So...since we've finally reached an even number of official crew and vice captains, I've decided that we're due for a new system of crew. The post below will outline your responsibilities within the guild, splitting it into three separate areas, through which each duty in the guild will be outlined. There are also certain jobs that any crew member may elect to perform.

I will provide a brief summary of the powers granted by each rank below:

-- The official, final say on all matters of the guild. While the should try as hard as they can not to intervene with the work of the VCs and the crew, the captain should always be prepared to answer moderator and member questions alike regarding guild matters. Should a dispute erupt between vice captains, it is the captain's job to resolve the dispute should the two debating parties prove unable to solve the dispute themselves. During periods of moderator inactivity, the captain is also able to step in and perform the job of any other sections of the guild.

Vice Captain:
-- One of the captain's direct advice-givers and immediate second-in-command. Usually the head of one of the three areas in the guild, the Vice Captains are directly responsible for overseeing the work of the crew, double-checking their work to make sure that no hastily approved assets make it into the guild. The Vice captains are responsible for solving disputes between crew members; any dispute involving a VC, be it between a member or another crew--is to be handled by the captain.

-- The main job of a member of the crew is to judge any and all custom applications that come into the guild, be it profiles, weapons, jutsu, pets, etc. Disputes between members are able to be handled by crew members, but any dispute involving a crew member is to be handled by a VC or higher. If a crew member has a question concerning an approval, they should consult their overseeing Vice Captain for advice.


Let's then move on to the official list of Moderators, as well as their positions in the guild.

- Muffin

Area 1 [Revamps and Rebalancing]:
- Shane
--- Oliver

Area 2 [Pets, Summons, and Profiles]:
- Aaron
--- Jai

Area 3 [Custom Assets]:
- Kerron
--- Dakota

Area 4 [Maintenance and Cleaning]:
- To be designated at a later date. For now, this is a job available for all moderators
-- Jai


Other activities, such as exams and special tournaments, are to be assigned on a case-by-case basis, per the permission of the Captain and VCs.