[5/4/15, 12:42:21 AM] Mina: [3/2/2015 9:19:28 PM] Moonstone: There was a sense of loneliness to I Gave You All that he could not shake. No matter how much time he spent with his mother or his twin, it persisted down to his very core. He had believed, for a time, that he would be like his mother and uncle. One soul, two bodies, or so they said. His sister and him were not so much, and it left the acha rather wanting.

With his legs tucked beneath him, Gave glanced about the peaceful grove he had taken refuge in. There was an intrinsic part of him that longed to be with his family, and yet he thirsted for adventure. The call of both sides pulled him in two directions, and the young buck grumbled to himself.

"It's not as if adventure will simply fall upon me," Gave sighed, shaking his head. An absolutely stupid thought, if he'd ever had one.

...Maybe he should just go back to his family, after all.

[3/2/2015 9:29:42 PM] Mina: Without Gray was at a bit of a loss. She had spent the better part of her young life hiding out of sight. Rather, hiding her sight from the world. The sun had always caused her great suffering, and so her mother had her take refuge in the darkest of caves she could find. Gray didn't mind, really. The dark was kind and comforting to her. She knew all the small nooks and crannies of this cave, and the tunnels that connected it to other chambers. But she longed to see more of the swamp. Well, to explore it. She wondered if she could go out at night.

The doe had seen night. The moon was soft and inviting, but she would never get far if she had to hide from the sun. But just the other night, her mother, King's Side, had given her a present. It fit over her head and gently rested against her ears and blocked all light from her eyes. Her mother explained that it was like hers. A visor made to protect one's sight. Gray was ecstatic. With this gift, she could go out and explore the swamp and see what it had to offer! Well, not so much see as taste and smell and feel and hear.

What she hadn't counted on was how unforgiving the land was under her hooves. The earth was wet and watery, which she had expected, as her cave typically had water that came just above her hooves. But out here, the water sometimes was up to her chest, and unlike the smooth hard ground of the cave, there was soft mud, and hard knots of roots and trees that she didn't expect, making her trip and run into things. Maybe exploring wasn't such a good thing! She would go home. Yes. Back to the safe cave. She turned, and walked slowly, trying to pick her way carefully through the swamp.

After some time, she was sure she should have reached her cave. Had she ... had she gotten lost? It was still warm, and Gray felt the heat from the sun filtering through the leaves of the trees. She wouldn't be able to take the visor off to see her way home. All she could do was keep walking.

Of course, she wasn't able to see the thick knot of rushes and roots and suddenly found herself with one very stuck hoof. She tried to pull herself free, but in her struggle, which was rather desperate, she splashed about until she practically fell over with a dainty squeak of surprise.
[5/4/15, 12:42:37 AM] Mina: [3/2/2015 9:41:07 PM] Moonstone: It was practically imperceptible amongst the ambient sounds of the swamp, but in the distance, Gave heard the distinct sound of something thrashing about in the water and then emitting a noise of fear. If it was a bird, or some small animal, he would have a hassle-free meal. His ears rose as he attempted to locate the source of the noise, and Gave rose to his hooves.

Now that he thought about it, a meal sounded rather pleasant. It'd been a while since he'd last eaten, and his stomach rumbled in pleasant agreement at the thought of a bird or a hare. If something else had taken it down (a caiman, perhaps?), he could very well scare the thing away and still land himself a very pleasant meal.

Humming in delight at these thoughts, Gave approached the area where he'd heard the sound, and immediately froze in his tracks. Rather than something he could eat, there was a doe tangled in the muck. She was almost ethereal, colored as she was in contrast to the darkness of the swamp.

With unsteady hooves, the acha tread forward. Pinning his ears back in nervousness, he cleared his throat.

"M-miss? Terribly sorry, but, you seem in need of some assistance. Might I lend you a hoof?"

[3/2/2015 9:44:17 PM] Mina: Gray froze, her struggle stopped as she listened to the voice. She hadn't heard him coming, hadn't heard anyone really, but that was defiantly a voice. "I-" She found her voice to feel very small and rather unaccustomed to talking to strangers. She spoke with her mother, and her brother often, but this male was neither of them.

"I would greatly appreciate some help..." She admitted, unsure what to do.

[3/2/2015 9:52:58 PM] Moonstone: "O-of course, your ladyship!" I Gave You All chirped in reply, still rather intimidated by the doe. Nonetheless, despite her appearance, she seemed... just as frightened as he was. If not more so! Swallowing away his uncertainty, he skittered forward, circling the stranger in an attempt to locate the source of her distress. A tangle of weeds, it seemed, had a firm hold on her leg.

