The Hunter

Name: Julius Merit Wolfe – Usually goes by Julius M. Wolfe
Nicknames: None that he’s really comfortable with.
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Category: Sun

The Weapon

Name: Saiti
Nicknames: Sai
Type of Weapon: b*****d Sword (Hand-and-a-half Sword)
Former species of weapon: Red Dragon
Gender: Female



Polite: Julius tries his best to be courteous and polite to everyone he meets. He believes in living with some level of decorum, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t slip up on occasion. If he’s upset – or just doesn’t like you – he’s going to be less than polite. He is also more apt to forget certain courtesies as he gets more comfortable with people, but if he realizes it he tends to feel really bad about it.

Introvert: Julius tends to keep to himself in most social situations. It’s not that he doesn’t like contact with other people – quite the contrary he enjoys a good conversation. It’s just that prolonged social interaction makes him tired, and then he needs some time to himself to recharge his batteries.

Honest: Julius lives by the adage that honesty is the best policy. That means he tries to avoid situations where he can’t say he did the right thing. He’s not prone to lying overly often and when he makes a commitment he generally tends to keep them.

Push-Over: Julius doesn’t like to say no to people, especially if they are asking for help. He is a huge push over and will easily get roped into things he probably shouldn’t get roped into – either because he’s too polite to decline outright – or he is too honest about having the free time. This often tends to get him overburdened with things – but he’s mostly okay with that. If someone does try to get him to do something he simply WILL NOT do – he will refuses – he does have scruples.

Soft-Spoken: Julius does not raise his voice for much, he tries to keep his tone and his volume in the lower ranges, generally giving him a very unassuming and less than imposing presence. When he does raise his voice it is important because something has finally provoked him to his breaking point – but beyond that he really isn’t the type to get in someone’ face or call someone out in public.


Aggressive: Saiti is not one to just hang back – if she sees an opening she will want to pursue it – and try to push Julius into pursuing it to. She is extremely aggressive, both in terms of combat and social situations. She is all about making the first move – and trying to keep the momentum in her favor.

Protective: Saiti does not like her territory to be messed with – and her territory consists of Julius and all of his things. She often tries to convince him to stay out of dangerous things, often acting as a voice of reason at times – but if he come under attack, she will be the first to tell him to fight to defend himself.

Hoarder: Saiti demands shinies – if it’s remotely sparkly or shiny she wants Julius to take it and stash it their room for her to marvel over. It doesn’t matter the value of the thing – it just has to be bright and shiny and glittery.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

Julius always had a feeling that he was being watched. It started when he was young – and his parents for the most part blamed it on the constant moving they had to do for his father’s job. They thought it would pass in time and that he would grow out of it.

Until he started drawing the pictures.

Monsters, ghosts, ghouls – things that no child really had any real means to be drawing.

Concerned, his parents placed him in therapy, but no amount of therapist visits or counseling seemed to fix the problem. Nothing stopped his habit of curling up in a ball in the middle of the bed – of refusing to sleep without a night light…

It definitely didn’t stop the drawings…

After a while, Julius learned how to hide his… issues. But he always knew – they weren’t alone, he was never alone.

He was ready to fight back – at the first chance he could get.

Weapon Ability

Fire Blast [CRG2] – Saiti glows brightly as flames gather along her blade, then she blasts it forward outward in front of her as Julius slashes toward the targets, causing a large AOE fire blast.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Green (#003d00)
Hair Colour/Style:Chin length curly brown hair. (#412C19)
Skin Colour: Light tan - #eac086
Clothing Style/Colours: Standard Hunter Coat with a green scarf. Underneath that he tends to wear functional clothing, mostly khaki cargo pants and open collar button down shirts. He usually wears brown-suede work boots.
Extra: None!
References: None yet!