Simple new rule to prevent people from getting stuck.

If you are in a fight or RPing with someone else in a different thread, you can still use your character so long as it's in a completely non-combative setting. You may also only timeline in threads that you [own], such as houses, or in village threads meant for commerce such as hot springs, hospitals and bars.

If you are already being attacked in a different thread and someone tries to attack your timeline post, you can redirect them to the thread where your current ongoing battle is taking place. They will be forced to either not attack you at all or do so there, assuming they have IC knowledge.

Every time you post with a character using Timeline, you need to specify in brackets at the beginning of your post that this is happening before your current situation (one that involves battle or something of the sort).

So, my post would be


Kleine walked into the bar,


If this is abused in any way, you'll lose your privilege to use the timeline rule for a period of time. And, you may receive a warning.
That's all!