"I'm going to ask you to hold still, if only a moment," Gave continued, his focus now on the plants before him. Perhaps it would not be the best tasting plan he had ever devised, but...

"I'm going to attempt to chew through these weeds." With that, he leaned in and set to work, grinding the plant through his teeth as best possible. It was rather foul tasting, and a bit of a strange situation... but the lady needed his help, and he had no intent of leaving her here for something worse to find.

"Ihh yuh cuh puuh yuhsef fee, fee fruh tuh do fo!"
[5/4/15, 12:42:52 AM] Mina: [3/2/2015 10:05:52 PM] Mina: Ladyship? She had never been called that! And though she didn't know the buck, she had no real reason not to trust him when he offered his help. "Ok..." She said softly and waited when he explained what he was going to do. She was surprised that he was going to... CHEW THROUGH THE THINGS? "OH!" she exclaimed as he vanished under the water. She waited until he said something. She sort of understood what he said, and attempted to pull herself free. After a second, the plants holding her snapped and she plopped onto her butt, free of the tangle and now sitting in the warm waters of the swamp.

"Oh. I seem to be free." She stated the obvious. "Thank you! Um... what do they call you?"

[3/2/2015 10:16:37 PM] Moonstone: When I Gave You All rose from his task, he shook his head and stuck his tongue out in disgust. Dreadful! He was glad to have rescued the doe, certainly, but it did not abate his desire for a tasty bird. Seeing that she had fallen back onto her haunches, Gave cautiously did the same, and smiled a bit sheepishly.

"I Gave You All is my name, miss. Gave works just as well, if you don't wish to spit out a mouthful every time." The sheepish smile turned to a full grin, but died not a moment later with the realization the doe likely could not see him. Clearing his throat, Gave cocked his head in curiosity.

"I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like you, your ladyship." The cocked head ducked a bit, and Gave attempted to get a better look at the strange device situated over her eyes.

"You're rather bright for the swamp. I-in a good way!" He clarified, flushing a bit. "But you just have such lovely coloring, and while I don't quite understand it, your... your thing on your eyes. I like it?"

...Smooth. Completely and utterly smooth. Internally, Gave cursed himself, hating his inability to deal with does not his mother or sister.

"...That is to say, you're rather strange. In a good way!"

[3/2/2015 10:29:21 PM] Mina: "I Gave You All." She repeated his name softly, then listened as he continued speaking. "Gave." What a nice sounding name. She was smiling and maybe even blushing a little as he seemed to stumble over his words and compliment her. When he finally fell silent, she cleared her throat.

"I thank you for saving me." Her voice was light, and a little bolder now that she wasn't tangled in the swamp. "You haven't... seen another kimeti?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly. As far as she knew, the swamp was full of others like her mother and father or her and her siblings. Kimeti, correct?

"Bright?" Her only knowledge of brightness was the sun and how it hurt her eyes when it was out. "I'm sorry. I don't know how to dim myself." She said in a hurry. But he also mentioned the visor over her eyes.

"Thank you. My mother gave this to me just the other night, so I could venture out in the day. The sun is far too bright for my eyes and was causing me great distress. This blocks out everything, so... I thought to explore. I had no idea the swamp was so dangerous!"
[5/4/15, 12:43:07 AM] Mina: [3/2/2015 10:41:19 PM] Moonstone: "Oh! No, I've seen your kind before, miss. My mother is a kimeti, actually!" He chirped, puffing his chest out in pride. Despite his initial doubts with the doe, Gave found her rather easy to speak to. It may have been her softer nature, or something greater than himself. Nonetheless, he found himself utterly entranced.

The apology for her brightness threw I Gave You All for a loop. Biting his lip, he thought as to what he might've said to upset the doe. It... wasn't a bad thing, was it?

"I-I didn't mean it unkindly. I rather like how bright you are. It's a pleasant change from the murkiness of the swamp out. You're... engaging!" He added, pleased with his word choice. Yes, that sounded much better! And considerably less hurtful, however he had offended the doe.

He wilted visibly at the mention of the sun hurting her, and more so when she went on to how she could not explore. No wonder she was having such trouble!

"That's why the brightness upset you," he murmured, more to himself than his company. Realizing the rudeness of speaking to himself, Gave continued more loudly. "I'm sorry to hear of your plight, your ladyship, but it explains the... reaction, I suppose." He paused a moment, then stamped his hoof in excitement.

"Oh! There's a thought! I've... no plans of my own, really. If there's somewhere you need to be, I would be more than happy to escort you. Especially since, as you've discovered, the swamp can be a bit treacherous!"

