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[PRP] Such a Fool

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:14 am
When Akira woke up, it took him a few minutes to recall what he'd been dreaming about. There'd been a love potion and a cute guy he'd been making blush somehow. They'd been having ice cream floats and he'd started to feel a sugar rush coming on. And...he'd kissed him on the mouth. Hard.

Wait a second. Had that been a dream?

...Where am I?! How'd I get here?!

Gasping, the brunet sat upright. He looked around to discover that he was lying on the couch in the apartment he shared with Nate. He couldn't remember falling asleep, but he couldn't quite recall what he'd been doing before his dream, either. Frowning, he tugged his bangs, trying to force himself to remember. He reached for his phone in his pocket to check the time.

As he did so, Happa hopped up onto his lap and barked at him. Akira blinked before patting his Leafeon's head. The pokemon appeared to have been quite worried.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:23 am
Getting Akira to his house when A) Akira was knocked out B) Happa was the only one to knew where home was C) Adam was a puny whimp - well... It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy at all, but they had made it there in one piece.

After getting his... er... friend? Boyfriend? Akira. After getting Akira on the couch, Adam was left with a new moral dilemma: Stay or Go? Who knew how long the other would be out, and it seemed wrong to just drop him off and run. Plus... Adam was curious and wanted to spend more time with the brunette. After lying a blanket across his body, he took to sitting at Akira's feet on the ground and playing with his phone.

He had been in the restroom when Akira awoke. It was Happa's bark that alerted Adam. Washing his hands quickly, he exited and moved swiftly over to where his... Er... Where Akira was sitting.

"Akira! Thank god. Are you okay? I got you some water." He pointed to a glass on the coffee table, "Does your head hurt or anything? Do you need anything?"  

Magician Arcana

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:14 am
Akira, who had just been about to question his pokemon, looked up and nearly fell off the couch. Happa leaped from his lap to give his trainer space as well as to avoid getting whacked by a flailing limb.

"A-a-adam?!" he stammered, righting himself as he tried to sit up on the couch. "Oh Arceus...that wasn't a dream, was it? Oh s**t, damn it..." Muttering a string of curses under his breath, the young man put a hand to his head and stood on shaky legs.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I should have known better than to...argh, but I hadn't even had that much this time!" He groaned into his hands as he covered his face. "Excuse me, I...I need a minute..."

Shuffling toward the bathroom Adam had just emerged from, Akira shut the door and slid back against it to the floor. s**t, s**t, s**t! How could I have been so stupid?!  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:51 am
"No, hey... Hey!" Adam reached out towards Akira, but it was a futile effort. Akira moved past and into the bathroom, leaving Adam bewildered and alone in a foreign apartment with Happa the leafeon. At least good old Happa was there. He looked at the pokemon with a mournful, confused expression as if he were a puppy that had been scolded. "Happa... Do you think I did something wrong?"

Was it wrong to have stayed? Should he have just deposited Akira and walked away? That seemed so callous and impersonal. Adam rubbed his jaw and took a deep breath. Turning from the couch, he stepped towards the bathroom and raised his fist, intent on knocking but... Stopping.

Kneeling, he turned and sat down with his back leaned against the door and his knees spread. With one arm on each, his hands dangled in the space between. "Hey...? Akira? Uhm... Can you even hear me in there?" It would be pointless to launch into a long sophisticated conversation if the other man couldn't hear through the door. Adam didn't know how sound proof it was. Was it wrong to bother the brunette when he had asked for a minute? Adam toyed nervously with his lip rings, his gaze unfocused and staring into the distance.  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:53 pm
Happa looked back at Adam and rubbed against his leg in response. He guessed his trainer was probably just freaking out about how he knew he must have acted previously. Moreover, he guessed Akira worried that Adam's opinion of him would change just as Sera's seemed to have. He wasn't sure his trainer could handle something like that again, especially when he had seemed so happy just spending time with Adam.

The Leafeon had been glad that Adam had chosen to stay, though. Perhaps once Akira got over his initial shock and embarrassment, he would realize that. It had to count for something after all, right? Wishing his trainer knew that Adam seemed to be unnecessarily blaming himself, Happa pawed at the bathroom door and made a noise to get Akira's attention when he saw Adam had refrained from doing so himself.

After a few minutes, Akira's voice came back through the door. "I can hear you," he said quietly. "...I'm so sorry. Thank you for bringing me here, Adam. I can't apologize enough for my behavior. You...you don't have to stay. I'm alright."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:01 pm
His heart seized. Akira's voice seemed quiet, and from how he had been acting before sequestering himself in the bathroom, chances were he was upset... Or embarrassed. Both? Both. Adam took a deep breath and let it out before reaching a hand up to run through his hair. It made a full swooping motion and ended on the back of his neck were it stayed. "Hey, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure if it would be rude to stay here, but I was seriously worried bout you and wanted to make sure you were okay."

Adam withdrew his hand and looked back at the ground, at the space between his knees where his hands once more dangled, "You don't gotta be sorry. It didn't bother me at all when you got a sugar rush. It was kinda fun. Difficult to keep you from blowing your ******** savings on ice cream," He chuckled softly, turning his head to look at the door as if Akira were beside him, "But worth it. I understand why you said that, about... Waiting until later to see if how I felt changed."

