OK heres somethings about me:

I am in love with romance RP.

I prefer anime, But I am fine with real characters. I just find it hard to find real people.

I suck at fantasy and action.

I am ok with no decoration RP formats. I don't usually do that because I have many RP's and I sometimes forget formats.

I am a casual RPer.

I beg you! No one liners. I understand sometimes we run out of Ideas but seriously, Make it at least 5 sentences.

I am ok with playing either boy or girl.

I No offenses to those who do this but I am not a fan of Yaoi and Yuri Rp's.

I tend to forget PM's, So I prefer forum's.

I do not like people lecturing me how to RP. I know sometimes my post does not relate to yours but just tell me. I don't need a teacher to teach me how to roleplay.

I also beg you to reply ASAP!

I also do not use chat talk in RP's.

Do Not, I repeat, Do not insult anime! If you do, I may get defensive over it.

Ok now Here is one of my Ideas ((PM me if you want a different one)):

((based in a fanfiction I read))

In love with you?

The most popular girl and the most popular boy. The president of the student council and The vice president of the student council. Captain of the Cheerleading team and captain of the football team. Everyone thinks they should be together, But do they want to? What everyone doesn't know is that they hate each other on first sight. "He's arrogant and selfish" The girl said. "She's prissy and spoiled" The guy said. Could love truly blossom in these two? Or will hate stay in their hearts for as long as they live?