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XXXXX▇▇ ▇▇ ┈┈┈ BASICS ▇▇X

XXXXXXXX generalXinfo
Full Name: Chie
Nicknames: None
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth date: July 30, 1994
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Culture: East Asian
Religion: Free Thinker

Birth Country: Kirigakure
Country of Residence: Kirigakure
Social Class: Upper Class

Race: Asian
Alignment: Debauchery~
Personality: Chie is a stereotypical tomboy, though manages to stay feminine. She often tries to stay positive even though in the end she always becomes pessimistic, yet this still doesn't hinder her determination to win a good fight.
Take on warfare: War is something that no one should have to take part in but sometimes it's necessary
Theme song: Bloody Stream

XXXXXXXX appearance

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 157 lb's
Build: Athletic
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Pale

XXXXXXXX personalXinfo


• Steak
• Sparring
• All Things Reckless

• Weaklings (Though she does have a soft spot for people with gentle natures)
• Manipulative People

XXXXX▇▇ ▇▇ ┈┈┈ POWER ▇▇X

XXXXXXXX abilityXinfo
Class: Taijutsu
Rank: S
Nen: 300
Elements: None
Sub-Element(s): None

Bloodline: Midnight Affair
Clan: None

Speed: 10
Strength: 10


          Start with Clone, Substitution, and Transformation

          • Caltrops (Passive)
          Caltrops-objects can be created by a Midnight Brawler at will. This is one aspect that makes it clear that these techniques come from a hereditary line, or a bloodline. Caltrops can be weaved in the palms of the Midnight Brawler. These objects are generally left all around the field throughout the battle, and do not hurt or impair the Midnight Brawler, but can easily hurt and impair enemies. The caltrops are always poisoned and can easily penetrate even thick boots to stab into someone's feet. The poison can weaken the legs of the target, slowing them by 2 speed and also inflicting pain and infection; these issues will not kill you in battle, but will render you weaker and nauseous. Throughout the battle, more and more will cover the field, thus walking becomes nearly impossible without being constantly wounded. The strings are also laid around the field, connecting from tree to tree; etc. These strings can cut or bind people. Dashing quickly between trees or walls, these strings could easily rip your throat open.

          • Come to Papa D-S
          This ability unleashes a large net from the Midnight Brawler's fist, the net propelling forward and immediately paralyzing anything that so much as faintly grazes it. The net is extremely sticky to foreign objects and so will most definitely attach to them, as well.

          At higher ranks, the net grows to be massive. At S and SS rank, the net will be nearly impossible to dodge due to its massive size. It may also have multiple levels, though it will sacrifice in width if that's the case. The net can be thrown, grabbed, dragged along, etc. At A rank and beyond, the net is seeped with lethal poison; the net becomes sharp and barbed, with the poison leaking into prey. The poison kills in 4 posts at A, 2 at S, and nearly instantly at SS.

          You [always] pull the target in once you've netted them. The paralysis will last for a few seconds longer after you've managed to pull them in.

          The net increases in speed at higher ranks. At the max rank it will be about as large as throwing out a large house-sized net; at lower ranks, it will be as large as a blanket. Adds a light chaser.

          • Nen Strike D-S
          This ability is generally defensive. It augments your fists with a thick energy that will dismantle techniques of equal or lower rank for the duration of a post. This energy is also strong enough to inflict lethal wounds, but the general usage is defense. This technique will also slow down enemy techniques within a fifteen foot radius while it is active; this prevents them from being able to avoid the punch.
          This can only work on two techniques in its post, and will go on cooldown for one post longer if it destroys two. Adds a fire chaser.

          • Nen Vacuum D-S
          This ability has the same premise of Nen Strike, but instead of working as fists to dismantle techniques, it vacuums in an entire selected technique and dismantles it. This is meant to be used against techniques that are split into thousands of different projectiles. Adds an aqua chaser.

          • Super Armor D
          This is active for five posts. While it is active, a golden aura appears around the Midnight Brawler. This does not actually weaken techniques, but makes the Midnight Brawler immune to recoil, pain, flinching, or generally being moved by techniques. They'll still take the hit, but will pretty much be able to ignore its effects for the time being. Adds a shadow chaser.

          • Nen Grapple B-S
          This ability is fast and lethal. All the enemy will see is a swirl around the user in a twenty foot diameter. If the enemy manages to touch this swirl - even through a suit of armor or a defensive technique - they will be grabbed by a Nen clone that will raise them high into the skies before sending them plummeting against the ground, a massive shockwave likely breaking all of their bones if not killing them. This can also be used to grab hostile techniques and dismantle them. While grabbed, the enemy is paralyzed; the attack will go through. Adds an aqua chaser.

