. The group attempted to settle into sleep to gain some strength overnight, but the noise was quite irritable.

Among these few was an unnamed, black-eyed Totoma doe. She wasn't bothered so much by the noise of their avian guests, but more by the chitter chatter that rattled inside her skull...


Voices of a consciousness shattered and unsure of itself.

The few that bothered to interact with this Totoma could already tell by her eyes alone that she was 'not all there,' so to speak. She generally made poor choices, and was considered to be a nuisance because of her decision to follow those inner beings.



A voice rang into the air, causing the noisy birds to startle. They took to the sky in a giant cloud of fluttering feathers and crackled caws before the wind took a hold of the noise, pulling it away from the awoken group.

Only the wind spoke now, mixed with the puffings of the nameless Totoma who had barked the order. To most, it was another annoyance. They groaned as they curled inwards on themselves to try to rest once more.

One of the more elderly saw this as an accomplishment towards the troubled youth: a small, useless one, but a feat nonetheless for someone who was weary and wanted stillness in their slumber. The elder granted her an idea of a name for this miniscule victory. The nameless didn't quite hear it at the moment, however.

Crows weren't the reason she had ordered for silence...