((Will properly format this when I have the time...))

[1/21/2015 9:50:39 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -calls Adam up in the evening-
[1/21/2015 9:57:34 PM] Sey: Adam: -had just finished cleaning the rec room, groaning softly as he flops onto the chair. Answers the call- Hello?
[1/21/2015 9:57:58 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Hello, um...would this be...Adam? This is Akira. From the ski resort?
[1/21/2015 9:59:21 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks and then looks at the phone in shock- ... -puts it back quickly to his head- yeah! Hey, what's up? You're not dying from allergies, and calling to complain to me for murdering you, right? -grins-
[1/21/2015 10:03:00 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -pauses before laughing aloud, laughing so hard he has to keep away from the phone for a few minutes- Good heavens, no. I...I may have to sue you from dying of laughter, though. -tries to catch his breath- Hehe...but actually...I was gonna ask if you were, uh, doing anything tonight.
[1/21/2015 10:03:28 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...And don't take that the wrong way. I, er, just wanted to know if you just wanted to hang out. You know, as two guys.
[1/21/2015 10:07:16 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles a little at Akira's stumbling- If you say so~ Sure. Sounds like fun. I've got no plans. What were you thinking and where?
[1/21/2015 10:09:19 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -brightens- Great! Uh, do you go to clubs at all...? I mostly just go to this one in Camphoreon called Dragon Dance and since I had a rare night off, I thought I'd drop by. I haven't been there in a while because it's kind of awkward going by myself and I haven't really had anyone to go with.
[1/21/2015 10:10:21 PM | Edited 10:10:32 PM] Sey: Adam: Clubs are great. I think I've heard of Dragon Dance, sounds like fun. -grins, and does some mental math- I can be there in about... an hour to an hour and a half? Is that too late for you? -getting up and heading towards his room-
[1/21/2015 10:12:58 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Oh! No, that's perfect! Takes me about that long to walk there from my apartment. I'll...see you there, then?
[1/21/2015 10:14:02 PM] Sey: Adam: See you there. -hangs up and goes to get ready-
[1/21/2015 10:22:05 PM] Sey: Adam: -dressed in his normal clubbing outfit of a blank tank and fish net gloves, ripped pants and his boots, plus his piercings in and a belt. Yawns a bit, leaned against the wall and waiting for Akira-
[1/21/2015 10:24:20 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -dressed in a dark green button-down shirt with the collar turned up and the sleeves rolled to his elbows, as well as skinny black jeans and sneakers- ...Adam? -takes his earpieces out of his ears and shoves them in his pocket- Sorry, were you waiting long?
[1/21/2015 10:38:41 PM] Sey: Adam: -smiles at him- Hey! Nah, not at all. Just got here a few minutes ago myself.
[1/21/2015 10:40:02 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -gives him a suspicious smile- I hope you're not saying that just to make me feel better. -walks up to him and then entrance, opening the door- Shall we?
[1/21/2015 10:47:59 PM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles and heads through the door- Thanks. Ah, trust me dude. If I had an issue I'd tell you. -grins- How ya been? Anymore mons appearing from the sky to try and rob you?
[1/21/2015 10:52:00 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: I'm glad to hear it. Too many people are too polite for their own good, and, well...we -did- just meet recently. -beams back before laughing again- No, thank Arceus. I don't think I could handle another attack like that, especially with Silly keeping me busy. What about you? Roommate's pokemon behaving themselves?
[1/21/2015 10:53:55 PM] Sey: Adam: -sighs- Ah, yeah. They're doing good. Now if my roommate could get his s**t together, well... -grins- I'd probably die of surprise. -listening to the music and moving a bit to it- Silly.. That's the Surperior. How's he doing? Strangling you?
[1/21/2015 10:55:33 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smile softens- Oh. He a problem too? -sways as well- Yes, Supercilious. And actually, he's getting better! He only just tries to knock me out these days.
[1/21/2015 10:57:15 PM] Sey: Adam: ... It's a little worrisome that you seem happy by that. -grins and grabs Akira's wrist- Enough, let's dance.
[1/21/2015 11:01:06 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -snickers- I'm joking. He /did/ try to knock me out before, but really, we've been working on it. As long as I - or some random stranger- doesn't try to drag him out into the snow without warning and gives him his nap time, he's okay. -pauses- But Adam, you - whoa! -caught off-guard by being grabbed, his face flushing red-
[1/21/2015 11:04:21 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins toothily at the flush, moving towards the dance floor and tugging on his wrist gently, not about to ­force Akira-
[1/21/2015 11:07:20 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smiles back, trying to look away to hide his blush but gets into the music and starts to dance more enthusiastically-
[1/22/2015 12:43:21 AM] Sey: Adam: -gets into the groove of the song and continues to move with Akira, enjoying himself- You're good!
[1/22/2015 12:44:47 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs- So are you. I guesss you /have/ been to clubs pretty often before, then, haven't you?
[1/22/2015 12:46:39 AM] Sey: Adam: One of my favorite things to do. How about you?
[1/22/2015 12:47:25 AM | Edited 12:47:43 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: Really?! Me too! When I can, of course. -grins- It's not much fun to go alone. At least for me.
[1/22/2015 12:51:27 AM] Sey: Adam: -chuckles- I guess have more in common than getting ambushed by pokemon. -winks- Well... Let's go together more often.
[1/22/2015 12:53:20 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs- That's a relief. -smiles and reddens a little more- I'd like that. -pants lightly after the song ends- Whew...I must be more out of shape than I thought. Think I need a small break.
