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Dopy Grimes

Aged Millionaire

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:11 am
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Your Norms And Conventions Bore Me.

Baby's On Fire

Silence In My Presence...

In the Shinobi world there were the Kages and the Daimyos. Kages led their shinobi villages under the Daimyo's guidance and protect the country. The Daimyos rule the country as a whole. That was an absolute truth. It was the current established order of things. This did not apply for the world of the Drug Lords. In this world there were no Kages or Daimyos. There were the Red Poles. Each country had four with a fifth ex Red Pole acting as president keeping them in check. Currently there were only two poles operating in the Fire Country. Gabriel's, Family and the General's, Rogue Nation. The other two were wiped out by Gabriel and his people. They denied to join him. The Rogue Nation initially agreed to surrender to Gabriel, but after a couple of months the boy realized they were only attempting to buy time. It was about time the "Prince of Crime" had a nice talk with the General.

Gabriel was standing outside the bunker with the woman bearing a scar across her left eye. The two were silent observing the thick forests of the Fire Nation. The bunker was located on a very tall hill. The bunker was not technically underground in this sense. "What do you think, Bruna? You think I should go? Who knows. They might actually kill me this time. The General has been pretty agressive recently." He asked with his arms crossed. His eyes could see life teeming within the forest. He could see her heart beat. It was beatiful to observe life even if he had little respect for it. "You never address me that way, Gabriel. Are you actually nervous? I know you are not a coward." She replied walking towards him. "What are you doing?" He asked looking down at her. "I have a certain...Technique I can use to calm you down..." Gabe was boutta get some.

Politics in this world had no real rules set up. Yes there was a hierarchy, but the president allowed the poles to govern themselves the way they saw fit. The way it usually went was that each Red Pole took care of their own area. Gabriel caused a great disruption in the system by removing two. Now the rules were up in the air.
Gabriel was headed towards the Rogue Nation's HQ which was based in a large settlement for mercs and such people. Getting there was not dificulty at all. It was well known for what it was, but the HQ was secret. Gabriel knew how to get to it since he had been there before.

Reaching the settlement's entrance, Gabriel sighed stuffing his hands into his pocket. Men and women everywhere going back in forth in their daily routines. It always fascinated the boy how rogues were so diversified and in that diversity they found a brotherhood. "Howdy partna..." An old man sitting in a rocking chair at the settlement's entrance tipped his hat towards Gabriel. "Good evening." Gabriel responded with the politeness of a gentleman. His father made sure to force onto his sons the ways of the uper class and while it didn't fit with his new crowd of "friends" it added additional shock value for whenever someone irritated him. They never expect him to be what he really is. "You best move along buddy. These folk don't take to kindly to folk like you." He added keeping the rocking motion. Gabriel smiled. Walking up to the old man an orb would manifest hovering next to his head. "Thanks for the advice. Please shut up now." The orb flew straight through the man's brain. Gabriel hated it when people looked down upon him even if he did give off the 'spoiled rich kid' vibe.

Eyes watching him wherever he went. Did that ******** idiot tell them about me coming here? Gabriel thought to himself while pushing past people. The two agreed to meet on safe terms, but by the look of things the boy was about to get ambushed. Eventually he stopped walking. Fed up with the eyes. Someone bumped into him from behind. He immediately turned around to slap whoever it was in the face. His strength leaving the person on the ground moaning in pain. "Watch where you're going." He stated before evading someone trying to tackle him. Walking backwards he smiled at the attacker. "You dare try and touch me?" He asked pulling up his sleeves. He wouldn't let the man go unpunished. The man had a large scar across his face. Like someone tried to peel his face off, but finished half way. "You're gonna bleed, boy. You're not at home and daddy can't protect ya." Gabriel scowled. His rush gave the man little time to react. His hand finding the throat. Applying an immense pressure. "YOU DARE MOCK MEEE? YOU WORM!" Gabriel's hair was becoming messy. His clothing rustled. There was so much power built up in him it could barely contain itself in the vessle that was his body. "INSOLENT WORM!" Even his voice began to change. Deepen even. Pressure was beginning to form around the two. People had to step away. The man with the cut up face struggled to get free, but was losing oxygen and his vision was fading. "Pl...lease..." Gabriel grinned. A grin of pure enjoyment. "Does this look like the face of mercy to you, BOY?" With that said he broke the man's neck with his grip. "God dang it..." A familiar voice stood out among the crowd. "That was one of my best god dang rogues you moron!" Gabriel, still holding the limp body, looked over at the source. "Well if it isn't The General." Gabriel announced grinning. He threw the lifeless body away like it was paper. "Now. Can you tell these people that if one more eye is laid on me I will have this place decimated?" He asked. His voce still deepened. The General simply stared at him in silence. Considering his course of action. "Alright. You heard the man. He ain't bluffin'." Gabriel's presence lowered.