[3/2/2015 10:55:28 PM] Mina: "Oh!" He wasn't a kimeti then? "What are you?" She asked before realizing how rude that was of her. "I mean, oh my. I'm sorry. But I've not met anyone besides my family... If you are not a kimeti, then I'm afraid I don't know what you are." She felt bad for that, but it was the truth.

"Gave, I- I didn't think you were being unkind! I just didn't want to offend you." Now that she thought about it, it had sounded foolish. She could dim herself no better then the sun could. "And... And you needn't call me Ladyship. Please, my name is Without Gray." She realized she hadn't introduced herself before this.

"Now that you mention it... having a companion in the swamp would be rather... helpful. I'd quite like someone with me, if you'd be so kind."
[5/4/15, 12:43:20 AM] Mina: [3/4/2015 2:23:31 PM] Moonstone: "I'm an acha! I'm actually... much shorter than you," Gave laughed a touch nervously, acutely aware of the size difference between himself and the doe. It wasn't that she was particularly large, by any means! Rather, he was especially lithe and small. Acha, by nature, seemed smaller than Kimeti (as he had seen with his father, and comparisons between himself and his sisters), but it nonetheless made him self-conscious.

"Well, I'm glad to hear I wasn't rude to you, then. I truly meant it as a compliment." At the request not to continue using her ladyship, Gave blinked. It would be considerably easier not to refer to her with a title if she were to give him her na--

Oh. There it was. Smiling a little sheepishly, Gave nodded with the sound of it.

"Without Gray. How absolutely lovely! It seems this swamp as yet to fail with its naming dreams, as that fits you remarkably."

At the request to be assisted, Gave sprung to his hooves.

"But of course! I offered, after all, and I would be more than happy to assist you. Whatever your destination, I have a feeling we'll be able to find it together."

[3/4/2015 2:28:19 PM] Mina: "An... Acha?" She was sure that acha lived far away in the desert. But oh! This was fantastic!" Gray smiled and slowly rose to her feet and shook herself, droplets of water flying off in all directions. Gray wished she could see what an acha looked like, but alas, she could not. At least not while the sun was out. Her smile was a little forlorn at the thought, but she tried pushing that aside.

"So what brings you to the swamp... little one?" She teased since he remarked on their size difference. Gray took a few careful steps forward, making sure not to become tangled in what lay hidden in the water as she approached Gave's voice. She couldn't even bring herself to thank him for the compliment on her name, since she was already so flustered from this strange meeting.

[3/4/2015 2:40:09 PM] Moonstone: "My family has always lived here, in the swamp. My mother and her brother- twins, like my sister and I- much prefer the environment. It lends to some of their... quirks," He mumbled the last, ears flopping a bit in disappointment. It had always been a touchy subject; his and his sister's differences from their mother and uncle. They had their pieces of themselves he seemed to be hunting so fruitlessly for, and... this pleasant encounter aside, he hadn't had much luck.

"Well, I'm hunting for something to... define myself with. A meal wouldn-- hey!" Gave was so willing to talk to the doe, he had almost missed the subtle dig at his height. Huffing in anger, he attempted to make himself seem bigger, fully well knowing that Gray could not actually see him. It still made him feel better, though.

"I'm not even THAT small," he finished lamely, pouting a bit to himself. "...But like I was saying, I'm... hunting for something. I don't know what it is, but I hope I know it when I find it."
[5/4/15, 12:43:32 AM] Mina: [3/4/2015 3:31:56 PM] Mina: "A twin, so your sister and you look the same?" Oh, now she really wished to see this acha. "Well, it's nice to know that you enjoy the swamp. I wold hate for someone to come to the swamp and loath being here. What if someone hated being wet, but could not leave the swamp?" What a dreadful life that would be.

Gray had to chuckle though, at his outburst. "I'm sorry. But you said you were smaller." She was now standing beside the slightly indignant sounding buck. Curiously, she leaned in until her nose gently brushed against his fur. She was just... trying to get a feel for who she was with as she gently brushed her nose against him. It didn't even occure to her that this might be rude. She had nuzzled her brother and mother so often like this that it seemed natural.

"I see. Hunting? For a ... meal? Oh. You're perhaps searching for a meaning to yourself?" Gray wondered if she wasn't actually doing much the same thing herself, wandering away from her cave like she had.

[3/4/2015 6:53:55 PM] Moonstone: "Yes, we do! She and I are the smallest in the lot," Gave admitted, laughing a bit sheepishly to himself. It was nice, having a camrade in smallness. They were thick as thieves, the two of them. Truly, it wasn't that he didn't love her. He did, with the whole of his heart! It was just that he needed an identity of his own. Something unique from the shared glowing eye his mother regarded them with, not understanding how they were separate souls. What he needed was definition.