[1/22/2015 12:56:22 AM] Sey: Adam: -grins and nods, breathing heavily too- Ah... Come on. Let's get a drink then! -offers Akira his hand this time-
[1/22/2015 8:46:01 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -takes it and smiles back- Um...Adam...about what you were saying earlier...I don't want to pry, but if it's something you want to talk about...what's up with your roommate? Is he hard to live with?
[1/22/2015 12:51:48 PM] Sey: Adam: -heads off to the bar, humming softly to the new song. Thinks about what Akira asks before responding- he's not. Well he is. I mean. It's hard. I really think I understand him sometimes but I dunno if I'm just deluding myself. So it's weird. And he's super fun. But he like.... So days he pushes me away and somedays he wants me close. It's ducking annoying but I guess I'm used to it. -leans against the bar and chuckles- doesn't help he's pretty damn adorable without meaning to be. -snorts-
[1/22/2015 12:54:47 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Oh. -squeezes Adam's hand- I think I've been in that position before. -frowns- It sounds like he's using you, though.
[1/22/2015 3:52:21 PM] Sey: Adam: -smiles a little at the hand squeeze- Oh...? What makes you think that?
[1/22/2015 3:57:28 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -jumps into a seat at the bar counter and pats the one next to him- Like I said, I think I've been in that position before. It didn't end well. I thought I could make it work, but...I realized too late I'd been used. -hesitates- Not that I'm saying it's the same, because it might not be! It just...sounds really similar. And...please don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you might be the kind of guy to let it happen just because you're that nice a guy.
[1/22/2015 4:06:22 PM] Sey: Adam: -considering what he's saying. Chuckles- Ah I'm really not that kind. But thanks. -sits beside Akira- you're much nicer than me. And you're pretty cute too. -grins- This guy that was using you.. He sounds like an a**.
[1/22/2015 4:15:05 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -blushes all over again, looking down at the counter- You - You can trust me, you know. If you don't want to talk about it, you can just let me know. But I know all too well the tactic of changing the subject, and it's not going to work on me.
[1/22/2015 4:28:15 PM] Sey: Adam: -looks back at the bar top, wondering what it is about Akira that he feels comfortable with. Orders a drink and stretches a bit- Sorry. Guess I'm used to evading stuff rather than discussing it. He doesn't ask stuff of me... And the other day he basically tried to set me up with a friend because. Well duck if I know. I guess maybe he felt bad? I dunno. He's an enigma. -small smirk- but you are cute.
[1/22/2015 4:36:28 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -orders a non-alcoholic drink- It's alright. I used to do that, too. And...spend time with a lot of people who did the same thing. That's why I can tell. -attempts to offer a comforting smile- ...He did? -blinks- What if he...was he...trying to get rid of you? Doesn't sound like he's being honest with you, in any case...did you ask him about it?
[1/22/2015 4:36:42 PM | Edited 4:37:39 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks away shyly, laughing a little- I-it's probably just the lightining...
[1/22/2015 4:42:08 PM] Sey: Adam: Ah... I thought about that. -smiles weakly- I haven't asked. I... Guess I'm a coward. I don't know if I have the fortitude to withstand an answer. -watches Akira blush, looking back at the counter- How are you so nice and single? JEEZE the world is weird.
[1/22/2015 4:47:14 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -panics, realizing he's upset Adam- I'm sorry! I shouldn't be butting into your business! I could be completely wrong. But you're not a coward! It'd be a hard thing to ask. I doubt I'd be able to, either. -looks up sharply at his question- Oh! I, uh...that's a long story... -figures maybe he's pressed Adam too much on uncomfortable matters- Heh, I've...actually been married...-holds up a hand with a ring finger- But it was an arranged marriage.
[1/22/2015 5:04:55 PM] Sey: Adam: -stunned- You kept the ring on. So... Do you.. Still like who you were arranged with? -shakes his head and takes his drink, sucking it down- Ah nah it's cool bro.
[1/22/2015 6:31:23 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -scratches his head sheepishly- Actually...I never really thought of her that way. She was more like a sister to me. The one I liked...well, I uh found out he was using me shortly after I got married.
[1/22/2015 6:31:46 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smiles awkwardly- It certainly explained why he said nothing against it.
[1/22/2015 6:33:21 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: So it's strange because...I've been in a few relationships, but still seem to be clueless about them. -drinks some of his own drink- Have...you been in a lot of relationships? If you don't mind me asking.
[1/22/2015 6:54:46 PM] Sey: Adam: -frowns sympathetically and gently wraps his arm around Akiras shoulder- I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That's ******** s**t. You are so nice. You barely know me but you're willing to listen to me. -shakes his head- No... I got close a few times but I'm not... Like I said. I'm so used to I guess... Being used. So I'd doubt myself. And then id be an a*****e and they'd leave me.
[1/22/2015 7:15:44 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -feels the heat from his face invade his whole body when Adam puts an arm around him- It's okay. That's life, right? And...well, I probably should have been more vocal about my own opinions myself. I was just...too complacent. -looks at Adam curiously- Why wouldn't I want to listen to you? You seem like...like you have a lot on your mind, but you're the type who doesn't want anyone to know. And I don't want you to feel like you have no one to talk to. -tilts his head- You've...been used before? -frowns- Well if they were using you, it's good you managed to get rid of them!
