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[OPEN CLASS] Arts & Crafts (Ahm/Merry)

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Garbage Paladin

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:49 pm
NAME OF CLASS: Arts and Crafts 101
PROFESSOR NAME: Professor Zixil Braxton

General information:
The Arts and Crafts room is tucked away in the corner - one way in and out, which is just how the teacher likes it. The classroom looks normal enough from the outside, with its standard door and numberplate (with an added addendum by the teacher, his name and the class title added on a piece of Muck Tape). The inside, however, looks like someone found all of the weird, eclectic stuff within a five mile radius, ate it, and then vomited it all up. The teacher has either completely lost his mind, or is trying way, way too hard. The cabinets that line the walls are partially filled with beginner art supplies: slime-based paints, earwax crayons, and...glitter, a thing so evil that it can be known by no other name.

Your Most Excellent Professor isn't going to fill your head with crazy ideas. That's all up to you!

Upon entering the class, roll 1d100 to determine your Muse Level (ML).

Muse Level 1-20

Woah, you can't make art with a Muse Level this low! Go stare longingly at your first crush, or listen to emotional music, or cry it out! We can't have you making anything that's worth less than 20 silver seeds beneath your actual capabilities.

Muse Level 21-50

Did you dip yourself in paint and roll your face over the canvas? That's not going to be acceptable. Nobody will want to buy this. Or look at it. Not even kind of.

Muse Level 51-80

Looks like you might have the right idea. Go ahead and give it a shot. I guess the worst thing that could happen is you ruin everything, but that's okay.

Muse Level 81-100

Got a real overachiever here! Creativity is oozing from your pores (seriously clean that stuff up please)!

If you roll 1-50, you will need to make another attempt. A roll of 51-100 allows you to proceed. The above information correlating to your ML gives you a good idea of how your student will be approaching this assignment.

If you succeeded in developing a passable Muse Level, you will then need to roll a 1d10 to determine to overall success of your drawing/painting/sculpture etc. Feel free to pick whatever medium you'd like!

1-3 You really poured yourself into this one, but the Professor isn't quite feeling it. Take it home and pin it on your wall, because that's all you're getting. (Fail. You'll have to make another attempt!)
4-9 You paid careful attention to details, color schemes, and - most importantly - marketability. Professor Braxton smashes a sickly note to your body with a sloppy "A" written on it, because ruining the art would be a travesty. As far as you can tell, you've done a good thing. (Pass!)
10 You are a prodigy! This thing belongs in a museum! Or the home of the highest bidder! Your artwork will be displayed in front of the entire class. Hope you're not shy. (SUPER-PASS!)

You must RP your student creating their...well, whatever they make.

Bonus Mechanics:
•If you include a DRAWN representation of the piece of art that your student creates, you can automatically add 2 to your success roll, ultimately bringing up their final score. These drawings do not have to be anything fantastic, and can be as detailed or non-detailed as you want.

•Any student who is able to use magic to create illusions can roll 1d4 to determine how amazing their artwork appears. Which is what matters. If you roll even, you can add 1 point. If you roll odd, no points can be added. This can not be combined with the 2 points you can add when including an image.

•Any student who lacks dexterity (lookin' at you, claw-handed monsters) can roll 1d4 to determine their ability to talk Professor Braxton into believing that the piece of art's concept is going over his head and is, in fact, a true masterpiece. If you roll even, you can add 1 point. If you roll odd, no points can be added. This can not be combined with the 2 points you can add when including an image.

Each visit to the classroom has the potential to span multiple posts due to the amount of dice rolls. You can interact with other students, try to steal their concepts - whatever you'd like to play out!


You pass the class!
Syrie rolled 1 100-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-100)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:50 pm
Ahm didn't want to be there.

The last thing he felt like doing at that moment was stepping inside the ******** that was the Arts & Crafts room (though he had discovered that if he ate some of the tastier electronic bits, no one noticed). The elder Grue would have much preferred to be in his dorm room, or at the bottom of a lake...or even inside a Jacking volcano to being in class right then.