The General's office wasn't much different than Gabriel's other than the difference in taste for rural themed things. The man loved his head mounts. "Please...By all means take a seat." He offered gesturing towards the seat. Gabriel accepted and took a seat. "You know. You need to learn a little modesty, boy. Your daddy ever teach you respect a man in his own home?" He asked taking a seat himself in front of Gabriel. A plant standing in the middle of the two. "You suck at interior decorating." Gabriel said blankly. The General laughed. A hearty, kindfelt laugh. "You remind me of myself when I was your age, boy. Didn't have much respect either. The world, was my oyster. I can't judge you." Gabriel looked incredibly bored until the chair he sat in morphed into something, no, someone. Slamming his fist onto the table, The General yelled out. "BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF I'LL EVER LET A LITTLE PISS ANT WALK INTO MYYY HOUSE AND YELL ORDER AT MEEEE!! LOCK THIS ******** UP!" Gabriel couldn't feel anything. It was like his chakra was being sucked out from his very pores. The chair had been someone the entire time. Someone with a cobra like hold on him. Looking at the general straight in the eyes, the boy felt rage like never before build up inside of him. "GENERAL! YOU DARE DEFY ME LIKE THIS!! MARK MY WORDS! YOUR BLOOD WILL BE SPILT BY MY HANDS YOU ********!!" Then everything went black.
[The God Father Part II]

I Will Rule The Shinobi World.

1266 Words
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:54 am
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Your Norms And Conventions Bore Me.

Baby's On Fire

Silence In My Presence...

He did not catch what knocked him out. The whole situation caught him off guard honestly. Who ever it was that had been the chair was very skilled in hiding their chakra to avoid being seen by his eyes. In his state of unconsciousness, Gabriel was a child again. A little, unassuming boy neatly dressed up by his mother. He staring up at his father. Such a tall man. Always the same suit. He was telling Gabriel something, but he was so tall that the voice didn't make it to him. He had to climb up to be able to hear. Grabbing on to his father's pants the boy began his ascension until he was finally close enough to hear his father. "Do not ever let anyone tell you what your worth. If they do, you make sure to have them learn that if it repeats itself. You will exert your wrath upon them. now...WAKE UP!" His father's roar sent the little boy flying. When he hit the floor, Gabriel woke up he let out a gasp feeling the oxygen enter his body.

It was not the first time he had woken up somewhere dark. As a child attempts on the heirs life were common and a group of mercs successfully managed to kidnap him once. It didn't last for long, but the episode managed to leave a lasting fear of darkness in the boy even now that his Rinnegan has developed. Something was on restraining his hands and his chakra levels were alarming low. Any attempt to concentrate and charge his energy resulted in nothing. "********..." He mumbled. He wanted to scream, shout and just let out all of his rage, but he did not have the energy for it. The only thing he could do was wait. Wait for what ever they were going to do with him. "No ooooone knoooows..." He coughed in the middle of singing. Suddenly he wondered why he ever took his chakra for granted. "The trouble I've seeeeeeeen." More coughing ensued.

Gabriel couldn't see anything. The amount of chakra being sucked from his body was so high that his vision was being affected. With the little energy he had the boy crawled around to get a feel of the place. Cold cement foor, walls made out of the same material. All corners. No door or bars. He was in a literal cement box. The only way was up.