[1/22/2015 9:40:52 PM | Edited 9:51:32 PM] Sey: Adam: -seems surprised and then laughs- s**t... You're good at reading people. Or am I an open book? -smiles and shakes his head, sipping on his drink and happy to feel the warmth of alcohol- Yeah... Not by anyone I was in a relationship, perse, but other people... -smiles at Akira and nods- Guess you're right. It's better to have them out of my life. -sighs- See I'm used to being used to get something, that's why... I don't see my roommate doing something like that. But maybe youre right and I'm not realizing it fully. -feels warmed too by holding Akira's shoulder-
[1/22/2015 10:12:53 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -blinks- I...I am? -hesitates- Heh...I used to like to think I was, but I kept figuring I was wrong because people always seemed to get mad at me for trying to figure them out. -looks apologetic- Well...I don't know about an open book...but like I mentioned, I've been around a lot of people like you before. -stares at his drink- I've...grown up in a society of people trying to pretend everything's alright, actually, so it pains me whenever I see people it seems feel they have to do that. I don't think it's right. -watches him drink- I'm sorry to hear that. But...-hesitantly, gently puts a hand on Adam's shoulder as well- Whatever it is he's doing, it doesn't sound like he deserves you for a roommate. I mean, you're being so considerate of him and he sounds like he's just trying to brush you off. Maybe you should...I don't know. Get a different roommate?
[1/22/2015 10:18:39 PM] Sey: Adam: -pleased by the touch, always been a very touchy and cuddly person. Definitely helps that Akira is kinda cute and sweet. Listens to it and nods- It's cool with me. My whole life has been people figuring me out. But... Unlike most everyone else, there's not much at stake for you. As a matter of fact, you're not getting anything from this. -looks at Akira, staring at him intently- So if anything it's weird to me because... You're so sincere and stuff and yeah, you been around folks who act like me, but ******** dude... This is your night off. Normally people are... Well selfish. Mean. Cruel. Just in general slime balls. -shakes his head- You're astounding in weird ******** ways. -chuckles gently and looks back at the bar- ... Ah... I don't know if I could. I mean, yeah I could physically, but I don't... Mentally I don't think I could. I'm still hooked on this idea that s**t'll work out and that... -winces and shakes his head, downing the rest of his drink. Murmurs softly- Sorry.
[1/22/2015 10:43:57 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks back, startled by the seriousness of Adam's look- ... -swirls the drink in his glass around, thinking about what Adam's saying before laughing a little harshly- You're right. People are selfish. I'm actually no different. I've been pretty lonely for a while and so getting to converse with you like this actually means a lot more to me than I can express. Especially since you don't seem to be trying to shut me out. Astounding? -glances over at him again, smiling timidly- I don't think so. But thank you...I think. -finishes the last of his drink- ...Wait...Adam... -looks back up sharply- You're...you're not in love with this guy, are you?
[1/22/2015 10:53:37 PM] Sey: Adam: I... don't think I am, no. I mean, I've barely even had crushes. I don't know what it means to be in love with someone. Or what it would feel like. It's... uhm... -debating on telling Akira something insanely important and deep. Wondering why, of all people, he feels comfortable enough with Akira. Smiles softly- Akira... You ever thought about being a counselor? You'd do good. You naturally make people comfortable, and you're caring. Two things that, I know from experience, all the other quacks have missing.
[1/22/2015 10:53:55 PM] Sey: Adam: -murmurs- I promise, I'm not changing the subject... Okay I am. But I'm only doing it so I can think for a moment.
[1/22/2015 10:54:32 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ... -regards him thoughtfully, as if seeing him for the first time- Alright...if you don't mind me asking...how old are you?
[1/22/2015 10:55:55 PM | Edited 10:56:54 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...A counselor? Me? -laughs- Thanks, but really, I'm usually horrible with people. This is a first. And even now, it just might be that you're so nice. -glances at the counter again- ...And that you're a guy. For some reason, I have some weird talent for getting girls to hate me whenever I try to console or comfort them. I must be doing something wrong.
[1/22/2015 11:00:43 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks and laughs at the last part- Dude, how the ******** can you even talk to girls? I dunno man... I had girls hang around me, try to dance with me and get in my pants and s**t, but... Anything beyond using me as a prop or to get off they didn't want s**t to do with me. -bemused a little- And I'm 18... Gonna be 19 in a few months. -small smile- People either think I'm a lot older or a lot younger...
[1/22/2015 11:05:54 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -starts to grin- I have three sisters. When I was younger, I thought that made me practically one of them and therefore able to understand them. How wrong I was. High school made that pretty clear. -raises his brows- Wow...that...I've...never been that kind of popular with girls...er, or any kind really, so I'm not sure whether to feel sorry or jealous of you. -chuckles lightly- My ex-best friend was like that, though. I guess I didn't think about how hard it would have been for him to be that way, people wanting you for your body...
[1/22/2015 11:06:15 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Holy shi - only 19?! How are you so tall?
[1/22/2015 11:09:59 PM | Edited 11:12:09 PM] Sey: Adam: Eh, it didn't happen too often. I was kinda.. -thinking- Kinda like a challenge? For everyone. -shrugs and laughs- But whatever. -not wanting to dwell on that much anymore. Laugh hard at Akira's shock. Grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck- I've always been tall... But I doubt I'll get taller. Maybe... But I've been drinking for years. I'm pretty sure my body doesn't have anything good left in it to grow from. -orders another drink, still mulling over what to tell Akira- Sisters are pretty great. I kept in contact with some of mine, but... Uhm... I kinda lost touch with them. -smiles a little sadly- Miss some of them. You talk to your sisters?
