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She didn't think anything was wrong, she just felt a little more tired than usual. There was a sweet Kiokote hanging around that seemed to have lost his words, but she didn't mind; he was kind, helpful and seemed to be looking out for her. At first, Piece had thought that perhaps he was tending to her as a brotherly sort might. It wasn't until she noticed her stomach was a bit swollen that she thought...perhaps it was something else entirely.

Piece had never had children - at least, she didn't think she had. Her twin had never mentioned it and she was certain she'd at least have known if she'd given birth...but maybe not. The point was simply that something was different in her - different, not wrong - and she wasn't sure what to do.

So she wandered.

The Acha wandered some ways from her desert home of familiarity and the kind buck (though she suspected he was around, watching), from the plains not far off, from the cool oasis and burnt sand of her home. She wandered across the hot land 'neath hot sun, but she didn't really feel anything except for that curious, slightest sway of her stomach and a sort of focused weight that shifted with her movements. Piece was so focused on what was different in her that she had almost wandered directly into --

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"The Swamp," the mare said, standing on the very outskirts of the place mentioned. The Acha focused suddenly, startled; Ascent could see the mother-to-be was rather intent on her thoughts. "You shouldn't wander closer, sweet desert flower."

"--? Into the Swamp?" Piece asked for clarification.

"Into the Swamp," the Kiokote agreed, her voice soft and her expression a little worn. "She is the giver of life, but she does not let it go so easily."

Even the Acha could see the green-pelted female was in some sort of duress. "Are you in pain?" she queried, her tone fretting, stepping side to side on her hooves as though she longed to come closer, but would not.

"Worry not for me, little dancer." Ascent smiled, her glowing eyes still tender even with her discomfort. "I wont stay where it hurts for long."

Piece shook her head, bewildered, her long hair falling over her shoulder with the motion. "Why would you willingly subject yourself to pain?"

Ascent laughed softly under her breath. "You ask so many questions, precious one, but the answer is simple: I am here because you are." To stem the obvious question that was forming on the Acha's mouth, she added gently, "You're pregnant, little jewel, and I am here to share the MotherFather's love for you."

The Acha stared for a long moment, unblinking, before a wide smile suddenly split her stitched face. "You're -- you're one of Their children? Oh my goodness! I've heard tales, but--" she sucked in a breath as Ascent subtly shifted. It was a small thing, but she could not forget that being where she is was somehow causing her pain. "I -- I'm honored! I mean, I'm Piece, Fall to Pieces, and I'm really, really honored you'd come this far for me and mine!" So it was confirmed. She was carrying children. The awe of it crossed her delicate features, the doe bowing her head to look at her slightly wide sides. Wonder didn't begin to cover what she was feeling.

"What -- what should I do?" she finally asked, clearly uncertain how this worked. Never pregnant, so never had she had contact with a Child of the MotherFather - what was she supposed to ask for?

The Kiokote chuckled, shaking her shoulders as though in a shimmy. One petal fell from the blooms that dotted the sage fur, and as Piece watched, it tumbled onto the floor of sand and roots. As she gazed at it, a soft breeze that wasn't there before made the small pink furl dance and whisper over the blanket of gold towards her. "You may take that petal for yourself." The Kiokote didn't miss the brief flash of alarm in the Acha's face, saying, "You needn't keep it, sweet desert child. A touch will do - though it's not necessary. It is simply the act of acceptance that you are pregnant, that these good tidings may reach you, that is important."

Piece lowered her nose to the petal, humbled as it fluttered and reached out for her. Her muzzle pressed into the curl of soft pink, closing her eyes. She was pregnant. This really happened.

"We share unto you, peace, dear Piece." The Acha opened her eyes as the Kiokote spoke; the petal was gone. "Peace that your children will come and you are all loved by the MotherFather. In what you feel is absent in yourself - while incorrect, darling - they will have in spades. Every hope and wish you'd have for your first clutch, they will have. Most of all, they will be blessed with a Mother's love."

Piece breathed in sharply, a brief flicker of uncertainty touching her gaze. "Lovely one, I...I'm afraid I wont...know the face of my own children." She fell silent; she didn't know what else to say. The Acha was dimly aware of her condition, but only just; she knew that waking up where she hadn't fallen asleep with her sister meant she was missing something. She could deal with the whole 'missing something' part, but not if it was missing her children...

Ascent smiled, assuring softly, "You will never forget your kin, Piece. Even if all else escapes you, there is a bond you can be sure of. You'll know they're a piece of you, much as your name. That, you will not forget. I promise."

Blinking back a sudden wave of emotion, she flit a step or two closer to the Kiokote, then back just as quickly, wearing a proud smile and gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, I -- I don't know how to thank you..."

"It is enough that you smile, sweet one." Ascent relaxed, transparent wings forming at her back. "And perhaps...go home. Rest. You've many days ahead of you to learn what changes within you, and much of a bond to make."

The other's form began to shimmer, Piece's eyes wide with wonder. "Thank you! I -- I will! Right now!"

In the place of the Kiokote was a swan in her colors, the blooms on her feathers spreading along with her wings. I believe in you, Piece. Believe in yourself. You'll be a wondrous mother.

"Thank you," she whispered as the swan turned and flew back to the distant Swamp, her heart filled with hope. She could do this. I will do this.

I will be a mother.