In the beginning it was a piece of cake waiting. Nothing out of the ordinary happens mentally. But as time goes on the darkness begins to eat at you. You start hearing and seeing things that aren't there. Repressed memories of hs time captive as a child came rushing back. He lost track of time when in reality he never actually knew what time it was. He was keeping track of how long he had been in the box. He stopped counting after five days. Hunger began to set in and thirst was unbearable. He had to think of something. Whoever had put him in there wasn't coming back and left him for dead. The waiting strategy was not going to work for much longer. "C'mooon...Think..." Exhaustion also made it hard to think and process things correctly. It also occured to him that his head had been bleeding. What ever knocked him out was no jutsu, but more of a blunt object. Maybe both. What ever was sucking his chakra could also be scrambling his brain as well. So many possibilities. Then he finally reached a solid thought process. He had a connection with Bruna. It was a shot in the dark, but he had to try.

The connection was very weak, but he somehow managed to make one. There was no etheral plane. No face to face. He could only send and barely hear what Bruna was saying. "Bruna...Listen...They got me holled up some where....." A minute of silence. A long, unsettling minute of silence. He did not know for sure whether or not if she even recieved it. Then the reply came. He could barely make out what she was saying and by the sound of it neither could she. "Gabriel?! Where the ******** are you?! I'm sending people there right NOW!" Gabriel grinned, but at the same time felt panicked. What if he was no longer in the settlement. "They have me locked somewhere. I can't use my chakra...I..." A loud noise coming from above cut him off. Light blinding him.

"Well howdy, partner!" The General's voice mocking Gabriel echoed in the now lit up box. Gabriel could feel the rage from before coming back, but still lacked the strength to fight back. He did however have the strength to say, "******** you..." The General laughed his heart out at the remark. "Well you sure are grumpy for someone that's about to be executed in front of a liiiive audience! C'mon now! Turn that frown upside down." Gabriel tried to cuss again, but once again his strength failed him. He could now see what was restraining his hands together. It was some sort of special hand cuff. The kind that blocked the user's flow of chakra, but they probably had someone else outside performing a justu on him. They sent down the same man from before that had grappled him and drained his chakra. He grabbed Gabriel and the two ascended with a rope.

He could hear them all cheering. Yelling profanity. Cussing at him. His eyes were sensitive to the light so he kept them closed. The noise, however was impossible to block out. They tied him to a cross and dragged him towards the settlement's center. People threw anything they had in hand at him. Someone threw a shuriken then stuck to his chest. His blood dripping making a trail below. They propped him up and placed a whole bunch of dry hay below. Finally, someone threw a bucket of water at Gabriel's face. Opening his eyes he tried to adjust them towards the light. The first thing he looked down upon was the smug grin on the General's face. "Howdy." Gabriel spat at him. His chakra no longer restrained he could feel his powers ressurging. Someone was trying to stop that. He could feel it, but without the cuffs they couldn't stop his chakra intake. "Howdy." He answered back. The General's smile faded into a scowl. "You know it did not have to be like this Gabriel. You could have kept to your own turf. Made a name for yourself there. But nooo. You had to be ambitious. Actually you weren't ambitious you were arrogant. Someone 'ambitious' doesn't ******** up their own people to get to the top. Doesn't exploit others! If you had taken over Red Poles from other countries I might have understood, but you wanted what WE GOT. Now it's finally caught up to you, but at the same time you shouldn't be too hard on youself. I mean how old are ya? I mean you've achieved a lot during your little run, but it's over now. Gonna have to put you down. Or..." The Rogue Nation did not like the 'or'. They wanted Gabriel to be put down for what he did to them. If The General didn't go through with it one of them would. "BURN HIM ALREADY!!"..."WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!"..."JUST DO IT!!" Shouted Shia lebouff somewhere amongst the crowd. Gabriel coughed a little. Lacking the strength to keep his head up it fell. He tried lifting it up, but the pain was excruciating. "Shut up. I swear to God you people are a bunch of savages some times. Ehm. As I was saaayin'. You can either die in this trial by fire ooor you can give up your people, your resources and Pole title. Never to come back to this lil' world of ours again. I mean from what I hear you're not poor or nothin'. You can just run along home to daddio. Act like none of this ever happened. So...What'dya say? Deal?" The General could not get a good read on Gabriel's face since he was looking towards the ground. He said something, but it was too mute for The General to comprehend. "Now, what as that, partner?" Energy began to form above the cross the tied Gabriel to. A black hole opening in the dimensional plane. "Every last one of you...Is going to die..." The General scowled before noticing the black hole forming. "What the? I thought you dried him out!?" He shouted looking at a hooded figure with his hands pointed towards Gabriel. He was the one draining the boy. "The amount of chakra going into his body is ridiculous! I can't handle it all!" The hooded chakra sucker shouted back. Gabriel grinned. "You think I would walk into this piss hole without a back up plan?" He asked as the black hole kept on growing. The boy had set up chakra recievers around the area in case something happened. "Chibaku Tensei. Mother ********." Instantly, everything around it got sucked into the hole into one dense mass. Some shinobi managed to escape, but a many got caught in it's pull and were crushed to death. The cross was pulled upward. the pressure breaking the wood releasing Gabriel. The moment he hit the ground he felt his state of weakness. He could not get up alone. After using the Chibaku Tensei everything in him was spent. Even the recievers wouldn't help now. He returned to the darkness.