[1/22/2015 11:14:31 PM | Edited 11:15:08 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -stares at blankly- Drinking...? -something suddenly occurs to him as he glances at Adam's empty glass- Wait a minute - as in alcohol?! /Uso!/ -facepalms- I just bought alcohol for a minor...! -puts his head in his hands- Is this how you /usually/ get alcohol? Charm unsuspecting people into buying it for you? -takes the new drink from Adam- Nope. No more. Not on my watch. -blinks at the mention of his sisters- ...No. I lost touch with mine, too.
[1/22/2015 11:18:09 PM] Sey: Adam: -blinks- B-bear? Isn't that Oso? -blinks and then laughs at that, shaking his head- Dude I got my own ID. It's cool. -winks- Unless you're going to feed it to me. -good humor tempers- I'm sorry to hear that... Ah... s**t yeah. -frowns- I'm sorry. I should have put two and two together. -blows out and shakes his head-
[1/22/2015 11:25:42 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -can't help but snicker a little in spite of himself- 'Uso'. It literally translates to 'lie', but an English equivilant would probably be 'no way' as an exclaimation of something unbelievable. -gives him a skeptical look- May I see it? -holds out his hand- ...Huh? Feed what to you?
[1/22/2015 11:26:00 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -blinks in confusion- Sorry, put what together...?
[1/22/2015 11:27:26 PM] Sey: Adam: -takes out the ID, looks totally like a real one but his age is listed as 22- Uso... Huh. I'll have to try and use it sometime. -grins a little, realizing NOW that Akira is Japanese and wondering just how red he'd become if he used Koibito towards him- Oh uh... Well... Arranged Marriage, breaking it of it sounds like and your sisters... I mean, if you broke it off, it'd be really unlikely you could keep contact with your family including your siblings.
[1/22/2015 11:30:51 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -leans forward to examine it closer and smiles sweetly before reaching out to snatch the ID from him- I'LL take that, thank you very much~! -absently drinks from the glass he took from Adam and chokes as he realizes he's drinking alcohol as well as attempting to process Adam's words- ... -takes a moment to get his breath back-
[1/22/2015 11:31:53 PM] Sey: Adam: A-akira? You okay dude you... -looks worried- Did you just choke and die on that? Do I need to preform mouth to mouth?
[1/22/2015 11:33:26 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...!!! -starts laughing just as he starts to recover from choking and attemps to shove Adam in the chest in a gesture to tell him to knock it off-
[1/22/2015 11:34:42 PM] Sey: Adam: -laughing now too. Grabs his hands and keeps his arm firmly around him- Hold on! Don't go crazy now you'll fall off your stool.
[1/22/2015 11:37:49 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks up as he gradually recovers, blushing hard with Adam's hands on his and his arms around him- I-it'd be your fault! -attempts to pull away- And don't try flustering me so you can snatch your card back!
[1/22/2015 11:38:54 PM] Sey: Adam: Ahhhh, come on. I'm a nice guy, right? Why do you think I'd try to trick you. -allows Akira to pull away, sighing- Then you better drink it.
[1/22/2015 11:39:57 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -gives Adam another suspicious look- I thought my ex was a nice guy, too. -pauses- My ex-best friend, I mean. -looks at the drink- Why do I have to drink it?
[1/22/2015 11:40:37 PM] Sey: Adam: It's a waste to not drink it. -curous- Was your ex-best friend also your ex-ex? Or... Is that prying?
[1/22/2015 11:43:35 PM] Kitomyx: Akira; ... -face is still flushed- ...I'll drink it later. I dare not get drunk with you around. -stares at the drink and sighs- It's probably pretty obvious by now thanks to me and my big mouth, but yes.
[1/22/2015 11:45:03 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...Now your turn. -turns to him with a serious, yet still red face- How many people do you think you've ever been in love with? -pauses- Wait, no, you said you didn't know if you'd ever been in love, right? What about your sisters, then? Er, siblings? How many do you have?
[1/22/2015 11:46:18 PM] Sey: Adam: -wondering if that one drink made him this flushed or if its something else- That's okay dude. -says that gently- You know it's really common to fall for your best friend... But it'd hurt worse... -frowns and chuckles- Uhm... A lot. More than I can count. But people I'd want to contact again? Thirty?
[1/22/2015 11:47:52 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...You sound like you speak from experience. -does a double-take- Thirty? Wait wait wait, we're talking about siblings, right? Not relationships?
[1/22/2015 11:49:07 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins- Siblings... Just not blood related. I grew up in foster care.
[1/22/2015 11:50:06 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Oh. -mellows out- I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Was it...was it hard?
[1/22/2015 11:50:57 PM] Sey: Adam: -notices that he mellowed. Places a hand onto Akira's arm. Nods- Yeah. It was. It wasn't fun or enjoyable.
[1/22/2015 11:52:34 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -notices that hand and isn't sure what to do with it because all of a sudden he's feeling very warm all over again- ... -settles for patting it somewhat awkwardly- I can't imagine. Why, um...how come you don't keep in touch with any of your siblings anymore? Lost track of them?
[1/22/2015 11:54:14 PM] Sey: Adam: -thinking: I lost my life, became a rocket, and was reborn...- Yeah... Pretty much man. -notices the awkward patting- Is uh... My touches are they bugging you? I'm a really handsy cuddly person.
