Female | 15 years | 5’ 1” | 105 lbs.

The Impression That I Get | Run Around
Konohagakure | Sannin | Sealing Master | Uzumaki
Mugen Ittama | Shodo

➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒ When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, When in fear, ➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒
When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, When in doubt, ➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒
➒ ➒ ➒

Adam's confession was so light that Tsuki wasn't sure if she could consider it a confession. To be fair, she only knew of confessions from what her older siblings had told her about. On the other hand, because Adam's confession didn't carry any of the weight or excitement of a normal one, it only gave the timid kunoichi a tiny shock. It didn't frighten her as most confessions would have, not a single "Hue" was elicited from her small body.

Tsuki tested the thought in her mind, . She had to acknowledge, that Adam was very special to her. He had done what no one else in her memory had done before, make her feel at ease with him within the span of a single conversation. If she had to think on it seriously, Tsuki didn't know it yet, nor was she likely to ever realize it, but the very caution that fueled these questions were also, with the helping of her general inexperience with such matters, beginning to have her unwittingly fall headlong into her crush on Adam. Her burgeoning feelings would likely be held in place by her timid nature but in time, she would need to learn how to control and moderate such extravagant emotions.

In place of words, Tsuki averted her eyes in embarrassment for what she was about to do. She moved her hand down to her side where it found and lightly touched Adam's hand, silently asking if she could hold it. If his hand accepted, Tsuki would find just enough courage to confess herself in a voice barely above a whisper, "W-we don't know anything about each other besides our names but I-I think I like you too, but I don't know and it's… I'm scared but you're not as scary as most people, so if you don't mind…" her eyes moved back to reconnect with Adam's purple eyes and there, on her face, was an unmistakable smile. Despite all the insecurities and stutters that filled her voice, Tsuki, for once, was clearly happier than scared. They were so close, they had been for a while, but now they felt much more closer. She could hear his breathing and, if she listened hard enough, his heartbeat. It almost made her forget about the entire reason why she was at the beach.

Except, Tsuki didn't forget. Her smile faded and her eyes lowered as her thoughts returned to reality. As she recalled her own problems she realized, . She barely knew anything about him, and she had barely revealed anything about herself to him. It hadn't mattered before, where in her quest for sympathetic company, it was actually favorable for her to find someone who knew nothing about, but now she wanted to know. In turn, it was unavoidable that he would also need to know more about her.

Was honesty the best policy in this situation? Everything she had learned said no. Tsuki returned her gaze to Adam's face. Secrets were a powerful tool for any ninja. Asking and revealing scared Tsuki, but the warmth of the hand she held and the clear gaze of the eyes she studied persuaded her to try harder to make this work. She needed to stop being scared of everything anyways, and that included her worries from before. In one moment, she made two resolutions: to return to Konoha instead of running away and to trust Adam. She didn't think she could reveal everything immediately, but maybe little by little she could try. Drawn in by Adam's warmth, Tsuki rigidly leaned into him, something she had been wanting to do for a while but hadn't been willing to risk until now. Shoulders touching now, it was hard to maintain eye contact, so Tsuki's eyes returned to studying the ground as she whispered, "I live in Konoha," there it was, now she had to return to Konoha, "What about you?". She was shaking, her honest fear of rejection seeping past her brave act.
➒➒➒ Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, Run in circles, ➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒➒
Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout. Scream and shout.

Base Speed: 7
↬ no modifier
Base Strength: 6
↬ no modifier
Chakra: 250/250
↬ regenerate +10 chakra per post
↬ no modifier

Ghost Shadow: 40/40
↬ . . .

↬ Regenerates very quickly, even when outside of the demon's stages.
↬ +1 Rank Bonus to Sealing
↬ Uzumaki are capable of sealing energy from the environment around them. Meant to prolong battles and slowly debilitate their foes as they draw down their chakra with sealing techniques, the Uzumaki are the best at lasting long and using over-enlarged amounts of chakra. By activating their tattoos, they will gain a number of chakra from the environment every post (10 at sannin). This connection to nature also gives them a sense of nature; they can feel disturbances in chakra, and can greatly perceive others' chakra, though only the shift in chakra (like with technique usage), not the ebb and flow.
↬ The Uzumaki are very accurate when it comes to throwing projectiles.
↬ Fuuinjutsu can be used without without handseals at chuunin rank and above.
↬ All Fuuinjutsu can be shaped in particular ways (for example, a barrier can be shaped into a shield).
↬ Seals, scrolls and barriers can travel through organic and synthetic material
↬ Slightly enhanced perception.

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Fully/Partially Visible Tattoos
↬ Tsuki has a set of tattoos that collectively take the design of multiple wings. At each of her shoulder bones, Uzumaki sealing tattoos etched in white, almost silvery ink extend from her shoulder bones onto her arms, wrapping their skinny shape all the way down to the back of Tsuki’s hands. In the same color is a second pair of wing tattoos that start in the middle of her back, one below the left should bone and the other below the right. These tattoos circle around her waist to the front of her body, where the wing shape that that they design take a steep dip to between the legs. The width of the wings narrow on the way down to the legs and continue to narrow as they spiral down the legs much as the first set of wings spiral down the arms. Once the pair of tattoos reach the knees of the legs they are spiraling down, the seals written into the tattoos are shaped into a ring right below the knees.

↬ Fuuinjutsu technique training is halved.

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𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓶𝓲𝔃𝓾𝓽𝓸𝓾