[The God Father Part III]

I Will Rule The Shinobi World.

1597 Words

Dopy Grimes

Aged Millionaire

4,700 Points
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Dopy Grimes

Aged Millionaire

4,700 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:34 pm
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Your Norms And Conventions Bore Me.

Baby's On Fire

Silence In My Presence...

He was a child again. His father was scolding the boy for something. Gabriel could not recall what he did for the scolding, but he was there a might as well invest some thought into the situation. The interesting thing about these black out visions is the fact that he was always in his father's office. There was no door however. The window behind his desk showed nothing, only white. He decided to climb up using his fathers own clothing again to be able to hear his enormous father, but a sort of grenade explode against the window blowing the two away.

"C'mon! Get him out of here! Let's go! Move move!" Gabriel could hear Bruna. Opening his eyes a little bit he could see her hovering over him. She seemed to be carrying him and running. Someone else must have been holding him as well. H e could hear the explosions, the screaming and the footsteps. What had happened? Then, just as soon as his eyes opened, throwing him back into the world he sank back into darkness.

His father stared at him from the other side of the desk. He was seated.It was the first time he did not actually say something to Gabriel. The two just looked at each other in silence. Gabriel tried to speak at one point, but ever time he opened his mouth his father would slam a fist on to the desk and the entire room would tremble. Then after about ten minutes the man spoke. "Is this what you wanted for your life. Being strung up by savages? Selling vices to others? Do you know how much you sully my name each day you are out there selling drugs?!" Gabriel did not try to speak fearing the anger of his father in the childish body he currently found himself in. "You think these people care about you? You think your death has any weight on their conscious? They are using you just like you are using them! Your mother never stops crying. When ever we get word of you it is by the officials saying you killed more Drug Lords! If only you would stop there. It wouldn't be a problem. Now you have made a name for yourself. 'The Prince of Crime' what a ridiculous thing. You are not a child anymore, boy!" Gabriel's eye twitched. "Shut up." He mumbled. His father slammed his right fist on to the table and yelled causing the room to shake. "SILENCE WHEN I AM SPEAKING TO YOU, BOY!" Gabriel jumped from his seat. No longer a child and grabbed his father by the collar. "SHUT THE ******** UP, FATHER!" Just like that the world dissipated into darkness.

Gabriel woke up alone in Bruna's office. She was a medic nin and had medically equipment ready in her room in case of emergencies. The bunker had an official place for medical attention, but he assumed she would rather take care of him personally. Looking at his hands he realized how much weight 5 days with no water or food could make you lose. The lack of chakra must have added to that as well. His hand would ball into a fist as anger rushed into him again. "They dare lay their filthy hands on me." He said to himself. The air around him becoming heavy. The bed began to shake. "I will kill every last one of them!" He shouted right before, Bruna entered the room. "Oh for God's sake. Don't ******** with my office please. You can get your sweet revenge later! But right now I'm not letting YOU go anywhere. Your body is in a state of shock from being so long without chakra. Normally people would recover quickly, but since you are always so chakra heavy you're going to be in trouble for a while." Gabriel blinked a couple of times at her. Dumb founded by how she was speaking to him and at the fact that he was letting her. "Alright, mother." He sai trying to get up from the bed. The pain was unbearable. "I told you. You aren't going anywhere." Great. Fives days in captivity and when he finally leaves he's captive of Bruna. "I also have some bad news." Great. More bad news. Gabriel's week was turning out to be fabulous. "What is it now, Bruna?" Taking a seat on the bed at Gabriel's feet she sighed before telling him the news. "One Eye'd Miyazaki wants to hold a meeting. And he does not sound happy. At all." Specifying the President of the Fire Countries Red Pole's state of anger was not necessary. The simple fact of gathering was enough. "How long until the meeting?" He asked expecting the worst already. "Actually...That's the other thing...Him and The General are both on the Second Floor..." The rage came back. Except this time it gave him strength to get up and walk.

