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[PRP] Ill Temper

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:02 am
Kyle wasn't unfamiliar with a pokemon center, he had been too one many times throughout his life, with many different pokemon. He knew more of less how they ran, at least on the patient end of things.
Team Rocket, had a different way they ran things, it seemed more efficient then it was tender, but he was constantly amazed with how good they were at what they did.

The tall man was in a grunt uniform, his light brown hair parted neatly and just barely swept out of the way of his sharp yellow eyes as he paid attention to one of the doctors at the Rocket base's Pokemon clinic.

"The surgery was a little more complicated than we expected it to be," one of the doctors explained, "He's out of danger, and we were able to fix much of the damage, but cosmetically speaking...." He trailed off "It'll take more surgeries to really fix whats been done to him."

Kyle frowned at this, but continued to listen to the doctor as he went into more details that he didn't understand about what they fixed.
"Yeah- yeah I get it." Kyle said with a light wave of his hand "when will he be ready to leave." He asked.

"Probably not for a couple more hours, we can contact you when you can pick up your pokemon."

Kyle nodded in response "Yeah- Do that." He grumbled.
shoving his hands in his pockets, clearly not looking like he was too pleased with what he had heard.
Turning as the Doctor took his leave, Kyle moved to see about getting his pokemon team refreshed and healed.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:59 pm
Adam had hesitated takig Maki into the center, especially given how mistrusting he was of other humans. Yes, take the rather violent growlithe and heal him. No big deal. If you're bit there was surely some form of Rocket LNI available. It wasn't so much the worry of the workers but for the sake of his newly found friend. Maki was going to get euthanized if he was put in a center with such a nasty attitude.

Now that they had a breakthrough well... Things were looking up. Adam had spent the morning discussing why they had t do this abd how long it would take. At first the growlithe seemed displeased at the idea, buy quickly warmed when the promise of yummy snacks were added.

So there was Adam, in the relatively dead Pokemon center at the rocket base, waiting for Makis physical to end. Another grunt was there and at first Adam decided to ignore the other. Too many irons in the fire... But well he wasn't a chainsaw mouth fir nothing.

Standing, he approached Kyle with an impish grin, "Hey! I'm bones. Never seen you. How ya doing? I heard you talking to the doc. One of your mons got ******** up, huh? How'd that happen?"  

Magician Arcana

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:54 pm
Kyle wasn't in a good mood as it was, and that much could show in his posture and face. He had a lot going through his mind and wasn't in the mood to hear anymore bad news or deal with anyone's bullshit.
So it seemed even worse to Kyle, when someone he didn't know, came right up to him and started talking, ending in more questions then Kyle really cared to answer at one.

The brown haired man widened his eyes a little, shifting his stance so that he was somewhat facing the approaching Grunt and with a momentary pause narrowed his eyes and turned to full face the Grunt.
"Bones is a ******** stupid name." He snorted impatiently. "If you're going to talk to me stop being annoying and start by giving you're real name." Kyle finished before turning back away from him and muttering an irritated; "Idiot"  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:39 pm
A mirthless smile slowly spread across Adam's face. Oh-ho-ho. This could be fun. Some uptight little s**t who couldn't be arsed to offer a name in return? "Sorry, ********. I was taught that first names were a no-no. At least I gave you something to call me by."

Adam gently pushed Kyle's right shoulder, his smile becoming wider and toothier, "So should I just like, call you ********? Or do you have a name? Or would you prefer SIR ********? Gentleman ********? Lord ********? Captain ********?" Adam began to ramble on, his obscenities coloring the air.

((ooc: sob i'm so sorry Adam stop someone put a bar of soup in his mouth.))  

Magician Arcana

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:26 pm
The look that spread across Kyle's face while Adam continued to speak, and when he laid a hand on Kyle's shoulder, was not so much of a hint as to what kind of fury was about to be unleashed onto the other Grunt, as it was a sign of inevitable violence.

The tall man drew his shoulders up, drawing up into his height while simultaneously turning to face the idiot who had decided to make the mistake of insulting him.
In one fluid motion as he turned one of his hands shot out to grab a fist full of the other man's shirt, so that he wouldn't be able to go very far as his other hand came up with full force, fist balled tightly and thrown with every intention of burrowing it into the other Grunt's face.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:47 pm
And there it was. That look of furry and rage, of promised violence. Kyle grabbed his shirt and threw a punch. In that moment, Adam was in heaven. How long had it been since he had fought someone? Way too long.

The punch connected with a crack that made his jaw ache and his head ring. Captain ******** wasn't ******** around right now. Adam appreciated it whole heartedly. Before the blow had landed, Adam had pulled his own fist back and now that it connected, he launched a counter punch at Kyle's face.  

Magician Arcana

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:04 am
The grip that Kyle had tried to keep on Adam's shirt in order to keep the man from falling back during the punch seemed to only backfire on him, as the man seemed almost prepared for Kyle to attack him.

The light brunette felt the dull pain explode from the side of his face, causing the man to loose his grip on Adam's shirt as he stumbled backwards in surprise.
Yellow eyes wide, and his hair now falling in tossed strands over his forehead the ex-rocket jerked himself up, bright eyes staring at the other grunt.
"Oh- You are ******** ASKING for it!" Kyle yelled, and with a renewed surge of rage thrust himself forward, lashing a foot out to drive his entire weight into the kick aimed at Adam with a veracity that could be describe as murderous.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:21 pm
With his head still ringing, Adam grinned wickedly at Kyle's look of shock. What a ******** DOOF. He cackled aloud, despite the pounding in his head. It hurt like a mother, but the adrenaline was running now. The pulse in his jaw felt like a drum, edging and pushing him forward.