Gave twitched unconsciously when the nose brushed against his fur, not ready for the touch. Still, he understood that the doe was blind. Against his skittish instincts, he held as still as he could, letting her feel of who he was. What a strange thought. Gave closed his own eyes, attempting to imagine life without his sight. The thought was just... well, impossible really.

"A meal would be nice to find along the way!" He laughed, some of the tenseness melting from his muscles. "But yes, I'm hunting for myself. My purpose, I suppose. Something to make me... well, me."

He hummed a bit to himself in thought.

"What about you?"

[3/4/2015 7:12:02 PM] Mina: She only spent a few moments nosing at Gave. Just enough to get an idea of where his shoulders stood, and to, as strange as it sounded, become familiar with his scent. She then lifted her head and dipped it to him. "So do you have lots of siblings? It sounds like it could be fun." She turned so she was standing side by side with Gave. "I have 2 brothers and a sister, but they all live elsewhere. The dark... I don't think it suits them well." She was a little sad by that, but that was her life.

"I wonder what there is to eat around here. I know that there are fish around here." Her mother would bring her some now and then. Surely she didn't go too far to find them. "And there were figs growing on the tree outside my cave." Oh, she'd like some figs about now. "What do you like?"
[5/4/15, 12:43:46 AM] Mina: [3/4/2015 7:41:13 PM] Moonstone: "I have four, five if you include me. We were a... lively clutch! Three achas, two kimeti. I'm the only boy," he boasted, proud of that fact. Then again, his being the only boy probably explained much of his character. When he wasn't in the midst of a conversation, this was something he would most certainly need to mull over. What a curious revelation!

"I'm sorry you don't see them, your l-- Gray," he corrected, flushing a bit with embarrassment. "My siblings and I are rather close, despite everything. Do you think you might want to see them?" Gave questioned, a bit of optimism springing up. That could be an adventure, finding her family! Maybe it would be the adventure he needed!

"There's plenty of fish, if you don't mind me being terrible at catching them!" This, Gave was honest on. While he liked the water, he was dreadful at hunting under its depths. Still, he would try for Without Gray.

"I, hm. I love birds, a nice hare. I've never really tried figs!" He chirped excitedly. "If we find them, we'll have to try them!"

[3/4/2015 7:48:10 PM] Mina: "Oh my. The only boy? Perhaps you would like to meet my brothers." She said kindly. "Mmmh, I'm alright with them not visiting often. I think perhaps when I get more used to the swamp, and can find my way around, I would like to visit them. Surprise them by coming out, you know?" It sounded like grand fun to her. If her siblings didn't know she could venture out in the daylight, and one day, she just drops in for a visit...

Her train of thought derailed though, thinking about a meal of fish. "Oh my, if you're no good at catching them, it doesn't need to be fish. There are lots of birds around too, and I'm sure hare and snakes too." Gray wondered how many fig trees grew in the swamp. Were there many? Or were there few? If there were few, then it would make it easy to find her way home, right? "I'd love to share some figs with you when we find my cave."

[3/6/2015 6:41:15 PM] Moonstone: "It's a bit nice, if I'm honest. Even if I'm not the biggest, it's the one thing that's entirely mine!" He chirped, realizing it himself for the first time. The thought put a swish in his tail, and Gave's mind felt less turmulous than it had been. As Without Gray continued on, wishing to visit her siblings, the smaller Acha felt himself grow excited at the prospect.

"I think meeting them would be fun! Meeting other kimeti... well, it might be part of that journey to help me figure out who I am. And surprises are always fun!" He laughed, hopping a bit in place. Really, he was bursting at he seams in excitement!

"I-I can give it a shot!" Gave protested a bit weakly, suddenly embarrassed by the admission. It wasn't only his pride, but a small part of him wanted to impress Without Gray. Not only that, but with no sight, hunting for herself would be impossible. With a nervous smile, the acha nodded along.

"Just tell me what you're in the mood for!"

[3/6/2015 7:50:31 PM] Mina: Her smile didn't waver as Gave talked. Being the only male, yes. That was something that was only his. As long as he was happy with himself, he would always have something to be proud of. "Maybe someday I will meet your family." She mused. "For I would like you to meet mine. Maybe then mother wouldn't worry so much about me. I wonder if she thinks I'm lonely?" In truth, she wasn't. She had her family, and she'd been content with that. Though now she'd made a friend in Gave... Were they friends? She really hoped so. She already rather liked him. He was... spunky.

"Oh, well, if you're up to trying for fish, I would love some. I do so love fish, honestly. It's one of my favorites. But if that doesn't work out, really, anything is fine."