I do not own Link, Midna, or any other person or place from Legend of Zelda. They are owned by Nintendo. This is all for personal entertainment purposes only. I hope you all enjoy. ^_^

Also, I do not own the poem in the story. That belongs to Mikadel on deviantart.com.

Chapter 1

The clouds floated by on the gusts of wind, creating shapes... shapes Link, the Hero of Light didn't want to see. Shapes that made his heart ache. The shapes he saw was Midna, the Twilight Princess.
'Another year goes by.'
Link lay there on the grass, a wheat stalk in his mouth as he watched the clouds continue to form shapes.
'It's been three years now. Three years since I started my adventure to save Hyrule. Three years since I met her. What I would give to be with her again.'
Link sat up and pulled the stalk from his mouth.
Link looked around to see Fado running toward dim.
“You've got a message!”
Fado stopped in front of him and produced a letter.
Link took the letter and read it quickly. Bandits.
“I've got to go, Fado,” Link said. “I'll be back later.”
Fado nodded before Link shot to his feet. He then called Epona.
Once he was in her saddle, he had her leave town as fast as possible.

Link returned sooner than he though he would. He had found the bandits easy enough, but that wasn't the interesting part. They had already been taken care of. The only thing he had left to do was take the possessions that they had stolen back to their owners.
So here he sat, at his table, sipping a tankard of mead, trying to not think about the woman he missed.
“It's open, Ilia.”
The door opened and Ilia walked in with a cloaked figure behind her.
“You have a visitor.”
Link nodded before motioning to the chair in front of him.
“Thanks, Ilia.”
“No problem, Link. See you later.”
Link waved before looking at the hooded figure sitting across from him.
“To what do I owe this visit, Princess Zelda?”
The hooded figure lowered it's hood and there sat Zelda. She had a smile on her face.
“I just thought I'd come and visit. How long has it been since you visited the castle?”
“Since I stopped Gannondorf three years ago. Being there reminds me too much of her.”
Zelda nodded.
“I'm sure Midna misses you as well.”
Link took a short draft of his mead before looking back at Zelda.
“Midna,” he said. “Oh how I miss her.” He looked down at his mead, staring at the surface. “We went through so much together and then she's gone.”
“She's not gone.”
Link looked at the princess before taking another drink of mead.
“Just as you wish for her, she wishes for you.”
Link laughed. It was a hollow sound.
“But isn't that just what it is? A wish?”
Zelda shook her head.
“No. It's not just a wish.”
Zelda produced a letter that looked as though it was made of shadows.
“Shadow magic?” Link asked, his eyes wide.
“She sent this for you. How she did it, I do not know. She just sent it to me to give to you.”
Link moved his tankard out of the way before setting the letter down. He noticed it wasn't an actual letter, but a poem.
“While you and I stand here
I have to say goodbye
I'm so grateful for all you're done for me
I'm fighting the urge to cry
But I have finally made a choice
I know what I've got to do
I must destroy the only link
I do it to protect you
At first I didn't care for you
You were my way out
But I saw how much you had to risk
And you never had a doubt
In my desperate hour of need
You could have left me there
But you took me back and saved my life
I saw you did actually care
You fought through all the challenges
You got back up if you fell
You fought for peace and your land of light
But you fought for me as well
I'll never forget how much you did
And what do I give in return
All I'm doing is leaving you
And a love for you to yearn
But please understand how much this hurts
To leave you so confused
I don't think I'll ever see you again
But please do not feel used
Through our travels I felt something
And I hope you felt it too
Your courage, kindness and good heart
Has made me fall in love with you
But I cannot stand here anymore
I have to finally leave
But please promise me my new love
Promise you will not grieve
Remember this and never forget
You are always in my heart
Goodbye my beloved Twilight Hero
I love you even if far apart”
Link laid his head on the table, quietly sobbing.
“She loves me,” he said, tears falling to the tabletop.
Zelda nodded.
“She told me before we went to the Mirror Chamber. She wanted to tell you herself, but she didn't get the chance.”
Link lifted his head and looked at his letter again. He saw that it was starting to dissolve.
“Get me some paper!”
Zelda pulled a copy of the poem from her bag and handed it to Link.
“I already copied it, just in case this did happen.”
Link held the copy as the original continued to fade from the table. Once it was completely gone, Link opened the copy and read the poem again.
Zelda placed a hand on Link's.
“Don't worry,” she said. “The goddesses know what they're doing.”
Link nodded as he grabbed his tankard again and downed the rest.
“Drinking away your sorrows won't help.”
“Well, what else am I suppose to do?” he asked. “Midna became my life not long before we had to part ways.”
“There is always hope,” Zelda said.
Link just scoffed before pouring another tankard of mead.
“Link, stop this. You are the Hero of Light, for Farore's sake! Do you think Midna likes that you've taken to drinking like you do?”
“How would she know? She's not here.”
“Though she may not be in this room, she does have a way to see into the Realm of Light.”
Link looked around.
“It's not something that you can see. She's using magic to watch. She wrote in my letter that you drink every night. She's watched you all this time. It's time to stop.”
Link looked at his tankard before getting to his feet. He then walked over to the closest window and poured the contents out.
“The bottle, too.”
Link nodded before picking up the bottle of mead he had been drinking from and poured it out the window as well.
“Good,” Zelda said before rising to her feet. “Now let us get to Hyrule Castle. There are things we need to discuss.”
Link didn't ask any questions, he just nodded before walking over to his basement ladder and climbing down. After a few minutes he returned, dressed in his green Hero's Tunic.
“Ready,” Link said as he adjusted the harness across his shoulder. His shield and Master Sword clanged together as they moved.
“I thought you returned the Master Sword to the Sacred Grove.”
Link shook his head.
“I kept it just in case something important came up,” he said as he walked over to the table and picked up the poem that Midna had sent him, but Zelda had copied. He then folded it before placing it safely in his pouch.
“Let's go, Link,” Zelda said as she walked over to the door, lifting her cloak's hood on the way.
Link nodded as he opened the door to his home and let Zelda walk out before him.