Hesitation held his throat as his cheeks warmed up, "It doesn't. It didn't change how I feel. Not at all." He paused, letting the words hang in the air for what felt like a sufficient enough time before continuing, "But I totally get if you're pissed at me for like, breaking and entering into your apartment and then staying like a creeper."

This felt wrong. He grinned without mirth and forged on, "I'll even do a strip search. ******** I'll bend and cough if you want... That way you know I didn't like, pocket any of your valuables or some s**t."  

Magician Arcana

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:15 am
"Rude?! It wasn't rude at all! I'm very grateful; I really am," Akira assured him, a plea in his tone for Adam to know he meant it. "I just...can't get over how I acted in front of you. I was so determined to behave myself, but in the end, it seemed I got carried away anyway." His initial giddy excuse that it had been the 'love potion' came back to him and overwhelmed him with another wave of humiliation. How could he have said something so stupid? He was so embarrassed he wanted to die. To his astonishment and disgust, tears pricked the corner of his eyes. He took a deep, shuddering breath as he listened to Adam and fought to control himself.

"Fun?!" he shouted suddenly, unable to stifle the outburst. "I was supposed to be the adult, the mature one, and I pretty much assaulted you! How is that fun?!" With nothing else to conceal his deep embarrassment, anger resounded in his voice. "When I said about waiting until later...it wasn't as if I'd planned this! I...I didn't mean for that to happen, but it's always been that way before when I've had ice cream floats. I thought I could be on better behavior since I'd become aware of it, especially if it was for you. But it seems like I still don't know my limits. This time was worse than ever." He shook his head. "You were...the last person I wanted to see me like that."

When Adam's words about his feelings reached Akira, the brunet stiffened. By the time the blond had finished speaking the rest of what he had to say, the brown-eyed trainer swung open the door and threw himself at Adam's back in a tight hug, burying his face against his back. "You're not a creeper. You're the farthest from it," he murmured into his shirt. "If anyone's a creeper, it's me." There was a choked laugh. "As if I have any valuables to pocket." He decided not to comment on the strip search.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:15 am
Whatever squeeze had been on his heart turned into a vice lock. Akira was beyond being upset and embarrassed. Adam flinched at the yell, surprised at the passion and pain that was laced in the other's voice. Joking had been a bad idea. If Adam had any clue just how devastated Akira was, he would have never said any of those things. At least not right this second.

"Akira..." Adam breathed out his name, wide eyed and in shock. It wasn't assault or wasn't.. He didn't need to be the mature one. Adam wanted to convey that, but he was lost. A rare moment indeed when the chatterbox was muted.

But Adam's feelings opened the door, literally it seemed. He felt himself losing balance as the support he was leaning against was moved. Quickly, though, something warm and soft wrapped around his body, offering a different type of support. Warmth tickled against Adam's neck and back as Akira spoke. Not a creeper. Adam released a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and grasped one of the hands around his body.

"'Kira... You don't gotta be mature, okay? I... I like you as you. Seriously," Adam turned his head, but could only make out the mess of brown hair, "And you didn't assault me. Surprised, yeah, but uh... That as definitely something I liked. I thought it was cute and sweet. Though I gotta admit, I would have liked it to have gone longer." He chuckled softly and squeezed Akira's hand.  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:21 am
The brunet rested his head over one of Adam's shoulders. "Of course I have to be mature," he retorted gently. "Otherwise you might go and drink yourself to death before you even reach drinking age. Who's going to look out for you if I don't?" He hesitated. "Your roommate must not be doing a very good job if he lets you."

"Call me a nag or too meddlesome for not minding my own business, but...if you have problems you need to deal with, I'd rather be the one to help you through them. Not encourage you to run away or make yourself numb to them." He exhaled a mirthless laugh. "Not that I can talk, I guess, having gotten drunk on ceremonial sake to get through my wedding. But that just made me miserable and I refuse to do that anymore. Nor let you do it to yourself."

Happa sat back on his haunches, glad the two seemed to have reconciled. No longer worried for Akira's health or sanity, the Leafeon decided to leave his trainer in Adam's company and disappeared back into his ball.

Smiling at the flash out the corner of his eye, Akira closed his eyes. "Thank you for staying, Adam. You didn't have to do that. I think I would have been out of my mind for ages worrying about what you thought of me." His hold on the blond loosened. "But what do you mean, 'would have liked it to gone on longer'? Don't tell me you prefer me in that state? I might as well have been drunk." Akira paused to reconsider his words. "Well...almost. Arceus forbid you ever actually find out what I'm like intoxicated with alcohol."  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:00 pm
Mulling his words, Adam nodded absentmindedly. Had Izaya tried to stop him? Actually, in a way, he had. All those complaints about the smell might have very well been his attempts at curbing Adam's habit. Or course, it could be that the informant hated the smell of alcohol and was part blood hound, thus being capable of smelling it in the air. Who knew with Nakamura. As much as Adam was capable of seeing through him, there were still parts that were unknowable.