[1/22/2015 11:56:25 PM | Edited 11:56:44 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -puts up his own palms suddenly in surrender- Wha - ? Oh, no, no, no, sorry! I, uh...I'm just not used to such...intimacies. -smiles sheepishly- Sorry. It's not you or anything. I mean.... -looks away, trying to be causual but clearly nervous- ...you keep saying I'm cute, but you're the cute one. So it, uh...throws me off.
[1/22/2015 11:59:40 PM] Sey: Adam: -flushes a little bit and shakes his head, looking away- I can't say anyone has ever looked at me and thought "cute". -pulls his hand away and brushes his palm over the top of Akira's hand. Winks and grins- Well, if you're not used to it then I don't want you to get uncomfortable. Especially since I hope we can do this more than once.
[1/23/2015 12:04:33 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...Fine, handsome, then! Whatever it is people prefer to use these days. You're attractive. Good-looking. I can see why girls would want you for your body. Or...or maybe even guys. -blushing furiously, obviously not used to saying such things- ...? -looks over as Adam brushes his hand with his palm- Oh...no, you're fine! I, uh...the more I'm exposed to it, the less sensitive I'll be about it, right? -takes his hand once more-
[1/23/2015 12:07:52 AM] Sey: Adam: -getting second hand blush from Akira. Honestly not used to hearing this sort of stuff, or at least, if he's heard it it never meant anything. Squeezes Akira's hand and murmurs- Thanks... -for once seeming shy-
[1/23/2015 12:11:50 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -notices the shyness and is thrown completely off-guard, feeling more flustered than ever- Jeeez, are you like this around -all- the random strangers you meet? I'm starting to think that roommate of yours is just trying to keep you away to avoid throwing himself at your feet.
[1/23/2015 12:13:23 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: ... -eyes widen and brows shoot up as he covers his own mouth- Kuso! Did I just...say that out loud? -looks at the drink- ... -now somewhat annoyed he can't even blame it on the alcohol- ...it must be the sugar from what I drank before. Don't mind me. I, uh...get weird sugar rushes. Also something I was denied as a child.
[1/23/2015 12:22:51 AM] Sey: Adam: -eyes widen in shock when Akira say that- .... -cheeks begin to brightly burn- A-ah... ******** dude. ********. -shakes his head- Y-yeah you did! It's... It's okay. It really sucks you never got sugar, but maybe it's because you're naturally sweet and they knew you'd get too strong if they fed you more sugar? -teasing him, cheeks flushed and ears reddening a little crap- I uh... I seriously doubt that about the roommate.
[1/23/2015 12:28:09 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: ...Your frequent use of that word really isn't helping. -also very red in the face- See?! This is what happens when underage people drink! And this has nothing to do about my sugar intake I - -freezes as Adam's word's register and he turns to him, his eyes squinted in suspicion with his finger pointed at him accusingly- Oh, you're good. That was smooth. But clearly, /I'M/ the adult here and I'm not going to let a line like that get to me. -feels really light-headed- ......-drinks some of the drink he took from Adam- ...What is this stuff you got, now?
[1/23/2015 12:36:41 AM] Sey: Adam: Frequent use for what word? Oh. ********? Oh. -laughs a little at that and the grins, trying not to laugh at the accusation from Akira. Bursts out laughing when he demands a line like that won't get to him. Calming down a bit, rubbing his eyes- Ah? Oh, it's a rum and coke.
[1/23/2015 12:38:37 AM] Kitomyx: Akira; -blinks frequently at the use of the word yet again, attempting to act like it doesn't affect him- ... -puts his head down on the counter and covers it with his arms in humiliation-
[1/23/2015 12:42:29 AM] Sey: Adam: -surprised when he's covering his head. Leans in and rubs his back- A-akira? Are you sure you're okay? I think I'm making you really flustered and I'm not sure how. -cheeks warm still-
[1/23/2015 12:47:11 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -makes a muffled 'mmm' noise from under his arms- ... -eventually lifts his head- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just...like I said, it's been a while since I've really spent time with people.
[1/23/2015 1:09:52 AM] Sey: Adam: ... It's cool, dude. Seriously. It's cool... I'm sorry I'm making you so flustered.
[1/23/2015 1:11:04 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -swats at him half-heartedly without looking- Stop saying sorry. It's not your fault. I need to not...be so easily flustered.
[1/23/2015 1:11:36 AM] Sey: Adam: -holds his hand that swatted at him- Can I help...? Like... Is there anything I can say or do?
[1/23/2015 1:12:56 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -peeks at him from under his other arm, his face crumpled like he's about to cry- N-NOW who's being ridiculously nice?
[1/23/2015 1:13:43 AM] Sey: Adam: -calming down, looking stunned- A-akira... Dude... -stands up and moves closer, leaning in and whispering to him- Akira what's wrong? We were just laughing. ; Please, don't be upset.
[1/23/2015 1:17:23 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: I-I'm not upset! I'm probably just drunk! -jerks his arm back to cover his face- Stop being so damn concerned about a virtual stranger! P-people are going to think you're weird!
[1/23/2015 1:17:56 AM | Edited 1:18:08 AM] Sey: Adam: Well I mean, Akira, I did grab for your balls. -hoping the joke cheers him up- Are we REALLY still strangers?
[1/23/2015 1:20:26 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: You - wha - WHEN?! -wondering how on earth he could have missed this when he realizes what Adam meant and attempts to shove him again for getting him worked up over the joke- There's only so much of your teasing I can take, you know! I'm not good with teasing!
