Fifty years ago, a group of scientists were were conducting an experiment to test the latest attempt at perpetual energy. What they discovered would literally change the fate of the world while redefining what was and wasn't possible. Somehow, the scientists were able to tap into a then unknown and immensely powerful force. After many attempts to understand and control this force, the scientists gave it the only applicable name: Magic, due to its chaotic nature and ability to create and destroy in ways never before seen. No one could imagine the changes to come from this discovery, or the dangers that followed.

Nowadays, magic is used all over the world. It powers technology, is used in hospitals for healing, as weapons of destructions, and tools to build. However, it was several years after the discovery of Magic, that the outbreaks began. People began mutating, transforming into vicious blood thirsty monster the likes of which mankind had never seen before. These monsters killed hundreds apiece before they could be destroyed. Eventually it was discovered that using Magic released a form of byproduct now called the Mal-Contaminate. Overexposure of the Mal-Contaminate caused by overuse of Magic would result in one mutating into a monster.

We found a way to slow down the process of Mal-Contamination, but we can't stop it completely. A Curse Mark is placed on the body of a human. It grants the bearer strong protection against Mal-Contaminate, along with giving the bearer high levels of Magic power and usage. As they use their Magics, they slowly become a monster. The transformation is gradual compared to the abrupt transformation of a normal person. The process usually causes the victims to go insane, but before they can fully transform, they are killed. A fully transformed Cursed Knight is far stronger and more dangerous than regular monsters.

Those that bear the Curse Mark understand the horrors that await them, and still they protect us. And now it is your turn to join their ranks.