Before responding to anything, the blonde pulled away from Akira's hold, and turned around. Scooting closer, he parted his knees placing one on either side of the brunette and wrapped him in his arms loosely. A sly smile tugged at Adam's lips, "You now, my birthday is coming up... What if... If I'm good and don't drink, we drink together? Seeing what you're like drunk is a goal now, I hope you realize." He teased before chuckling.

Guilt was still a thing that bubbled down below, but having had time to really reflect and decide on how he felt about Akira made a world of difference. Reaching up, Adam brushed back his friend's choppy bangs, affectionately letting his fingers skirt the top of Akira's ears, "If you want to be that person that helps me with stuff, then I won't stop you. I don't want you to... To feel like I'm your chore. Or your child. I think you're sweet for caring so much." Adam stressed, hoping to clear up any worries, "I'm just worried that one day you'll get so pissed and tired of me because I'm a burden to you emotionally. And of course I want to help you too, however I can."

Leaning closer, he placed their foreheads together and smiled warmly, "Y'know... I wasn't talking about your altered state on the sugar rush. That was fun, sure. No, this is what I wished had gone on longer." Adam had never been a person to beat around the bush or wait, and anymore dillydallying would have driven him nuts. Cupping Akira's cheek, he kissed him firmly, an excited and pleased warmth flushing his body.  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:24 am
Akira's mouth opened when Adam pulled away, but the taller male was already embracing him again before he could speak. His cheeks burned as he replied hotly, "You really are a teenager, aren't you? Having that impulse to want to do and know eveything you're told not to do or to stay away from. Shame on you." He waved a finger. "I may have a weakness for sugar, but alcohol isn't something I take lightly. I hope you realize that I'll be extra vigilant regarding what you offer me to drink from now on."

When Adam reached up, the brunet couldn't seem to manage keeping what little composure he'd had. "You wouldn't be," he answered, casting his gaze aside. "But...it's nice to feel...needed once in a while." Peering up shyly at the blond's expressed concerns, he said, "Being attached to anyone at all is an emotional burden. Naturally, people will make you worry or jealous or hurt whether they mean to or not. But that's what makes us feel like we have purpose for existing. That we're wanted and that we have someone we want to be there for in return. And I've been wandering around without any purpose for a long time. I thought it would be freedom, but it's just lonelier than ever. At least, that's what I feel."

Smiling back when their foreheads touched, brown eyes gazed into hazel ones. Akira was so focused on Adam's expression and the warmth of his voice that he didn't anticipate what was going to happen nor even what was happening until his brain caught up a few seconds later. Swiftly recovering from his shock, he closed his eyes and kissed back, putting his arms about Adam's neck to pull him gently closer. Something wet pricked the corner of his eye, but he hardly noticed.  
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:30 pm
Warmth burned in his chest and branched slowly across his veins, making his very bones sing and shake gently. This reaction was so embarrassing. Even Adam's first kiss had not created this sensation of fire and weakness. It happened in a club, while dancing with another person (male? female? human even? who knew). And the kiss had been much more passionate and not at all chaste. So why did this one, a simple pressing of lips with teeth and tongue locked firmly away, feel so radically different than the others he had experienced? Even the one they had shared during Akira's sugar rush had been more urgent and passionate. Was it that they were both of the right state of mind? Or that Adam had initiated and Akira had returned with little hesitation. Perhaps both was the answer.

Breaking the kiss was physically difficult. It was like magnets were set in his lips and now his body was demanding that the kissing continue. Still, it needed to stop so they could talk. To figure things out. Because as much as Adam was willing to just let his body decide and actions rule, it could be a dangerous game.

A languid, embarrassed smile sprawled over his face accompanied by a bright blush. They were still close, close enough Adam could practically count Akira's eyelashes. Rubbing their noses together, he sighed deeply and closed his eyes, "I don't think I've ever felt like that before." The confession further compounded the nervousness and exhilaration that flushed his system.

But just because someone returned a kiss didn't mean they liked you (though Adam was fairly positive in this sense, with Akira wrapped around him, it was a very good positive maybe). Opening his eyes again, he presented the older male with a goofy grin, and asked "Boyfriends?" Not exactly eloquent, but Adam wasn't known for stupendously intelligent speeches. Just a lot of words coming out his mouth much too quickly.

Okay no, the excitement in his veins demanded to be poured out and his mouth was a willing vessel, "I mean, I kinda suck. Like a ******** lot. I drink and I'm shitty and I cuss and I can be mean and fight, but at the same time I can be nice too. And I still think you deserve someone kinder and hotter with how great you are. Seriously, you want to help me and what are you getting out of this? One giant a** mess of a dude who is like ******** pathetic. But you still want to and... And goddamn, Akira. Damn. If you're willing to like try and s**t... I had -- you know when you were out? -- thought about you and how you made me feel and it's weird cause it's like I... I feel so comfortable and you're just so you and what you are is amazing and I just want to be close. To you. The you that is amazing and ******** ******** this isn't making sense I... I really need to shut up now."  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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