He didn't know anyone in the classroom and no matter how many times he eyeballed the instructor or snuck glitter into some other student's 'work', he couldn't dig up any enthusiasm towards actually making art. It just was not happening, he had no inspiration and no muse to work with!

So instead he just fiddled with some of the slime paint containers, sabotaged other's work and snacked on electronics, bored and annoyed.

Maybe Merry's appearance will help him with his 'muse' problem, lol!


Garbage Paladin

14,840 Points
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Beejoux rolled 1 100-sided dice: 26 Total: 26 (1-100)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:33 pm
Lucky for Ahm he would not be alone, no matter how much it appeared so for the first few minutes of class. Merry was late, but she came hurrying in at a jog, note in hand, and hastily offered it out to their teacher as a cold, stern glower was directed her way, "So sorry, I needed a quick word with Professor Selene." She paired the apology with a cheeky smile, but Braxton didn't seem at all placated. He took the note and returned to his desk without so much as a word to the chimera ghoul, and she took that as as good a sign as any and hurriedly moved to take a seat.

"Ahm~" It came as a chirp, and the grue would feel the glide of hands along his arm as she leaned into him, purring in delight at the boil's mere presence. "I told you I'd switch my schedule around." Her smile widened into a devious grin, and a dip of her head let her rub her cheek against his shoulder.

Probably she should have gotten right to work, but how could she? Distraction came in the form of glowing eyes and pointy grin. Layers, and dark skin. She put forth some effort, plucking a pencil from a cup housing many and scribbling absently over a blank piece of paper. Mindless, lazy little doodles that received a rather bored look from their professor.

maybe not! they both gotta roll again xD
Syrie rolled 1 100-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-100)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:41 am
When Merry came rushing in, Ahm was surreptitiously using his tail to dump glitter into some distracted boil's paint, as the shiny, evil material fell in, he perked up to the sound of her voice informing the (unimpressed or uncaring) professor as to why she was late.

Having the pretty chimera slide in next to him brought a smile from within Ahm's paint-and-Jack-only-knew-what-else spattered cowl. "Yes, yes you did." She was a distraction - welcomed - but even more of a distraction and although he watched her, teased at her with tail and fingers, he found no new inspiration for anything art related.

Braxton was not amused and kept shooting him what might have been meaningful looks...had he cared to register them. At least Merry was doing what she should have! Ahm figured he had time yet - inspiration would strike. It really would.



When he wasn't oogling his ghoul.

AHAHAHA OH GOD, she dropped him to a 2! It's perfect!


Garbage Paladin

14,840 Points
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Beejoux rolled 1 100-sided dice: 15 Total: 15 (1-100)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:48 pm
She tried to work, but Ahm's attentions made it difficult. More often then not her gaze strayed to him, covert little glances and knowing little smiles. The doodling amounted to nothing. In fact, the more her pencil sailed across the table, the more messy the scribbling became.

After a long glance that lasted longer than a solid minute she blinked away from Ahm and down to her paper. "Oops." This was definitely not what she should have been doing. With a soft, guilty little cough she pushed the ruined paper away and reached for a new one.

Braxton, meanwhile, was giving the pair of them stern, unhappy looks.

Omg, these two. FOCUS!
Syrie rolled 1 100-sided dice: 91 Total: 91 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:13 pm
Ahm's tail was doing interesting things to Merry's tail (and ankle) below table level, his brightly glowing eyes watching as she destroyed one sheet of paper being careless. He reached out as she swapped sheets, brushing an errant curl back behind her ear, fingers light and lingering against her skin when inspiration struck. What better subject for art than Merry? She was beautiful and certainly he appreciated her form with an, erm, artist's eye.

Oh yes.

Merry would be his muse. "Perfect." With a mischievous glint to his eyes and a smile that went from ear to ear and meant nothing but trouble, Ahm grabbed a sheet of paper. First, a sketch...then maybe -- no, definitely paint.

Had to be paint. But not the paint he'd been dumping glitter into.

Yes, paint. On canvas, since skin wasn't acceptable (he'd asked once before).