Adam lunged back at the kick, not about to let it connect. It grazed his arm and pushed him, causing the rocket to stumble before catching his balance. "What's wrong, Captain? Not used to someone fighting you back? Sorry, Lord ******** Asssniffer, I'm not a push over."  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:22 pm
The momentum of his kick that surprisingly missed with how close he had been to the man caused Kyle to jog forward, turning around to face the man
"Not at all." He growled back to Adam's comment "I like it when they fight back, it means I don't need to feel bad when I stomp your face into the ground!"

The more the idiot insulted him the better Kyle seemed to feel about the situation too, obviously this immature p***k of a Rocket needed to be taught some fear of his betters, and Kyle would absolutely make this a*****e think twice about taking to him next time... if Kyle decided to let him live long enough for a next time.
Rockets did tend to fight back a lot more than the members of his previous team, it was still a little odd and jarring to Kyle, but he couldn't say he disliked it.

Neither of them would get to get another word, or swing in however, as there was a sudden crack of electricity, and both the grunts would find themselves subjected to a thunderbolt attack from a nearby pokemon.

Kyle let out a strained yell as the electricity surged through his body, causing his muscles to spasm and fail him completely as the attack let him go, rendering the light brunette defenseless and unable to move on the ground.

"What do you think you are DOING!" One of the Rocket doctors had witnessed the start of the fight, and upon calling on his Raichu had ordered it to incapacitate both Grunts.
"You are in a CLINIC, Grunts!"  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:45 pm
Adam snorted at Kyke's haughty talk. The grunt wasn't the healthiest on the planet, and he certainly didn't have much in the way of muscles, but where his physique lacked experience bridged the gap. He'd be street fighting for many years, since he was a young kid. Before street fightjng, he was wrestling and fighting with his foster siblings. Kyle was good, Adam thought, but they were roughly evenly matched. All the other was doing was blowing hit steam to puff himself up.

It would have been a fun fight, if some over seer hadn't stepped in to ruin their fun. Adam collapsed against the ground, his muscles aching from the bolt. It took a few moments, but through gritted teeth Adam huffed out a response.

"Sorry sir, we were just blowing off some steam is all," Adam couldn't see Kyle, but was curious to how he looked. They had fallen relatively close together, so in a rough whisper he continued to Kyle, "Feelin' better? Whatever is happening with you must've been bad to make you go off at some harmless teasing. You're pretty strong, though."  

Magician Arcana

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:14 pm
Oh, well now they'd done it. Kyle wasn't generally one to always think before he swung, but the jolt that rendered him helpless on the ground for a good thirty seconds certainly made him remember just where he was and what was happening.
It didn't help to make him any less pissed, but it certainly put him in his place.

Once he was able to regain control over his own muscles, Kyle shifted to pull himself up as well, his usual neat hair how tossed across his forehead and dipping in front of his eyes in a disheveled look of frustration.
He glanced first over to the medic who was not looking pleased at all at the grunts, then to Adam when the other Grunt spoke to him.

"Do NOT speak to me," He demanded "I mean it, if you ever approach me again I will make you ******** regret it, you annoying piece of trash."
Better? How in the world was that going to make him feel better? How in the world was wanting to kill someone supposed to release steam? No, it just pissed Kyle off even more.

The medic walked over to the two grunts, looking quite livid. "You two think that's funny then? What are they letting the trainees get away with now a days? Both of you, give me your ID numbers, I'll be contacting you're leading Agent about this!"

Kyle scowled, shooting another glare at Adam before reaching into his pocket to pull his dex out, and give to to the lead medic. Great.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:48 pm
Who even WAS his leading Agent? Adam didn't know, but he was sure the system would know well enough. What a great way to meet your superior. Hi, I'm Adam, and yeah I got into a fight with this d**k of a guy for fun and I thought, y'know, maybe he'd blow some steam off and relax. Guess not.

He handed the Dex over in compliance and didn't say anything to Kyle as directed. He wasn't entirely sure where the Medic got 'funny' out of how Adam was acting.

"No sir. Not funny." He frowned and shrugged, "I understand though this wasn't eh place. I'm sorry sir." There wasn't a shred of sarcasm in Adam's demeanor of look, and the serious (albeit a little bruised) face that he gave the Medic seemed stiff and serious too.  

Magician Arcana

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:34 pm
Kyle remained fuming as his Dex was accessed, watching with gritted teeth as the doctor gathered the information he needed from both of the devices, typing something on the computer behind the desk before he seemed to finish, and with his stern frown handed the two Grunts back their respective Dexes.

It pissed Kyle off even more now that this idiot was suddenly acting all serious and apologetic in front of the face of authority now that he had gotten them BOTH in trouble. "Fake little sap" Kyle scowled under his breath, followed with a look of disgust.
Kyle wasn't sorry for what happened, and he wouldn't apologize for it, He knew he was going to hear enough from Jerome once his superior got the note about this, he had enough to worry about now.

The Doctor frowned at the both of them "Get out of my clinic, Grunt Kyle you'll be called once the surgery is done, otherwise don't come back here for the rest of the day, you'll both be contacted by a superior about this behavior!"

Kyle grunted, and without another word turned to storm out of the clinic, a hand brushing through his hair to push it back out of his eyes.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:49 pm
Maybe I won't be in as much trouble as I could've been. He was vaguely excited to report a fight to his roommate... Now that the bruises weren't indicative of what happened. Walking out of the clinic, Adam glanced at Kyle, unsure if he should apologize for having pushed the worried guy out or what. Though, the other had asked him to not talk to him. Adam usually didn't enjoy following the commands of others, especially not snots like Kyle, but hell... Once in a while wouldn't hurt.

Waving silently, Adam turned and walked away.  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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