          • Nen Innervate B-S
          This allows you to shape and manipulate Nen to create shields, blasts, beams, images, so on and so forth; anything in the realm of reality may be done. Higher ranks equals larger and more mechanically adaptive techniques. Adds a fire chaser.

          • Phantom Pummel B-S
          This ability will send a Nen Clone forward, extremely quickly; it moves at the speed of a blur and will bash through techniques of equal or lower rank on lieu of its destination. It will continue to run at its target until it is caught or until two posts end. Regardless, once it catches its target, it will jump them, throw them against the ground, and then proceed to smash its fists against their face (or any other part of their body) for nearly a minute until the clone's grows exhausted. Defenseless enemies will certainly die from this technique.
          Phantom Pummel can only bash through one equal ranked technique on its path to the opponent. On impact with the opponent, it will act as usual; if they have a defensive technique or release an offensive technique, Phantom Pummel and that technique will destroy each other assuming they're equal ranked. Adds a light chaser.

          • Final Toss B-S
          This technique is diverse. You can grab virtually anything with it (a person, a technique, an object) and will then proceed to throw it across a vast expanse with Nen-enhanced strength. The rank will determine the distance. At A rank, the target will be thrown a kilometer . . . at SS, nearly two miles. Once the target reaches that distance, it will collide with an energy wall and face all the damage that could come with being catapulted across a country. This can also be targeted to face specific people. For example, if you grab someone's technique, you may throw it back at them (targeting them) at extreme speeds and then detonate the effect once it nears them. Or, it could collide with them and most likely kill them.

          This technique is as simple to activate as making contact with someone or something. Once that happens, they are helpless but to be thrown to the exact distance and face their collision. This cannot work on techniques of a higher rank.
          The opponent can use chakra while flying, but it will hit its final destination. Adds a fire chaser.

          • Soul Chaser A
          This ability ports you to a space exactly ten feet away from your Sworn Foe. Within the next three posts, if you decide to, you can teleport back to where you were. Adds a light chaser.

          • Nen Clone - XX S
          This technique will summon twenty Nen Clones that will chase the target at the user's speed, then proceed to explode into a burst of blue flames and highly volatile energy. SS rank defenses will protect against the blast, but will proceed to crack and dissipate shortly afterwards. Luckily, the clones tend to explode all at once and thus you can generally protect against this technique. Nen Clones may be thrown for free by Final Toss. Adds two light chasers.

          • Nen Dragon S
          The Nen Dragon is a transformation for the Midnight Brawler. It will appear as a field of white-blue energy around them, and it will offer them several abilities. It will allow them to fly, it will allow them the ability to perceive chakra as energy (decipher elements and uncover weaknesses), it will allow them to apply kinetic energy through their punches and kicks (massively increasing damage) and will also allow them to more deeply connect to Senjutsu, sensing hostile energy as well as the location of far-off people (detect escaping and concealing enemies, see through genjutsu meaning you know you're in one; doesn't mean you can Kai out). This lasts for seven posts and can be re-applied five posts after it's finished. Adds two light chasers.

          • Born to Die S
          Once per fight, the Midnight Brawler may coat themselves in thick blue energy. This is a sign to the enemy, but a sign to what?
          This makes the user completely immune to all damage for the duration of a post. This is an indefinite save from death once per fight. Adds two shadow chasers.

          • The Ninth Gate SS
          The Ninth Gate is a technique that is activated by, essentially, unlocking the filter of Nen into your body. It allows all of the Nen surrounding you to be absorbed, not simply healthy Nen or good Nen. For the duration of five posts, you will gain a purple-black energy shroud as an outline to your flesh; you'll become impervious to SS rank damage, and will also corrupt and age anything that you touch. Unfiltered Nen is similar to Natural Energy in that if an object cannot control it, or has not learned to, it will immediately transform and die. If you so much as contact an enemy in this state, the Nen will enter their body and destroy them. You will also be able to expand this purple-black field to cover you for up to fifteen feet in diameter. Anything that touches this field will begin to decay. Also, all enemies become "Sworn Enemies" for the duration of this technique, but this does not augment your stats, only Nen.

          Weapon Styles

          The Dust Eater
          Phantom Mirage

          Taijutsu Styles


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