Braxton, recognizing what that look of Ahm's likely meant for the Arts & Crafts room, wisely went to make certain there were means of putting out fires and that all the more dangerous 'crafting' equipment was locked away. The deVarr boils never grinned like that unless something bad was about to happen (the whole faculty knew that by now).

ahahaha oh no...a 91...oh no...TROUBLE TIEM!


Garbage Paladin

14,840 Points
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Beejoux rolled 1 100-sided dice: 82 Total: 82 (1-100)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:51 pm
Another ruined page, and Merry grabbed it up to crush it into a little ball so she could lob it at the nearest trashcan. She was getting absolutely nothing done, and was certainly not oblivious to the narrowed eye of their teacher, but with Ahm beside her it was truly difficult to care.

Maybe sharing classes wasn't as good an idea as she'd thought.

It would be the thought that failing a class together could potentially have them separated that eventually got the Chimera to focus. She leaned in against Ahm's side, tail coiling along his and wing draped along his back, and she reached for a cup of colored pencils from the center of the table.

Syrie rolled 1 10-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-10)
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:30 pm
Once Merry's attention was focused on actually getting through the class, Ahm curtailed his wont to continuously touch her - it was one thing to goof-off when neither party really intended to work..and quite another when both seemed to have found inspiration.

With an economy of lines and movements the grue made several thumbnail-style pose sketches before eyeing them critically and picking one to turn into an actual, finalized piece. Braxton returned from securing supplies and was pleased to see the pair actually working (though perhaps pleased wasn't the word...less displeased, more like).

Ahm got up and snagged one of the larger pre-stretched canvases and an easel, ignoring a look from Braxton that plainly said the only reason he was getting away with not making his own canvas was largely due to the fact that it was below the instructor's pay-grade to deal with mouthy, debate-willing monsters like him more than was absolutely necessary.

A fact that both twins took advantage of as much as possible.

"Mmm...that's coming along real nice doll." Whilst setting up the easel and canvas - but before lightly penciling his chosen pose or getting paint - Ahm peered at the chimera's paper appreciatively. He made sure that he could work by her side, easily within touching distance, before going further and fetching paint. The canvas had a rough lay-in (pin-up style) of Merry's basic form.

He was still not sure if he could manage a 'tasteful nude' or not (nude was easy, it was the 'tasteful' part that might be problematic) but he was damned well going to try! And if either Merry or Braxton found it disagreeable, he'd just paint in some sort of covering. Creatively.

It took a combination of intimidation and flat-out chicanery, but Ahm quickly acquired the paints he wanted for the project - as well as a few nicer (read: taken from a locked supply cabinet meant for more advanced students) brushes. Once supplies were laid in, the boil re-twined his tail with Merry's and set to work, as sure with the strokes of the brush as he'd been with the pencil before.

I know technically he's passed with this, but I'm either going to draw it out myself and have him graded in another post (or two?)...ooooor I'm just gonna flavor-it-up some more~ Because Pin-up Merry is awesome...but I am lazy *whistles*


Garbage Paladin

14,840 Points
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Beejoux rolled 1 10-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-10)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:22 pm
As Ahm got to work, Merry sank into what she was doing. There were the occasional glances tossed his way, as was normal when ever she was around either of the grues--sneaking little peeks to be sure they were still there--but her attention drifted back to her work, the paper she was sketching on. More or less on her own again, save the coil of tails together, she drew long legs up to fold on her chair, wings pressing in tight against her shoulders.

Their teacher did not seem to like the picture Merry had been working on though, and after catching a critical eye, the ghoul slid it away and reached for yet another blank page.  
Beejoux rolled 1 10-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-10)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:23 pm
This, however, seemed placating. A detailed drawing of a feather, filled in with colored leads in tropical colors. She kept working on it for a long stretch of time before finally looking up to see what Ahm was up to.

He'd gotten an easel and canvas, paints and supplies, and she watched him curiously as he he worked, arms folding on the table and head cradled on top of them. "What are you painting?" She could guess. A pale figure, splashes of color. It made her smile, overly pleased, and her tail moved against his.




