Name: Aidee Kay Thistlewaite
Nicknames: IDK, Dee, Deedee
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Faction: Demon
Race: Avarice - Greed

Natural Ability: Greed: Likes to hoard. Great money management skills and pickpocketing abilities.

  • Fond of pretty things; gems, jewels, pretty bits of paper, foil, colored glass, etc - also anything that anyone else might consider of value, even if it really isn't of any practical use to her.
  • Collects friends.
  • Has a difficult time giving her things away - or throwing things away, for that matter.
  • Covets things that others have.
  • "One man's trash is another man's treasure" - she is a scavenger of the worst type, and it is really more of a hobby for her than anything.
  • Quiet but prideful. Thinks herself better than others, but isn't obvious or boastful about it.
  • Rarely does things to benefit others unless it will benefit herself in the process.
  • Good with money, really super frugal when it comes to spending it.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? She comes from a family of Avarice demons - her mother is a Gluttony demon and her father from a house of Pride. She is an only child, and neither parent feels equipped to raise her the way she should be; however, they want nothing but the best for her, and Amityville just happens to be what they think is best. It's a good thing that she agrees.

FEAR Ability: Swift Strikes - her claws become tipped in gold, sharpened to a point and probably eventually pretty deadly, maybe.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Black sclera, gold iris, slitted pupil (also black).
Hair Colour/Style: Gold-blonde.
Skin Colour: Deep, rich brown.
Clothing Style/Colours: Anything with rich, jewel-toned colors, lots of gold, gems, jewelry, etc. Bug-theme is awesome. Artist interpretation is fine.
Extra: She is short and thick. She has horns shaped like this particular type of stag beetle - they come forward from her forehead before bending back over her skull. These horns are constantly decorated with trinkets and pretties she finds - bits of gold, gems, pretty rocks, beads - eventually these "cases" are shed and she begins again with different pretty things - like a caddisfly larvae.
References: None, but I'm sticking with a bug-theme. Anything iridescent is awesome, I really have nothing in mind. Wings are awesome, tails are awesome, anything anyone wants to do will probably be awesome by me. I would love claws, too??