Storming up the stairs Gabriel ordered everyone to kill The General and prepare for immediate battle. The followed their shirtless and pantless leader ready to follow his orders to the death. Upon reaching the second floor he saw him. "YOU DARE STEP INTO MY HOUSE!" Gabriel shouted charging towards him. Before being tackled by a large man. Pain shooting through his body as the adrenaline settled. "AGH!" His men shouted in outrage. Their leader was being attacked in their own house. The whole notion was ludacrous. That's when "he" let out a horrifying roar. The old man bering an eye patch that was standing next to The General. "QUIET! You savages do not have any notion of formality." Said the President with a look of digust on his face. The President was a short, aging man. Dresse up in monk like attire a large scar spread across his chest. Even with old age the man boasted some seriously distinguished muscles and a presence that contradicted the age as well. Who ever tackled Gabriel pulled him up and held him from behind to look at the President and The General who had two of his best men behind him. Squirming, Gabriel tried to break free from yet another person that managed to catch him off guard with an unbreakable grip. "How dare you! Bring HIM here! This is the ultimate form of disrespect!" Then, To piss on him even more, the old Red Poles that were taken out of business walked down the the stairs. "What the ******** are those low lives doing in my ******** BUNKER?!" The old man was so fast. A jab to the stomach. A slap to the face. All to quick for Gabriel to percieve at his current state and just like that he was standing back there beside The General. "If your father denied teaching you respect. I will. Gabriel as of the last months you have amused me. I mean it. You have clawed your way to the top of our little world and managed to make a name for yourself at such a young age. Your ambition is awe inspiring, but it is time for things to go back to the way they were. From here on out you will no longer be the the head of three poles. Control of the areas will go back to their respective owners and will not be trifled with unless provocation is in play AND you will run it by me first. This is starting effective immediately. Failure to follow will lead in the execution of you and your men. I have the poles of other nations do not forget this boy. You are an ant to me. Do I make myself clear?" He asked. Gabriel wanted to spit at the man, but at the current moment things were not in his favor. For the first time in his new life, Gabriel would have to lower his head to someone else. "ANSWER ME, BOY!" Gabriel looked up without any emotion and said "Yes, sir."

After they all left, Gabriel sat in his medical bed. Thoughts swirling around in his head. Word of his out posts being taken over again. Months of work all ruined. His empire crumbling before his eyes and he had no way to stop it. Bruna walked in. Smart enough not to speak to him. She couldn't fathom what he was going through. Laying down to embrace him she kissed his arm, rubbing it after. "We're going to war, Bruna." He said. "I know." She knew all along. "Heal me. So that I may exert my wrath on these vermin. I don't want just the Poles to cooperate anymore. I will be everything including the President." Bruna his cheek and moved over to sit on top of him. Straddling her legs on to him. "I am with you. No matter what happens."

The next day, Gabriel felt his power back. Although it wasn't what it used to be it was getting there. He called a meeting with the people of his Family and had them all gather in front of him. Pacing back in forth the leader waited until the people that had helped build his empire settled down and for his thoughts to become clear and concise. "Yesterday. You all saw me lower my head down to that old man and his vermin Red Poles. I will NEVER forgive myself for disgracing you and the Family. We did not make it to where we are through politness. Modesty. Humbleness. WE CLAWED OUR WAY HERE!" A loud cheer resonated throughout the bunker. "AND NOW THEY WANT TAKE WHAT IS OURS BY RIGHT! WELL I TELL YOU THEY ARE ******** DEAD!" The crowd roared at their leader. The Sage of Suna. The Prince of Crime. The Father of The Family. "The two pip squeeks that were given their poles back. They're gutter trash. Any of you can go deal with them. We are going after the President and The General. We will make them learn that in THIS WORLD. YOU DON'T ******** WITH US!!!" The crowd roared again. Gabriel was beginning a war against very powerful foes. He knew his chances were slim, but at the same time..."No one. Disrespects my Family."

