The mats were set out and a few early birds were already warming up. Aulus watched them variously stretching and jogging around the perimeter of the training room as he did his own stretches. "Pick it up Thunder, we're not out with the other soccer moms for a nance around the park to show off our new designer sportswear!" he called to a dawdling grunt, who promptly dawdled rather less with a 'Sorry sir!' into the bargain.

Aulus gave a snort of amusement and rolled his shoulders; the right was currently a little stiff, he wasn't quite used to the weight of his new arm yet but he was getting there. The muscles were growing accustomed to it and so was he, i.e. he actually remembered to use it for things naturally most of the time rather than starting to fumble about with just his left hand for a few moments before it occurred to him that he had two to work with now.

All in all things were looking up, it was such a relief to be able to actually teach his classes properly again. Rose had filled in very well for him but it wasn't the same or hadn't felt the same to him anyway, the class hadn't suffered for it but.... Well it was just one of those feelings things he supposed, being unable to do something you loved sucked. Thankfully however that was all in the past now; Aulus flexed the metallic black fingers and smiled a little to himself.