[1/23/2015 1:22:40 AM] Sey: Adam: A-ah... Sorry I was... hoping it might make you laugh. -thinking and then grabs his arm- Come on. Let's dance. -tugs on him to get off the stool-
[1/23/2015 1:26:43 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smiles slightly as he's tugged off the stool- Do you sing?
[1/23/2015 1:28:24 AM] Sey: Adam: A little! I'm not the best, but it's fun.
[1/23/2015 1:35:51 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -dances while grinning at him- You can make it up to me by singing a song. the DJs here will let you do it.
[1/23/2015 1:37:46 AM] Sey: Adam: -stunned by that, laughing- Jeeze! Ah, you're such a stickler. Fine fine~ I'll sing a song.
[1/23/2015 1:42:08 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -shrugs- I love music. So speak my language.
[1/23/2015 10:58:19 PM] Sey: Adam: Well I can't sing in Japanese... But. -grins and heads off to the stage to talk to the DJ- Yo! I'd like to sing.

DJ: -looks up and nods- What's the band and name?

Adam: -thinking- Fifth Harmony, Sledgehammer. And uh... After that... Adam's Song by Blink 182.

DJ: -gets the first one up and then stops- Dude, no way on the second one. That's way too morbid. -frowns-

Adam: Come on. -grins- It's for a friend... It's a way to commemorate them.

DJ: .... Fine. -sighs- I'll put the first one up.

Adam: -gets up on the stage, takes a deep breath and preps. When the song ends, the DJ puts on the background music for the first song: http://youtu.be/2oJQjn675vE - If you could take my pulse right now, it'd feel just like a sledgehammer~ -starts to sing, has a medium tenor voice, pretty good at singing-
[1/23/2015 11:06:04 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -laughs- Music, silly. Music is universal. -watches him go up to the DJ-
[1/23/2015 11:09:39 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -nods in time to the beat, swaying to the song as he smiles-
[1/23/2015 11:11:23 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins at Akira as he sings, moving with the beat of the song and getting into singing. Feeling a bit happier from the feelings of doubt and pain that had been plaguing him- (heart)
[1/23/2015 11:12:23 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -gives him two thumbs up in between clapping to the song-
[1/23/2015 11:14:17 PM] Sey: Adam: -when the song ends feels happy and grins, breathing a bit heavier. Wipes off his brows and gives a silly bow to some clapping- Ah so... The next song is dedicated to a friend. -waits and then begins to sing to Adam's song, watching Akira intently so that... Hopefully the meaning gets across clearly: http://youtu.be/Q2lkgh318Q4 -
[1/23/2015 11:15:11 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -applauds as loud as he can, cheering when the song finishes, but seems surprised at the announcement of a second song and watches curiously, listening intently-
[1/23/2015 11:19:44 PM] Sey: Adam: -about halfway through the song, closes his eyes- I never though I'd die alone. Another six months I'll be unknown. -voice becomes mournful- Please tell mom this is not her fault. -voice cracks when he sings that part-
[1/23/2015 11:22:09 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -brows furrow as he listens, lips parted slightly as he continues watching-
[1/23/2015 11:24:24 PM] Sey: Adam: -finishes the song and heads off stage, rubbing his eyes a little. Feeling a little shaky since that's the first time he's actually even hinted at the truth to anyone outside of a medical profession. Chuckles and shakes his head, going to find Akira-
[1/23/2015 11:27:11 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -runs toward him after he's finished with his song, nearly colliding with him in his hurry to hug him-
[1/23/2015 11:30:05 PM] Sey: Adam: OOF! -laughs and hugs Akira, chuckling weakly. After a moment curls down and more around him. Speaks softly so that only he can hear- I guess the message got through loud and clear, huh?
[1/23/2015 11:33:33 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -hugs him tightly, tensing a bit in surprise at his words- Heh. If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's my hearing. -squeezes him a little more before letting go-
[1/23/2015 11:34:54 PM] Sey: Adam: -allows Akira to pull back, but still keeps his arms loosely around him. Smiles shyly- Ah... Well good... I'm glad. Hearing is important.
[1/23/2015 11:35:53 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -gives him a funny look- I suppose. But listening is better than just hearing.
[1/23/2015 11:36:30 PM] Sey: Adam: Well... Listening is a skill that not many have. You... You're really good at it. Amazingly so.
[1/23/2015 11:38:23 PM | Edited 11:38:38 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -reddens again, looking down at their feet- W-well I might not be as good as you're assuming. I could have misunderstood. -eyes flicker back up- But...I do know some things are easier to communicate with music than with words.
[1/23/2015 11:39:36 PM] Sey: Adam: -nods- Yeah... I uhm... I've never thought of it before, but as I was trying to figure out what to sing, I remembered that song. -chuckles a little- It's easier to sing it than... Than to just say it.
[1/23/2015 11:43:42 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: It was lovely. Sad, but lovely. And your precious one was sung very well, too. -nods solemnly- My elder sister was mute, so she and I used to communicate through music all the time. She's probably responsible for any 'listening' skills I may have picked up beyond just hearing. -pauses- Do you...would you mind if I did a song for you...?
[1/23/2015 11:45:21 PM] Sey: Adam: -surprised, cheeks color a little as he grins- Sure! I... I'd love that. Thank you.