[The God Father Part IV]

I Will Rule The Shinobi World.

1703 Words
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:38 pm
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Your Norms And Conventions Bore Me.

Baby's On Fire

Silence In My Presence...

The war began by taking back his posts for starters. It wasn't something of a hassle since the old red poles had barely moved back in. The men were more than happy to kick their asses. AGAIN. Gabriel had no way of knowing how quickly word of this would spread to the President. The General was also losing his turf since Gabriel no longer had an alliance with him. Retaliation was imminent.

The Family was holding one of their traditional, 'pre-battle family dinners.' Everyone ate together and got drunk before the big day. Gabriel saw it fit to give a speech to all of his members.

"I just want you all to know. When I came up with the name, The Family it was just a name. No real meaning, but then our numbers started to grow. Our turf started to grow and I must say. I wouldn't be here without every single one of you. I-"

It all happened so fast. The walls came crumbling down people ran, screaming, but only a few made it out. In the end Gabriel was the only one that managed to survive the attack. Bruna didn't make it out. She had been behind him the whole time. Then everything came crashing down for good.

He did not exactly feel anything. He did not know quite how to. Everything had happened too quickly for him to process. Then that same familiar, Texan voice woke him up. "Howdy, partner."

The General had a whole army of his men behind himself. "Give up, Gabriel. Your people are all dead and I mean. You're powerful, but if we fought I don't think you'd fair to well. You've come along way, boy now just accept your honorable death." Gabriel was on his knees looking at the ground, but in reality nothing. His world had been taken from him in a matter of seconds. "The President is gonna come and execute you himself. If you attempt to resist however we will end you so please. Do resist." A moment of silence. The General's men were silent. Surprisingly disciplined for the savages that had cheered for his public burning. "Hahahaa....Hahaahaha....Hahahaaha!!!!" A black hole began to form in front of Gabriel. "Don't let it suck you in! Use some form of jutsu to fight against it!" The General shouted trying to protect his men. Many were taken in the techniques pull. Except this time Gabriel would not let a single soul escape. "Demonic Statue Chains." He announced as chains made out of chakra sprung from his hands onto the incoming enemies that were being sucked into the black hole. These chains spread out onto even those that were resisting it's pull stunning them and causing them all to fly towards the density point. In the end the entire army of The General had been obliterated. Gabriel left him standing to watch as his men died like he himself witnessed only minutes ago. "What in the blazes are you?" Gabriel covered his face and laughed at the man. "You are witnessing the power of a True God. Be gone vermin." The General had been stunned by the chains, but spared from the horrifying death of being crushed. Gabriel would make hs death quick.

The boy waited for the President of the Red Poles to come by the foot steps of his decimated bunker housing the corpses of all his Family members. When the President finally arrived his look of shock could not be contained. Everything and everyone. was gone. "Why hello Mr.President." Gabriel announced as a sword began to manifest in his right hand taking the shape of a DNA strand. "You insolent! YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME!" Gabriel grinned. "Noooo. It is you that dares to challenge ME!" With a swipe of the blade the entire land scape the blade was directed towards became completely decimated. This included the president. The war was over and in the end all that was left was the true King of The Fire Nation Triad.

Gabriel came a long way from leaving the village. The people who had helped him reach such a height would not be forgotten. The bunker would never be tampered with and would remain hidden for as long as Gabriel could keep it that way.

His organization was dead, but business was business. He knew how to recruit and knew where each Pole hid their stash and now that they were all dead. It was whoever got to them first. "No one knoooows. The trouble I've seeeen." Gabriel sang as he counted wads of money. Someone knocked on the door and for a second he thought Bruna would come walking in. His new second in command was a man. "What is it?" Gabriel asked impatiently. "I got some bad news, boss. Word is the Poles from other countries heard about what happened here and are gonna come to try and exploit something." Here we go again.
[The God Father Finale]

I Will Rule The Shinobi World.

827 Words

Dopy Grimes

Aged Millionaire

4,700 Points
  • Tycoon 200
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  • Wall Street 200
Hi no Kuni - Land of Fire

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