Link stood before the complete Hyrule Castle, his eyes not seeing the magnificent structure, but the woman who had helped him save Hyrule.
“Midna...” Link said as he raised his eyes to the heavens. “Why did you have to do this?” His attention was now not on Midna, but the Goddesses. “Why did you bring us together if only to tear us apart?! I love her!”
Zelda turned around when she heard Link yelling to the sky.
“If I had known that this was going to happen, I would have jumped into the Mirror's light and went with her! I would have stopped her from leaving me!” He fell to his knees. “Why? Why do you have to be so cruel?” Tears poured from his eyes as he started crying. With a grunt, he pulled the Master Sword from its sheath and threw it to the side. Its tip was imbedded into a tree. “I no longer feel worthy of carrying that blade,” Link said as he stood, his head bowed low.
Zelda walked over to Link and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“The Goddess's always have a plan.”
“Yeah... causing me misery.”
He walked off, leaving the Blade of Evil's Bane lodged in the tree.
Zelda watched him walk away, her heart heavy. She didn't like seeing the Hero of Light so depressed.
“I hope there is a plan now,” Zelda said as she looked to the sky. “If not, then the most honorable man might not be such soon.”
With those words, Zelda walked over to Master Sword and tried pulling the blade from the tree. It wouldn't budge.

The room was too nice in his opinion. Too bright as well. But he didn't refuse the Princess when she presented the room for his use.
“Oh, Midna,” he said as he sat on his bed, his head bowed low and tears streaming down his face.
Link's attention shot around the room.
He turned toward the mirror and saw his reflection. He flinched when his image registered. He looked awful.
“Look closer...”
Link walked over to the mirror and saw a very dim image. The image of his beloved.
“Oh, Link.”
Link smiled and placed a hand on her image's face.
“Midna,” he said with a sigh.
“I've been trying to contact you for so long, my love.”
Link shook his head.
“I'm sorry, Midna. I've been...”
“Drowning your loss of me in mead.”
Link bowed his head and nodded.
“Look at me.”
Link raised his eyes to her beautiful red orbs.
“I'm right here. You need not drown anything again. Not even your sorrows.”
“But where are you?”
“I'm still in the Realm of Twilight.”
Link pulled up a chair and sat down.
“I want to see you... hold you.”
“I know, my beloved. But there isn't a way for me to return to the Realm of Light.”
“Why? Why did you destroy the Mirror?”
Midna placed her hands over her heart.
“I truly believe what I did was to protect both of our Realms.”
“It's torn me apart, Midna,” Link said as he bowed his head again. “I... I don't know how much longer I can go on without you.”
“I know, Link. It has me as well. I've had my best mages looking for a way back to the Realm of Light. It's time that our two races were able to find peace from our past.”
“Any luck?” Link asked as he looked up at her.
Midna closed her eyes and shook her head.
Link sighed before standing and walking up to the mirror.
“I wish I could just step through and be with you,” he said as he leaned against the mirror.
“I know, Link. If we have any news on the new portal, I'll contact you at once. I love you.”
“And I love you. So very much.”
He then stood on his toes and kissed the image of her lips.
“Come back to me.”
Midna smiled and nodded.
“There is nothing I want more, Link. I'll contact you soon. I think we should start talking again. Seeing you drink through a mirror or your mead isn't a pretty sight.”
Link flinched.
“Forgive me.”
“Already have,” Midna said with a smile. “I'll be in contact. Now why don't you do something productive? Like get the Master Sword out of that tree. I'm sure if we're going to see each other again, you'll need the blade.” She then laughed. “And take a bath. You look awful.”
Link nodded and smiled. He then bowed to her.
“As my Princess wishes,” he said, his tone showing his happiness. He looked up at her smiling face. “I love you, Midna. Don't ever forget that.”
Midna nodded before her image slowly vanished.
“Midna,” Link said, the smile never fading from his lips. With a spring in his step that wasn't there for the last three years, he walked out the door to do as he was told. Namely retrieve the Blade of Evil's Bane and then find a tub.