Wrathful Demigod


Garbage Paladin

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:47 am
Ahm glanced over at the chimera, paint spattered on his gloves and a fine brush meant for details in his teeth. "My muse, of course." He winked at her just as Braxton came by again, hissing at the grue in low tones that the image had better not be pornographic, which only served to make Ahm snicker as he lovingly rendered Merry's backside.

"It's art.' Of course it'd be art, it was of Merry - granted, he was probably a bit biased, but even before the ghoul had been theirs she'd been a work of art on hooves. Deep into the swing of things he applied brush stroke after brush stroke until the image was finalized and ready for critique and (hopefully) a passing grade.

The response he received for the Merry-centric piece went far beyond what he'd hoped: Braxton waxed poetic over it, spouting a lot of terms that he didn't care to follow -- until the phrase "This must be shown to the whole class!" came up, upon which he began preening like a peacock. The whole of Arts & Crafts class (an admittedly motley bunch that was highly uninterested in seeing anything the trickster grue had come up with) barely glanced from their own works...and then they glanced again.

And again, only it was less "glancing" and more along the lines of staring or oogling. Because oh yes, it was lovely. Vibrant. Amazing, even!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

"I told you it was art!" Ahm crowed proudly as he snaked his arm around Merry's shoulders and kissed her cheek.

I need to scan it proper, but a webcam shot works for here :V

Roll: 9 + 2 (art) = SUPER PASS YAY!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:08 pm
She murmured something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like shameless, but she was also grinning as she turned in her seat and rested her elbow on the table, chin falling into her upturned palm. Her own project was finished, it was acceptable enough for a pass, now she was interested in watching Ahm as he worked.

"I didn't know you knew how to paint." Though it wasn't surprising, both the twins were very talented, after all.

She kept her commentary to a minimum after that, letting the grue concentrate on what he was doing with only the coil of her tail around his to serve as any sort of active distraction. Usually she'd have crawled into his lap by now, sought his attention more fully, but watching the brush move across the canvas was a little hypnotic.

When he was finished, after Braxton had shown the class, Merry leaned into the arm that looped around her shoulders, returning that kiss with a nuzzle and a purr. "Beautiful work,' she cooed against his hood beside his ear, turning so she could slip her arms around his waist. It was lucky the class was dismissed about then, or all that praise the grue had just gotten might have turned to scolding for being inappropriate in class.

Taking his hand, Merry hurriedly led the boil out of the classroom. Seeking out a private corner so she could show him just how much she liked the painting.




Wrathful Demigod


Garbage Paladin

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:47 pm
Ahm had taken time to grin over his shoulder at her, "Learned how to make posters." The way he said it clearly meant that he was talking about subversive things or perhaps the sort of posters that parents, teachers and adults would not appreciate in the slightest.

He was so pleased when Merry leaned against him while his work was being praised. "Beautiful muse. Decent work." But he was a peacock, puffed up with pride and pleasure at having gotten recognized...and because Merry truly seemed to like what he'd done, which was really what counted. Merry and Nahm had to like it, the rest was icing.

The Grue followed Merry out and into a corner where they wouldn't get sent to detention (or worse) for canoodling for a bit. "Next time I'll getcha to pose for me..." Ahm murmured against her lips, gloved fingers sliding between her wings and down the line of her back, his own tail twitching in the most pleased (and predatory) manner. "Wanna head back to the dorm? Celebrate?"

I think this is probably close to being done? >_>;;;
PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:27 am
Merry flashed him a grin, and it was equal parts flattered and devious. "Anytime, handsome." If he wanted someone to model for him so he could paint, she was all to happy to volunteer.

A tip of her head, and she melted into that kiss, goosebumps rising up along her arms, making pale fur stand on end as he slid his hands beneath her wings and down the line of her back. She purred, pressing further against him, before he was pulling back to murmur a question. It took a handful a seconds to focus, but as the words sank in she was grabbing for his hand, pulling him down the hall and back towards the dorms.

I think you are right!



Wrathful Demigod

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