[1/23/2015 11:46:27 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -puts up his palms- I-it's nothing too embarassing, I promise! Um...I'll be right back, okay? -gives him another quick hug before heading over to the DJ booth-
[1/23/2015 11:48:46 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -soon is up with a microphone in hand as the accompanyment of a song plays in the background- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqVGacrlJ0
[1/23/2015 11:57:00 PM] Sey: Adam: -smiles a little, having not heard the song before. Chuckles and dances along to the beat, enjoying it- (heart)
[1/23/2015 11:59:38 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -does a quick bow when he's finished before hurrying back to Adam, out of breath- Did you...did you like it?
[12:00:46 AM | Edited 12:01:27 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -starts to get his air back and expells it again in a huge run-on sentence- I know it's kind of silly and stupidly upbeat but I thought it might cheer you up without singling you out too much and it seemed appropriate enough for a club song, so I thought I'd ask the DJ and then - -realizes he's babbling- ...uh, sorry.
[12:06:46 AM] Sey: Adam: -blinks, stunned again by the long run on sentence. Grabs Akira and hugs him tightly- Don't be sorry, ever. -squeezes him gently- Thank you, Akira.
[12:06:55 AM] Sey: Adam: I loved it.
[12:08:07 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -starts burning up when Adam hugs him until he's feeling light-headed again- .......I'm....glad...
[12:11:45 AM] Sey: Adam: -so happy, feeling much more relaxed and just HUGS. Then remembers Akira was feeling awkward before- O-oh! s**t sorry. -pulls back a bit, though still keeps them close- I forgot you were feeling uncomfortable.
[12:13:53 AM | Edited 12:14:01 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -still smiling, but looking a little woozy- No, no, that's okay...I'm getting used to it, right? -glances back at the bar- I just...might need more of that stuff before the night's up. What do they call it? Liquid courage...?
[12:14:51 AM] Sey: Adam: -bemused- They do... But if you're not used to drinking you gotta be careful. Otherwise you might get sick
[12:17:31 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -looks at him with a suddenly incredulous expression- If I don't have some right /now/, I may be sick. -goes to go get some, tugging Adam along- Besides, no way am I gonna lose to a minor like you. I've had it before. Just...not often.
[12:18:55 AM] Sey: Adam: -bursts out laughing- Y-you're going to be sick without it? Is my face that ugly? -following him along- Ah, can I have another one then? I want a Grasshopper... It's mint and chocolate.
[12:20:51 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: N-NO! It's got nothing to do with your face! -hesitates- Well, maybe a little...but not in a bad way! It's more to do with how you're treating me! I mean, I know you said you're a touchy-feely person, but you...you know I'm a guy, right? -blinks- Is that ice cream or alcohol? Or an insect?
[12:23:49 AM] Sey: Adam: -confused, chuckling- Erm, yes... I could tell you were a guy. Am I treating you badly? -wondering if he is- Huh? Oh, it's a drink. Named after the bug. -grins-
[12:26:27 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: Oh. Good. -feels stupid- Because. Uh. People can't always tell, especially because supposedly orientals are more androgenous to caucasians, so I hear. -looks blankly at him- Nonononono! It's not that! I-I just told you, I'm not used to spending time with people like this. I haven't enjoyed myself like this in years. -looks semi-disguisted- Why would they name it that...?!
[12:26:52 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: And is it alcoholic?!
[12:28:51 AM] Sey: Adam: ... Well it's not... Not alcoholic. -grins sheepishly and then snorts- That's really bull... I don't get why people would have a hard time? But eh... I grew up around a lot of different ethnicities so I guess I'm used to telling the difference? Or I know the difference.
[12:31:54 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: Why are you talking so slowly? -suspicious and then distracted by what Adam said- Oh. That's wonderful. I wish knew more about other ethnicities.
[12:37:39 AM] Sey: Adam: -nods- Mmm, same. It'd make the world a whole lot more understanding. -sitting at the bar again, smiling a little- So... You were worried I thought you were a girl? Was that part of why you were so flustered?
[12:38:44 AM | Edited 12:39:11 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -goes to retake his seat as well- Well...kind of. But also, er, the society I grew up in was pretty...formal? So we didn't do a lot of intimate things like hugging and stuff often, either.
[12:45:42 AM] Sey: Adam: Oh! Jeeze then this really would be uncomfortable. You grew up really traditionally, huh?
[12:48:03 AM] Kitomyx: Akira: -smiles- No, it...I really like it. I've wanted to live more like this since I found out about...this....lifestyle. -runs a hand through his hair- It's just taking some getting used to is all.
[1:48:50 PM] Sey: Adam: This lifestyle? You mean clubs or western? -curious, getting comfortable at the bar-
[1:50:32 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -blinks- What? Oh, I mean...all of it? A...common life style? -sips more of the alcoholic drink and makes a face before offering Adam his newly-ordered Grasshopper-
[1:51:26 PM | Edited 1:54:14 PM] Sey: Adam: -takes the grasshopper and takes a few sips before offering it to Akira- Wanna try? Mint and Chocolate, what's not to love?
[1:57:24 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Are you sure? Don't mind germs? -grins crookedly- I really shouldn't with all that sugar, but maybe just a sip...
[2:08:47 PM] Sey: Adam: Nah, I'm sure. Plus if I drink it after you, isn't it an indirect kiss? -chuckles- but seriously, it's no big deal.
[2:15:49 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -feels the heat rising to his face yet again- ...I would think that'd be even more of a reason not to... -takes a small sip with his own straw before pausing and taking another- ...I thought that was the aftertaste from my drink, but...that's not, is it? -gives Adam another incredulous look- You told me this Grasshopper thing wasn't alcoholic.
[2:17:29 PM] Sey: Adam: -smiles slyly and takes another drink- Ah, sorry. I fibbed.
[2:20:50 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: ......... -reaches out...and slides his drink away from him-
[2:21:09 PM] Sey: Adam: Ahhhh come oooon. Please~?
[2:22:24 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -sighs- And here I thought we were getting along so well. -puts both the drinks off to his side- Not only is it not okay for you to drink, it's not okay to lie. How come you don't seem to understand either of those?
[2:25:14 PM] Sey: Adam: A harmless lie, isn't it? I've been drinking for years, you know. I don't see why you're bugged by it.
[2:27:57 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -gives him a somewhat stern look before softening- I don't think any lie is harmless. To lie is to look down on someone. And regardless of how long you've been drinking, I don't want to be responsible for any little bit of it. This stuff will kill you and I'm not about to contribute to your shortened lifespan.
[2:29:56 PM] Sey: Adam: -looks back at the bar- Looking down on someone.. I've never thought about that. -quiet and then nods- I guess you're right. It is like that, huh? Then I owe you an apology. -smiles warmly at Akira- You're truly caring, aren't you...?
[2:33:10 PM] Sey: Adam: I just lied to you... But instead of being angry at anything involving you, you're worried about me. You don't want me to drink because it could shorten my lifespan. Nothing about getting jailed for giving a drink to a minor. -shakes his head and sighs- How the hell do nice people like you exist? Especially after the crap you've personally been through.
[2:40:56 PM | Edited 2:43:12 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -tilts his head slightly, surprised his words actually seemed to get through and half wondering if he's just pretending to go along with it- ...?! -looks away again to hide his flushed face at the sight of Adam's warm smile and his comment about him caring- ...You're really mature for your age. Most people wouldn't be able to derive half as much as you just did from what I said. Getting jailed didn't even occur to me. -peers cautiously over his arms at him- I'm really not that nice. I think maybe I'm just...well, to put it frankly, I think maybe people like you and I are so used to other people's - for lack of a better term - 'bullshit' that we know how to take a hit and brush it off. Learn from it. Survive. Move on. But it's weird being called out and recognized for it because I've always just thought of myself as sheltered and weak. When you say that...it makes me wonder if I haven't grown and changed more than I thought after all.
[2:42:25 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: N-not that I'd ever put myself on your level, of course. -looks back at the counter- I may be older, but I only just recently entered 'the real world' whereas it sounds like you were born and raised in it.
[2:45:39 PM] Sey: Adam: Hmm... Able to take the bullshit and brush it off. I think you might be right about that. -chuckles and touches Akira's hand- Just because you got here, into a world different than your own, doesn't make your s**t different, 'Kira. Fuc -- Er. Fudge dude. You just said you had to deal with bullshit and learn to survive. That means your life hasn't been peach and roses.
[2:52:07 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -sneers lightly in amusement at his change of words- It's alright; you don't have to censor yourself for me. Sometimes things just have to be said as they are. Can't censor life, so what's the point of trying to censor the words for it? -chuckles at his last comment- Actually...compared to people who've only known this lifestyle, it probably /was/ peaches and roses before. I just couldn't stand it, especially knowing there was more. So I really have no right to complain, having willingly left that.
[3:01:27 PM] Sey: Adam: I'd be so pissed in highschool... Cause rich kids would moan and complain about how terrible they had it. It made me furious. My mom... She was the one who helped me understand. -holds his hand open, looking at the palm- We all have like... different s**t we gotta deal with. Sure, sometimes people complain at s**t that's petty, but sometimes even the richest have the worst problems and poorest the best lives. Money.. A different life... It doesn't shelter you from your own difficulties. -squeezes his fist- So its better to not get mad or put down anyone. -looks at Akira and wraps his arm around him- So man... If you wanna complain. Complain. You obviously had your own problems. You dealt with things I can't even imagine. Arranged marriages, being used by your best friend and ex... Stuff like that... Money or a different life just doesn't make better. It sucks, no matter what.
[3:05:37 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -cringes a bit at the mention of rich kids, but eases somewhat as Adam continues- Heh...I think I've already complained more than you have. Do you mind me asking what got you into drinking?
[3:08:08 PM] Sey: Adam: Ah... Sorry. -smiles weakly- It... It's not something I can really talk about. Sorry.
[3:09:58 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Hey. That's fine. -smiles- I've had years to get over some of the things I dealt with. And of course there are some things people can never get over..
[3:10:19 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: But if you ever want to talk...or sing...I'm here to listen, okay?
[3:12:07 PM] Sey: Adam: ... Thanks, Akira. That means a lot. -sighs- Man I'm really rotten. All I keep thinking is I want to make you blush more. -laughs-
[3:15:03 PM | Edited 3:15:37 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: -brows rise before he covers his face with his hands in embarrassment, but can't help grinning at the same time- ...Jeez, why does /everyone/ seem to want to do that?! I'm going to end up fainting if all the blood keeps pooling in my face!
[3:16:03 PM] Sey: Adam: -grins wickedly- There's worse places it could pool to, to make you faint~ Plus it's kinda cute. Nah, not even kinda. Really cute.
[3:17:29 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: Aahhhh~!! Stop thaaat! -swats at him half-heartedly- I'm -not- cute!
[3:18:19 PM] Kitomyx: Akira: That's it. More dancing. Before I'm too drunk to stand up, since I'm inevitably going to have to finish those... -gets up, grumbling, and grabs Adam to pull him out onto the dance floor-